Volume 52 – No. 10

Founded 1965 – our 52nd Year

June 2018


The Newsletter of the Northern Virginia Photographic Society

Editor: Alan Goldstein – Email: editor" at "nvps.org

Table of Contents

President's Message
2017-2018 Board
Monthly Program
Education and Training
    May Competition Results
    End-of-Year Banquet
Members' Gallery
Field Trips
Board of Directors
   Exhibition Opportunities
   Workshop Offerings

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Northern Virginia Alliance of Camera Clubs


9/5 Monthly Program: TBA
9/12 Education & Training: TBA
TBA Field Trips: TBA
9/19 Competition: Judging TBA
Forum: TBA
9/26 Members Gallery: TBA
NVPS is on summer hiatus. The 2018-2019 Society year will begin on Tuesday, 4 September.

Note: You can click on the above links to go directly to the article; or you can scroll through the entire newsletter. You can also print the entire newsletter. (The more that you read, the more things you will know - Dr. Seuss )

To protect our members from email spam, personal email addresses in this newsletter have "@" replaced with " at " Please remember to substitute the "@" when attempting to contact any of the people.

All meetings for the club year start at 7:30 p.m. at the Dunn Loring Fire Station. The doors open at 6:45 p.m. for a "meet and greet" with meetings on non-competition nights beginning at 7:30 p.m. Note for Competition Nights only (Third Tuesday): Competition begins at 7:15p.m. All prints must be checked in no later than 7:30 p.m. 

Although we have not had any problems for many years, do remember to lock your car and place valuables out of sight, as we should in any public parking area. Come early and visit, but when the meeting starts, PLEASE take seats immediately and silence your cell phone, pager or any other device that might make noise and distract listeners or interrupt speakers.

Please check the website and FotoFax for the club's policy on weather closings. Check WTOP www.wtop.com or Fairfax County School systems web site for closings. You can also sign up for emails or cell phone alerts: http://www.fcps.edu/news/emerg.shtml

President's Message

The 2017-2018 NVPS season saw another great year of programs, speakers, competitions, galleries, educational opportunities, forums, and field trips. 

I am still amazed that the Club can fill the calendar with interesting and informative programs week in and week out through out the season. This is due entirely to our Club members who volunteer their time to plan and implement the weekly meetings and field trips, and support the website and the Fotofax newsletter. As the Club president I got to see first hand all the effort that went it making the entire season such a great success.  I thank all of the board members and volunteers listed below for all of their tireless work to make NVPS the great institution that it is.
Willa Siegel served as VP of Programs for the fifth year in a row, Frank Napoli as VP of Operations, Stan Bysshe and Chuck Campbell as Co-VPs of Competitions, Tom Brett as Treasurer for the seventh year in a row, and Kathryn Mohrman served as our Secretary/Historian.

Kevin Egan served as our most recent past President, Ron Taylor as Education and Training Coordinator, Roger Lancaster as Exhibits Coordinator (Nature Visions) for the third year in a row, Jim McDermott as Field Trips Coordinator, Laurie Kuyk as Member’s Gallery Coordinator, Kirk Johnson as Member’s Forum Coordinator, Kacy Turner as Membership Coordinator, Alan Goldstein as Fotofax editor and NVACC Representative for the fourth year in a row, David Crooks as Website Manager, Dale Nelson as Facilities Manager for the fifth year in a row, Brian Payne supporting the Membership Database for the third year in a row, Chuck Campbell was the lead in developing our new Mentoring program, and Mike WhalenBob FriedmanWilla Friedman, and Georgette Grossman served as Special Board Members who provided invaluable insight and perspective on the operation of the Club.

Our Key Non-Board Member Volunteers were:  Jeff Hancock with Digital Projection for the eighth year in a row, Steve Steiner with Field Trips, Judy Graham with Membership, Colena Turner with the Ask Me A Question Table, Scott Musson provided support for the website for the ninth year in a row, Sid Stone and Brian Payne helped on the Tech Team, Kieulan Nguyen, Georgette Grossman, Willa Friedman, and Ginger Werz-Petrika managed the Portfolio Project, and Rebecca Colegrove assisted with Nature Visions.

I offer special thanks to Mike Whalen who was awarded the Distinguished Service Award for his wide-ranging support to the Club and it’s individual members. Thanks Mike!

I also give my best wishes to Stan Bysshe, next year’s president, and all of the 2018-2019 board members; the Club is well positioned to become even stronger next year.

Although the NVPS is on summer hiatus, I urge each of you to get out and shoot this summer, keeping in mind the competition themes for the next two years (see below)

Please share your experiences and photos on the NVPS Face book page (https://www.facebook.com/groups/NVPSPhoto/). And keep an eye out for an announcement about our upcoming summer field trip to Kenilworth Gardens (usually occurring sometime in July).

It has been an honor and a pleasure to serve as your President this year

Bill Millhouser
NVPS President 2017-2018

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Board of Directors

2018-2019 NVPS Board

Elected Board    
President Stan Bysshe president@nvps.org
VP Programs Willa Siegel programs@nvps.org
VP Operations Frank Napoli operations@nvps.org
Co-VP Competition Kevin Egan competition@nvps.org
Co-VP Competition Ron Turner competition@nvps.org
Treasurer Tom Brett treasurer@nvps.org
Secretary/Historian Kathryn Mohrman secretary@nvps.org
Appointed Board    
Past President Bill Millhouser pastpresident@nvps.org
Education & Training Coordinator Eva Lanyi education@nvps.org
Exhibits Coordinator (Nature Visions) Roger Lancaster naturevisions@nvps.org
Field Trips Coordinator Jim McDermott field-trips@nvps.org
Member’s Gallery Coordinator Judy Graham membersgallery@nvps.org
Forum Coordinator Kirk Johnson forum@nvps.org
Membership Coordinator Kacy Turner membership@nvps.org
Newsletter & NVACC Representative Sidney Stone editor@nvps.org
Website Manager David Crooks webadmin@nvps.org
Meeting Facilities Tana Ebbole facilities@nvps.org
Membership Database Brian Payne database@nvps.org
Special Board Member Mike Whalen specialboardmember@nvps.org
Special Board Member Bob Friedman specialboardmember@nvps.org
Special Board Member Willa Friedman specialboardmember@nvps.org
Special Board Member Georgette Grossman specialboardmember@nvps.org
Special Board Member Jamie Kiechlin specialboardmember@nvps.org

A full list of all current NVPS Board members and their club contact information also can be found at: http://nvps.org/home/?page_id=23


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Monthly Program

September 4th: TBA

The VP for Programs for 2018-2019 is Willa Siegel.

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Education & Training

September 11th: TBA

The Education and Training Coordinator for 2018-2019 is Eva Lanyi.

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September 18th: TBA

The Co-VPs Competition for 2018-2019 are Kevin Egan and Ron Taylor (competitions@nvps.org)

Competition Themes for 2018-2019

The American Experience: Americans at Work: For this month’s themed contest, show us your best photos of Americans at Work. This may be of a single person, or multiple people, at work. The person or persons, and the work being performed, must both be clearly evident in the photo. Let’s showcase Americans at Work by demonstrating their emotions, determination, strength and pride! Special Note: Those images that were within the standard two-year time limit in March 2018 remain eligible for this competition even if that two-year time limit has expired at the time of this themed competition.

Geometry: Images where the predominant elements are geometric shapes — circles, squares, rectangles, triangles, etc. The compositional elements may be specific [subject-based], such as a wall with a door & doorknob & windows, or implied [design-based], where the photographer searches for designs, such as rectangles, circles, etc. without concern for the names of the objects. For example, subject-based could consider a scene with land, ocean and sky, whereas, design-based could see the same scene as three rectangles of different tones and sizes.

Trains, Planes, Automobiles, and Trucks:  Images of these subjects can be of new or old trains, planes, automobiles, or trucks – from mint condition to a state of ruin. Images can be of the entire vehicle or isolated parts, such as hood ornaments. Subjects can be in motion or at rest.

NVPS Competition Themes for 2019-2020

Night Photos:  An image taken after sunset and before sunrise. The night presents an interesting set of photographic opportunities. Places active with human activity, such as city streets, country fairs, fireworks, and etc., come alive at night.  But even quiet and lonely places – cemeteries, back alleys, and moon-lit shorelines – can surprise you with what they have to offer. The absence of daylight at night will force us to ensure that we capture sufficient light by increasing the length of our exposures, by adding light (flash or light painting), or by increasing the sensitivity (ISO) of our sensors. However, be careful to maintain the feeling of darkness in the image, i.e., don’t let a too-long exposure turn your scene into daytime. Wherever you may be headed, grab your tripod, a wireless or cabled shutter release, and a friend (for assistance, company, and safety), and have fun shooting in the dark.

Low Perspective:  Placing the camera low to the ground. The idea is to change our normal shooting perspective by shooting images with our cameras close to the ground.  This will provide a great opportunity for creative shots.  Common objects can appear completely different when taken from a low perspective and can provide new compositional opportunities.  Get close and shoot up.  Back up and include foreground and foreground objects.  Get your tripod close to the ground, or free yourself from your tripod and get down low to the ground with your camera.

Through Rain, Snow, Sleet or Hail:  Get outside with your camera in bad weather!  Be sure to protect your equipment well as you venture out in bad weather to capture images in Rain, Snow, Sleet or Hail!  For those less adventurous, the image may be captured from inside a building or vehicle, etc.  However, falling rain, snow, sleet or hail must be a clearly visible and important part of the image.

May Competition Results

The full list of competition results is available on the NVPS web site at http://nvps.org

Editor's note: We like to share competition winning images on the website and include a representative winner from each category in the monthly newsletter, but we cannot do this unless the photographer specifically grants permission. When you win a ribbon in the competition, please remember to grant permission. See the note in the following section for details.

Digital - Class 1
1st Place – Joan Barker - Seashells in the Sand
2nd Place – My-Linh Tran – Tern Feeding
3rd Place – Paula Neumann – Passing Storms in Denali National Park
HM – David Tripp – Heading into the Mountains

Digital – Class 2
1st Place – Willa Siegel – Chaos: The New York Marathon
2nd Place – Eva Lanyi – Seeing the Light
3rd Place – Philip Winters – Water Tower Bornholm
HM – David Crooks – Baby Gosling

Digital – Class 3
1st Place – Judy Guenther – Listen!
2nd Place – Alan Goldstein – O. R. Patterns
3rd Place – Fran Bastress – Magnolia Gardens
HM – James Williams - Ashore

Color Prints – Class 1
1st Place – John Olsen – Going to the Sun Road at Sunset
2nd Place – Kevin Linde – A Drop in Time

Color Prints – Class 2
1st Place – Philip Winters - Cityscape
2nd Place – Ron Taylor – Staring Contest

Color Prints – Class 3
1st Place – Stan Bysshe – Sibling Rivalry
2nd Place – Wayne Guenther – Dead Sea Mug
3rd Place – Clark Barker - Balcony

Monochrome Prints – Class 1
1st Place – Len Johnson – Rock of Ages

Monochrome Prints – Class 2
No Awards

Monochrome Prints – Class 3
1st Place – Tom Brett – Working for Food
2nd Place – Kevin Egan – 1913 Mercer Raceabout
3rd Place – Stan Bysshe – Diamond in the Rough

First Place images from May:

Additional winning images are available for viewing at http://nvps.org/gallery/v/competitions/2017-2018+Competition+Winners/

Class 1 Digital
Joan Barker
Seashells in the Sand
Class 2 Digital
Willa Siegel
Chaos: The New York Marathon
Class 3 Digital
Judy Guenther
Class 1 Print
John Olsen
Going to the Sun Road at Sunset
Class 2 Print
Philip Winters
Class 3 Print
Stan Bysshe
Sibling Rivalry
Class 1 Monochrome
Len Johnson
Rock of Ages
Class 3 Monochrome
Tom Brett
Working for Food

Competition Image Use

The NVPS Website has a gallery of past Competition winning images at http://nvps.org/gallery/v/competitions/. If your image placed first, second, third or received an honorable mention in a club competition, it is eligible for this gallery.  Images are not posted automatically, you must specifically provide consent for your image to be included in the gallery.

To have your winning image included in the gallery, email competitionwinners" at "nvps.org and provide the following information:

Your name
Image Category
(digital, color print, monochrome print)
Image Class
(1, 2, or 3)
Competition Date

Digital Winners: When you upload your image for the competition, you can check the box to grant permission for it to be posted if it wins.  

Print Winners: send a digital version of your print, sized as if it were for digital competition.

The FotoFax newsletter is usually finalized during the weekend immediately following the monthly club competitions.  If your image is a first place winner and you send it in before the Friday following competition, your image will be forwarded to the editor for inclusion in FotoFaxIf you have not provided permission before that deadline, another winning entry may be used.

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End of Year Banquet 2018

Our End-of-Year Banquet was once again a wonderful celebration for all the talented photographers in NVPS. Congratulations to our members who received awards throughout the club competition year and thus qualified for the End of Year judging. The images displayed at the banquet attest to the amazing and varied photographic abilities among our members. Those who received EOY image awards and awards for their body of work over the course of the year should indeed be proud of their accomplishments.

On behalf of the club, we would like to thank Corey Hilz for his time and talent in judging the EOY images. His continued support of NVPS is greatly appreciated. The strong quality of images presented made for a difficult task.

Each year the success of the banquet is due to the behind the scenes volunteer work of many members. Thanks go to Dale Nelson and Tana Ebbole for working with the Waterford; Jeff Hancock and Mike Whalen for their audio visual expertise; Ed Funk who yearly makes sure all the trophies are ready; Alan Goldstein for his event  photojournalism, and those members who helped with the set up: Kevin Eagan, Ron Taylor, Brian Payne, Frank Napoli, John Quigley and Paula Neumann.

Special thanks to Kacy Turner who seamlessly handled the event organization in the absence of Georgette Grossman. (Of course Georgette left explicit instructions to help get all the programs, certificates etc. organized.)

Finally thanks to Bill Millhouser and Judy Graham for their tutelage in helping us not only with the banquet but throughout the competition year.

Nothing in our club occurs without the help of volunteers. Running the monthly competitions is no exception. The announcements and Sunday night image organization are thanks to Scott Musson, David Crooks and Mike Whalen. Frank Napoli arrives early to the fire hall to be sure everything is ready and Jeff Hancock along Steve Glintz, Alan Tolk and Sid Stone keep us straight with all things digital and technical. Brian Payne keeps our membership roster up to date and he along with his band of image handlers, Melanie Marts, Ron Taylor, Alan Goldstein, Bob Friedman always just show up and help. And of course, thanks to Bill Millhouser for his steady and ever-present helpful hand throughout the year.

The themes are posted for next year, the ribbons and spreadsheets have been passed to Kevin Egan and Ron Taylor, so all that is left is to wish everyone a happy and productive summer. It’s a great time of year to try something new and to expand your photographic talents.

See you in September.

Chuck Campbell, Co-VP of Competitions for 2016-2017
Stan Bysshe, Co-VP of Competitions for 2016-2017

End of Year Judge – Corey Hilz

Corey Hilz will be the End-of-Year Banquet judge . Collection of winning images (First, Second, Third, and Honorable Mention) will be collected beginning Tuesday, 24 April.)

Corey is a professional photographer specializing in nature and travel photography. He approaches subjects with an artistic eye, looking for a fresh perspective. Corey is a published author and his work is seen in magazines, books and calendars, as well as in art galleries.

Corey was our February 2016 judge, and our October 2015 Education and Training speaker.

He regularly offers software workshops as well as photo workshops and international tours. Spring/summer photo workshop locations include Longwood Gardens, the National Zoo, Maryland’s Eastern Shore, and Meadowlark Botanical Gardens. His international destinations include Cuba, Ireland, Czech Republic and Morocco.

Corey is a published author and his work is seen in magazines, books, calendars and catalogues. His photographs are also seen in exhibits and his prints are found in private collections. Corey has written six books, including two books on digital workflow and the first book dedicated to Lensbaby.

Corey has a passion for sharing his knowledge. He helps others improve their photography through group and private instruction. Corey's instruction enables photographers to improve their photographs technically and artistically.   Find out more on Corey's website: http://www.coreyhilz.com/

End of Year Results – 2018

Photographers of the Year

Class 1 Digital ............... ……………….…………...……… Len Johnson
Class 1 Color Prints …………………………………………John Olsen
Class 1 Monochrome .... ……………….…………...……… Len Johnson
Class 2 Digital .................………………………………...… Willa Siegel
Class 2 Color Prints ..... ……………………………………. Eva Lanyi
Class 2 Monochrome ……………………………………..... Ron Taylor
Class 3 Digital ................ ………………………………...… Kevin Egan
Class 3 Color Prints ………………………………...……… Stan Bysshe
Class 3 Monochrome Prints ……………...………………… Kevin Egan

Versatile Photographers of the Year

Class 1 ……………………………………………………. Len Johnson
Class 2 ………………………...………………………….. Ron Taylor
Class 3 ……………………………...…………………….. Kevin Egan

Images of the Year

Class 1 Digital
Xiaoming Shi
Before Sunset

Class 2 Digital
Philip Winters
Watertower Bornholm
Class 3 Digital
Sweet Nothings
Ginger Werz-Petricka
Class 1 Color Print
Len Johnson
Ring Juggler
Class 3 Color Print
Stan Bysshe
Sibling Rivalry
Class 2 Color Print
Laurie Kuyk
The Visitor
Class 1 Monochrome
Len Johnson
Rock of Ages
Class 2 Monochrome
Ron Taylor
Posing Sunflower
Class 3 Monochrome
Kevin Egan

Kevin Egan Wins the Ollie Fife Award

Kevin Egan is presented with the 2018 Ollie Fife award at the End-of-the-Year Banquet by last year's recipient Willa Siegel. The award was for his image Splashdown.

Oliver E. “Ollie Fife” Pfeiffer, FPSA, was born April 2, 1912, in Middleton, Mass.  He died June 14, 1996, in Alexandria, Virginia. Ollie was a Fellow of the Photographic Society of America and active in many of its activities, among which he was Photojournalism Division News Editor for many years, wrote numerous articles and lectured and presented programs at PSA meetings and conventions.

He was a member of the Northern Virginia Photographic Society and other area camera clubs in and for which he conducted programs and judged photographic competitions. For more information on Ollie, see the May 2015 issue of FotoFax.

The Ollie Fife Award was instituted by NVPS in September 1996. At that time it was awarded for the Best Slide Image of the year. Beginning in 2010-2011 it was renamed the Ollie Fife Image of the Year. The End-of-Year Banquet judge selects the winner from all images that qualify for that year’s end-of-year competition. The award is a trophy once owned by Ollie Fife and donated in his name by his daughter Pat Salamone. Winners of the award have been:

1997    Chuck Veatch
1998    Sherwin Kaplan
1999    Sherwin Kaplan
2000    Sherwin Kaplan
2001    Ed Funk
2002    Ed Funk
2003    Drew Smith
2004    Ralph Edwards
2005    Tom Brett
2006    Chuck Bress
2007    Amie Tannenbaum

2008    Amie Tannenbaum
2009    Amie Tannenbaum
2010   Tom Brett
2011    Sam Schaen
2012    Vivian Luu
2013    Beth Morris
2014    Mike Whalen
2015    George Karamarkovich
2016    Willa Siegel
2017    Laurie Kuyk
2018    Kevin Egan

Ollie Fife Image of the Year

Kevin Egan

Eleven members were promoted to the next higher class due to the number of points they obtained during monthly competitions. These are: From Class 1 to Class 2 - Len Johnson, Joan Barker, John Olsen, My-Linh Tran, and Paula Neumann. From Class 2 to Class 3 -Willa Siegel, David L. Crooks, Eva Lanyi, Laurie Kuyk, Ron Taylor, and Jim McDermott. Congratulations.

Mike Whalen Awarded the Distinguished Service Award

President Bill Millhouser presents the Distinguished Service Award to Mike Whalen at the Society's End-of-Year Banquet.

Mike Whalen was presented with the Distinguished Service Award by Society President Bill Millhouser at the End-of-Year Banquet 31 May. The Distinguished Service Award was created in 2010 to honor volunteers who make significant contributions in service to NVPS. Granting the award is optional and at the discretion of the president.

The NVPS is run by, and thrives on the efforts of its volunteers. Earning the Distinguished Service Award requires sustained commitment beyond that normally expected in the performance of NVPS duties while acting in an elected or appointed position.
Since joining the Society in 2010, Mike has served as the Web Site manager (2011-2012), Vice President for Competitions (2012-2013), Society President (2013-2014), Field Trips Coordinator (2014-2015) and continues to serve this year as a Special Board member.

In serving in these positions, Mike has shown a strong and unwavering commitment to serve the Society as a whole, as well as our individual members. Mike has provided significant advancement of the members’ photographic skills through his image processing training sessions, anonymous critiques,  and assistance to individual members both at Society meetings, and in one-on-one mentoring in private sessions.
Mike has provided exceptional support to ensure the effective operation of the Society by mentoring volunteers so they can effectively fulfill their roles, by methodical working  to fill gaps in volunteer coverage to ensure that essential Society functions are maintained, and by providing technically sound and practical advice regarding issues affecting the club.

Finally, Mike donates his time regularly, as a pet photographer for the Fairfax County Animal Shelter and, volunteers as an event photographer for the National Ovarian Cancer Coalition’s annual race-walk.

As a teen, Mike learned a few photography basics from his father, a photographer and artist. In 2002, Mike became interested in photography and purchased his first digital camera - a Kodak “point-and-shoot”. However, it wasn’t until 2006, when he purchased a basic Canon DSLR, that he began to see the potential of this “new” technology.

In 2009, Mike joined NVPS. Here, he met many talented people, happy to share their photographic knowledge. This was another turning point. At NVPS, he served on many board positions including President in 2013. From competing in many NVPS competitions, he received numerous annual awards including, “Photographer-of-the-Year”, “Color-Print-of-the-Year” and “Image-of-the-Year” at various times. In recent years, he also scored three cover shots on the Spring editions of Washington Gardener Magazine.

He has also won “People’s Choice” award in 2016 for his photo, Charleston Plantation at the annual Nature Visions photo expo.

NVPS Past Presidents at the 2017-2018 End-of-Year Banquet

Past Presidents of the Northern Virginia Photographic Society stand for a portrait at the Society's End-of-Year Banquet. From left, Kevin Egan (2016-2017), Tom Brett (2008-2009), Bill Millhouser (2017-2018), Mike Whalen (2013-2014), Bob Friedman (2011-2012), Willa Friedman (2012-2013), Craig Wineman (1989-1990), Ed Funk (1991-1992), Jim Steele (1976-1977), Georgette Grossman (2014-2015) and Fred Siskind (1988-1989).

Past Presidents of NVPS

1965-1966...........SiI Horwitz
1966-1967...........Ken Murray
1967-1968...........Harry White
1968-1969...........Bob Crosby
1969-1970...........Lars Janson
1970-1971...........NeweII Terry
1971-1972...........John Attinello
1972-1973...........Royal Burkhardt
1973-1974...........Alan Isicson
1974-1975...........Bill Hezlep
1975-1976...........Tom Hady
1976-1977...........Jim Steele
1977-1978...........Joe Stroske
1978-1979...........E. W. Gregory
1979-1980...........Kathy Steele
1980-1981...........Glen Ohrmund
1981-1982........... Bill Valencourt
1982-1983...........Dave Naley
1984-1985...........Erwin Siegel
1983-1984...........Esta Gladstone
1985-1986...........Brice Harbert
1986-1987 ..........Dave Carter
1987-1988...........Gretchen Kolsrud
1988-1989...........Fred Siskind
1989-1990...........Craig Wineman
1990-1991...........Sherwin Kaplan
199l-1992-...........Ed Funk
1992-1993...........Zanne Tillman
1993-1994...........Josh Taylor
1994-1995...........Carolyn O'Connor
1995-1996...........Andy Klein
1996-1997...........Jim Wood
1997-1997 ..........Katrina Marsh 
                             (Sep to Oct 1997)
1997-1998...........Janis Higdon
                             (Nov to Jun 1998)
1998-1999...........Frank Mertes
1999-2000...........Wayne Wolfersberger
2000-2001 .......... Chuck Veatch
2001-2002 .......... Joe Miller
2002-2003 ...........Janis Boyce
2003-2004 ...........Mary Ann Setton
2004-2005 ...........Carl Zelman
2005-2006 .......... Ralph Edwards
2006-2007 ...........Sam Schaen
2007-2008 .......... Scott Musson
2008-2009 .......... Tom Brett
2009-2010 ...........Sandi Croan
2010-2011 .......... Sandi Croan
2011-2012 .......... Bob Friedman
2012-2013 .......... Willa Friedman
2013-2014 .......... Mike Whalen
2014-2015 .......... Georgette                              Grossman
2015-2016 .......... Jamie Kiechlin
2016-2017 .......... Kevin Egan
2017-2018 .......... Bill Millhouser


More images from the 2017-2018 End-of-Year Banquet
Photos by Alan P. Goldstein

Tana Ebbole, Tom Brett, and Paula Neumann check in members and guests.

Membership coordinator Kacy Turner lays out awards as incoming president Stan Bysshe chats with his wife Sandy.

Membership coordinator Kacy Turner chats with incoming vice-president for Competition Kevin Egan as Ron Taylor looks on.

Membership Coordinator Kacy Turner chats with Education and Training Coordinator Ron Taylor and Past President Kevin Egan.

Eva Lanyi examines prints that have won at monthly competitions.

Len Johnson, John Quigley, and Ellis Rosenberg have a discussion, probably about photography.

Bob and Willa Friedman, Judy McGuire, and Willa and
David Siegel share a table.

The Society's stalwart projectionist Jeff Hancock prepares the images for display

Past President Georgette Grossman chats with Vice-
President for Operations Frank Napoli and Past President Mike Whalen.

President Bill Millhouser, incoming President Stan Bysshe, Sandy Bysshe, Marty Post, Fran Millhouser, and Judy Graham chat at the NVPS's End-of-Year Banquet.

Brian Payne and and Tom Pratuch chat with the ladies.

Chuck Campbell.

More discussions.

Viewing the year's monochrome winners.

John Olsen views the year's winning prints.

Bill Millhouser, Marty Post, and Fran Millhouser share a chuckle.

The Northern Virginia Photographic Society's End-of-Year Banquet at the Waterford at Fair Oaks.

Past President Craig Wineman (1989-1990), center, at his table.

Sid Stone, incoming editor of FotoFax, and Mike Whalen.

Jeff Hancock checks his phone.

Kieulan Nguyen gets some cake from the dessert table.

Willa Friedman speaks with End-of-Year judge Corey Hilz.

Outgoing president Bill Millhouser opens the awards portion of the program.

Stan Bysshe, in his role as Co-Vice President of Competition, makes a few remarks prior to presenting the End-of-Year judge Corey Hilz with a gift from the Society.

End-of-Year judge Corey Hilz speaks about the high quality of the images that were eligible for the End-of-Year judging.

Kacy Turner and Chuck Campbell prepare the awards for presentation.

Len Johnson receives the Photographer of the Year award in the Class 1 Digital category.

John Olsen receives the Photographer of the Year award in the Class 1 Color Print category

Len Johnson receives the Photographer of the Year award in the Class 1 Monochrome category.

Willa Siegel receives the Photographer of the Year award in the Class 2 Digital category.

Eva Lanyi receives the Photographer of the Year award in the Class 2 Color Prints category.

Ron Taylor receives the Photographer of the Year award in the Class 2 Monochrome category.

Kevin Egan receives the Photographer of the Year award in the Class 3 Digital category.

Chuck Campbell and Stan Bysshe trade the microphone so Chuck could announce Stan as the Photographer of the Year in the Class 3 Color Print category.

Kevin Egan receives the Photographer of the Year award in the Class 3 Monochrome category.

Len Johnson receives the Class 1 Versatile Photographer of the Year award.

Ron Taylor receives the Class 2 Versatile Photographer of the Year award.

Kevin Egan receives the Class 3 Versatile Photographer of the Year award.

Last year's winner of the Ollie Fife Award for Image of the Year Willa Siegel holds the trophy as Stan Bysshe announces this year's recipient.

Mike Whalen addresses the audience at the Northern Virginia Photographic Society's End-of-Year Banquet after being presented with the Distinguished Service Award.

Incoming Society President Stan Bysshe congratulates outgoing president Bill Millhouser on a successful program year.

Outgoing President Bill Millhouser listens as Past President Jim Steele (1976-1977) reads the citation for the Sil Horowitz Award given to outgoing presidents at the conclusion of their service.

Outgoing President Bill Millhouser, Past President Jim Steele (1976-1977), and incoming President Stan Bysshe following the presentation of the Sil Horowitz Award given to outgoing presidents at the conclusion of their service.

The gavel passed. Incoming President Stan Bysshe makes remarks at the conclusion of the Northern Virginia Photographic Society's End-of-Year Banquet for the 2017-2018 season.

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Portfolio Project

The Chair for the Portfolio Project for 2018-2019 is Ginger Werz-Petricka.

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September 26th: TBA

The Forum Coordinator for 2018-2019 is Kirk Johnson.

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Members Gallery

September 26th: TBA

The Member's Gallery Coordinator for this 2018-2019 is Judy Graham.

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Field Trips

Field Trips — TBA

The Field Trips Coordinator for 2018-2019 is Jim McDermott

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Join Us for Nature Visions 2018

As we finish off the photo club year and enter into summer, a reminder from Nature Visions that the uploading of images for consideration in the photo exhibit at the expo begins August 13. You will find instructions and other information on the Nature Visions website at www.naturevsions.org.

Every image that is submitted is subject to a panel review prior to judging to ensure that all rules for the image are being followed . If you submit an image between August 13 and Sept. 14 which is turned down in the review, you will have an opportunity to resubmit. However, photographers who submit between Sept. 14 and Sept. 21 and have the image rejected will not have the opportunity to resubmit. The final deadline for uploading images is Sept. 21.

Judging of images takes place from Sept. 25 to Oct. 7. The announcement of images accepted for the exhibit will be made Oct. 12. If your image is accepted, you will have until Oct. 27 to prepare your image for display (printing and matting.)  The expo itself will be held once more at the George Mason University Hylton Center in Manassas from Nov. 2 through 4, 2018.

For more information or if you have questions, don’t hesitate to contact Roger Lancaster at roger@thelancasters.us.

So now go out and get those great summer shots – and submit your best ones to Nature Visions!


Roger Lancaster,
President, Nature Visions, and NVPS Rep to NV

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Membership information for the 2018-2019 Society Year

There are a few good reasons to pay your NVPS dues earlier rather than later!

All Nature Visions submissions (Nature and Fine Art) are digital submissions. To be eligible to enter images you must be a club member in good standing, i.e., be current in your membership dues. To make sure you qualify, Roger Lancaster will compare our list of paid members against the submissions he receives. So please pay your dues before you submit to Nature Visions.

In past years we have given members who compete in monthly competitions a grace period to pay their dues. For those competing in the September 2017 competition, the grace period will end October 1. Please note that awards/points received in the September competition will be removed for members who have not paid their dues by October 1.
Early payment identifies you as an active member of NVPS and allows us to better serve your needs.

Class of Membership: Dues:
Individual   $55.00
Family   $75.00
Student         $20.00

There are three forms of payment. Checks and cash are preferred by NVPS:

Questions, please email membership at membership@nvps.org.
We look forward to seeing you at future meetings!

Stay Connected with NVPS

Email: If you are not already receiving NVPS emails, there are two ways you can sign up to join the list. Click on the following link and sign up by entering your name and email address. Click on join the list. http://nvps.org/home/?page_id=31. Or you may stop by the Membership desk at the next meeting and they will be happy to assist you. It's important to note, you will receive an "opt-in" email from nvps.org. If you do not receive it, check your spam folder. Please respond to this email within 72 hours or the verification link will expire.

Facebook: If you are on Facebook, please join the NVPS private group. Search on Northern Virginia Photographic Society Social Group and request to join. Members post everything from their photos to interesting articles on photography to requests for recommendations. You will find the group informative and fun!

Laurie Kuyk
Membership Coordinator

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Notice: The information about workshops and events not sponsored by or affiliated with NVPS are provided as an informational courtesy to Members. Individuals should review the detailed rules and conditions for contests and gallery shows to determine what impact entering an image has on the photographer's rights and ownership of the submitted images. Review the descriptions of workshops to see whether participation in a particular workshop would actually meet your personal learning goals. NVPS attempts to screen events for legitimacy and quality; however NVPS does not recommend these events and cannot assume responsibility for their ultimate quality. We recommend due diligence and encourage you to share your experience with other club members.

Exhibition/Contest Opportunities

Announcements of exhibitions or contests are provided for information purposes only. There is no actual or implied endorsement by the Northern Virginia Photographic Society.

The Northern Virginia Review

The Northern Virginia Review presents outstanding original fiction, poetry, essays, fine art and photography from the Mid-Atlantic region and the faculty, staff, and alumni of Northern Virginia Community College. It is published in a handsome print edition each March. The Northern Virginia Review considers previously unpublished short fiction, non-fiction, poetry, photography, and artwork. They welcome all work that comes from the heart and speaks to our common humanity. They recommend viewing previous samples of published prose, poetry, and visual art in their current and past issues.If you would like to submit work, please send it as an email attachment to rstewart@nvcc.edu. Submissions will be accepted through the end of the day on October 30. Please review the guidelines at the following link before submitting: https://blogs.nvcc.edu/tnvr/submissions/

National Geographic Young Early Career Grant
Close on July 10, 2018

Early Career Grants are designed to offer less experienced individuals an opportunity to lead a project. Grants are typically funded for between $5,000 and US $10,000.

There is no maximum age limit for Early Career Grant applicants. However, applicants must be at least 18 years old at the time of application submission. Applicants are not required to have an advanced degree. Anyone with more than five years of professional experience in the field of their project focus does not qualify for an Early Career Grant and should apply for an Exploration Grant instead.

If you have previously received an Early Career Grant or a Young Explorers Grant from National Geographic, you may submit a new proposal after you have closed your previous grant record.

Future deadlines will occur on a quarterly basis.

For more information, please see https://www.nationalgeographic.org/grants/eligibility

16th Annual Smithsonian.com Photo Contest
Grand Prize: $2,500

The 16th Annual Photo Contest is now open for submissions.
The following six contest categories are drawn from subjects of special interest to Smithsonian.com:

1. Natural World: Animals, plants and landscapes; geological or climatological features; and scientific processes and endeavors.
2. Travel: Locales, peoples or activities in the United States and abroad that convey a sense of place.
3. People: Portraits and photos of groups or individuals.
4. The American Experience: Events, objects or activities connecting the American people to their history or their cultural heritage; photographs that tell us what it means to be an American and provide a sense of what it is like to live in this country.
5. Altered Images: Photographs manipulated for artistic purposes by applying digital and/or traditional special effects (i.e., colorizing, toning, collage, photo composites, HDR, etc.).
6. Mobile: Any photograph taken with a mobile device (phone or tablet).

To be eligible for any category, a photograph must have been shot by the entrant since January 1, 2016.


The Sweat of Their Face: Portraying American Workers
Now to September 3, 2018

National Portrait Gallery, 8th and F Streets NW, Washington, D.C.

“The Sweat of Their Face” combines art and social history with representations of American laborers across genres and centuries of art. Artists such as Winslow Homer, Dorothea Lange, Elizabeth Catlett and Lewis Hine depict laborers throughout the changing landscape of America; from child and slave laborers to miners, railway and steel workers, to the modern gradual disappearance of the worker. Approximately 75 objects in all media (including video) highlight a point of connection between the artists and their predominately anonymous subjects.

This exhibition will feature loans from such notable institutions as the Smithsonian American Art Museum, The Metropolitan Museum of Art, The J. Paul Getty Museum, The Phillips Collection and The Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, among others.

This exhibition is curated by Portrait Gallery Curator of Painting and Sculpture Dorothy Moss and Historian Emeritus, David C. Ward. An accompanying catalogue will feature essays from both curators, as well as British art historian John Fagg.

Diane Arbus: A Box of Ten Photographs
Now to January 21, 2019

Smithsonian, 8th and F Streets N.W., Washington, D.C.

In late 1969, Diane Arbus began to work on a portfolio. At the time of her death in 1971, she had completed the printing for eight known sets of A box of ten photographs, of a planned edition of fifty, only four of which she sold during her lifetime. Two were purchased by photographer Richard Avedon; another by artist Jasper Johns. A fourth was purchased by Bea Feitler, art director at Harper's Bazaar, for whom Arbus added an eleventh photograph.

This exhibition traces the history of A Box of Ten Photographs between 1969 and 1973, using the set that Arbus assembled for Feitler, which was acquired by SAAM in 1986. The story is a crucial one because it was the portfolio that established the foundation for Arbus's posthumous career, ushering in photography's acceptance to the realm of "serious" art. After his encounter with Arbus and the portfolio, Philip Leider, then editor in chief of Artforum and a photography skeptic, admitted, “With Diane Arbus, one could find oneself interested in photography or not, but one could no longer... deny its status as art... . What changed everything was the portfolio itself.”

In May 1971, Arbus was the first photographer to be featured in Artforum, which also showcased her work on its cover. In June 1972, the portfolio was sent to Venice, where Arbus was the first photographer included in a Biennale, at that time the premiere international showcase for contemporary artists. SAAM organized the American contribution to the Biennale that year, thereby playing an important early role in Arbus's legacy. 

John Jacob, the McEvoy Family Curator for Photography at SAAM, organized the exhibition. The forthcoming catalogue, copublished with the Aperture Foundation, features an in-depth essay by Jacob that presents new and compelling scholarship correcting errors by Arbus's biographers and adding significant detail to the period between her death and the 1972 posthumous retrospective at Museum of Modern Art.

Lincoln's Contemporaries
Now to May 19, 2019

National Portrait Gallery, Eighth and F Streets NW, Washington, D C.

Who were Abraham Lincoln’s contemporaries? They included many fascinating people beyond the politicians and military leaders of the Civil War. This exhibition features Mathew Brady’s portraits of twenty celebrities — from showman P.T. Barnum and inventor Samuel Morse to musician Teresa Carreño and clergyman Henry Ward Beecher—who reflect the diversity of American intellectual and cultural life during Lincoln’s presidency.

Daguerreotypes: Five Decades of Collecting
June 15, 2018 to June 2, 2019

National Portrait Gallery, Eighth and F Streets NW, Washington, D.C.

The 2018 installation of the Daguerreian Gallery celebrates the National Portrait Gallery's golden anniversary by highlighting fifty years of daguerreotype collecting by the museum. Included will be portraits of such iconic figures as activist and reformer Dorothea Dix, entrepreneur and showman P. T. Barnum with Tom Thumb, Seneca Chief Governor Blacksnake, U.S. Navy Commodore Matthew C. Perry, and artist Alfred Waud. This exhibition is curated by Portrait Gallery Senior Curator of Photographs, Ann Shumard.

Gordon Parks: The New Tide, Early Work 1940–1950
November 4, 2018 to February 18, 2019

National Gallery of Art, 4th and Constitution Avenue NW, Washington, D.C.

During the 1940s American photographer Gordon Parks (1912–2006) grew from a self-taught photographer making portraits and documenting everyday life in Saint Paul and Chicago to a visionary professional shooting for Ebony, Vogue, Fortune, and Life. For the first time, the formative decade of Parks’ 60-year career is the focus of an exhibition, which brings together 120 photographs and ephemera — including magazines, books, letters, and family pictures. The exhibition will illustrate how Parks’ early experiences at the Farm Security Administration, Office of War Information, and Standard Oil (New Jersey) as well as his close relationships with Roy Stryker, Langston Hughes, Richard Wright, and Ralph Ellison, helped shape his groundbreaking style. A fully illustrated catalog, with extensive new research and previously unpublished images, will accompany the exhibition.

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Workshop Offerings

Speakers and competition judges for NVPS are offered the opportunity to have notices about up-coming tours and workshops in FotoFax for two years after the date of their NVPS program.

John Barclay

John Barclay was our May Program speaker and was our speaker in February 2017. John is an award wining freelance photographer based in Bucks County, Pa.  John’s work has been published in a number of books and magazines and is treasured by a number of private collectors.  Recently, John was the recipient of an excellence award from B&W Magazine and was chosen by Dewitt Jones to participate in his www.healingimages.org program. You can see his work and view his workshop schedule at www.barclayphoto.com

E. David Luria

A member of the Society of Photographic Education, E. David Luria is founder and director of the Washington Photo Safari, through which he and his team of eleven professional photographers have trained over 32,000 clients on 4,700 photo safaris since 1999 in the techniques of travel and architectural photography. Washington Photo Safari is offering more than 25 technical skills initiatives this year.  For more information on their various offerings, check their web site at www.WashingtonPhotoSafari.com 

Denise Silva

Denise Silva has often judged and been a presenter at NVPS. She and Don Rosenberg operate Road Runner Photography Tours. For information on their latest tours and workshops, please visit their web site at http://roadrunnerphotographytours.com/

Nikhil Bahl Photography Workshops

Nikhil Bahl was our End-of-Year judge for 2016-2017 as well as Program Speaker in November 2015 and November 2016. He offers a variety of workshops and coaching events. For more details with his latest workshop updates, visit: www.NikhilBahl.com

Alan DeFelice

Alan DeFelice was the April 2018 judge. He is a professional photographer who has done raptor photo workshops at Nature Visions. For several years Alan has been a partner with Virginia Digital Photo Safaris. Learn more at: http://www.virginiaphotosafari.com

Corey Hilz

Corey Hilz was our February 2016 judge, and our October 2015 Education and Training speaker. He was this year's End-of-Year Banquet judge. He regularly offers software workshops as well as photo workshops and international tours. Spring/summer photo workshop locations include Longwood Gardens, the National Zoo, Maryland’s Eastern Shore, and Meadowlark Botanical Gardens. His international destinations include Cuba, Ireland, Czech Republic and Morocco. Full schedule of events is listed at: http://www.coreyhilz.com

Joshua Taylor, Jr.

Joshua Taylor is a past NVPS president and was our January 2018 judge. His goal in photography is to help you create, capture and refine your vision. Josh is offering fall photography workshops and classes, including Canon camera classes. For a complete listing and registration, visit his website: joshuataylorphotography.com

Roy Sewall

Roy Sewall was our Judge in February 2018 and was our Program speaker in May 2017. Roy offers both private and group instruction to novice and intermediate photographers, and in 2014 became an instructor for the Capital Photography Center. Find out more on Roy's website: http://www.roysewallphotography.com/iWeb/Home.html

David Blecman

David Blecman, a member of the Professional Photographers of America, is an internationally recognized photographer and instructor, having taught in over a dozen countries to photographers, models, and makeup artists. He was our judge in October 2015 and April 2017 and a Program speaker in April 2016. David's website: http://posneg.com/

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Spudz Microfiber in Flip Pouch

The club has a supply of Spudz.  Great for cleaning your lens and camera. These are a large size, 10x10 inches, and are emblazoned with the club logo!  Don't be fooled by other cheaper models.  These are in the flip pouch. I will be selling them at club meetings for the amazing price of $10/each or $20 for two. See Bob Friedman


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Northern Virginia Alliance of Camera Clubs (NVACC)

The Northern Virginia Alliance of Camera Clubs (NVACC) is an informal entity started in 1997 by Joseph Miller with the assistance of Dave Carter and Ed Funk. Its purpose is to promote communication and cooperation among area camera clubs. NVACC is made up of Member Clubs and Associated Member Clubs.

NVACC publishes a calendar of area member club events that can be found at http://www.nvacc.org/Calendars.html

NVACC has a free, downloadable series of 25 guidebooks for photographers, which provide information about nearby areas that camera clubs might wish to visit. See their booklets at:

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Editor's Notes

This issue of FotoFax is my last as editor. As such, I have felt that, as a photographic society, the newsletter should contain as many images as pertinent.

Alan Goldstein
FotoFax Editor

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Copyright 2018 by the Northern Virginia Photographic Society and its Contributors. The contents of this FotoFax are copyrighted. No material herein may be reproduced in any manner without the written permission of the Editor or the material's contributor. All photographs are copyrighted by the photographers who have granted permission for NVPS to use their image in FotoFax and/or on the NVPS website, but otherwise retain all rights to their image.