Volume 52 – No. 10 |
Founded 1965 – our 52nd Year |
June 2017 |

The Newsletter of the Northern Virginia Photographic Society |
Editor: Alan Goldstein – Email: editor" at "nvps.org |
Note: You can click on the above links to go directly to the article; or you can scroll through the entire newsletter. You can also print the entire newsletter. (The more that you read, the more things you will know - Dr. Seuss )
To protect our members from email spam, personal email addresses in this newsletter have "@" replaced with " at " Please remember to substitute the "@" when attempting to contact any of the people.
All meetings for the club year start at 7:30 p.m. at the Dunn Loring Fire Station. The doors open at 6:45 p.m. for a "meet and greet" with meetings on non-competition nights beginning at 7:30 p.m. Note for Competition Nights only (Third Tuesday): Competition begins at 7:15p.m. All prints must be checked in no later than 7:30 p.m.
Although we have not had any problems for many years, do remember to lock your car and place valuables out of sight, as we should in any public parking area. Come early and visit, but when the meeting starts, PLEASE take seats immediately and silence your cell phone, pager or any other device that might make noise and distract listeners or interrupt speakers.
Please check the website and FotoFax for the club's policy on weather closings. Check WTOP www.wtop.com or Fairfax County School systems web site for closings. You can also sign up for emails or cell phone alerts: http://www.fcps.edu/news/emerg.shtml
It has been a great year at NVPS during our 2016-2017 season. We’ve had great programs, speakers, competitions, galleries, educational opportunities, forums, and field trips. One thing that is important to point out is that our organization is a volunteer organization. All those involved with the NVPS board, and with running the organization throughout the year, give of their time and talents freely to support all of us, the members. It has been wonderful to work with the many talented and dedicated volunteers this past year, and to see how they have all worked so diligently to make the year a success.
Not only has it been a pleasure to work with the board members and other volunteers, but it has been a pleasure to serve with every member of the club. As your president this past year, I have always placed the desires and needs of the club membership at the forefront. Your participation in NVPS is what truly makes this group flourish.
I cannot say enough about those who have served on the board this past year. I am grateful for those who stepped forward and took up the slack created when I was diagnosed with cancer. The board kept things moving and I don’t think the group missed a step! I give my personal thanks to each one of you.
Willa Siegel served as VP of Programs, Alan Tolk as VP of Operations, Bill Millhouser and Judy Graham as VPs of Competitions, Tom Brett as Treasurer, and Kathryn Mohrman served as our Secretary/Historian.
Jamie Kiechlin served as our most recent past President, Chuck Campbell as Education and Training Coordinator, Roger Lancaster as Exhibits Coordinator (Nature Visions), Stan Bysshe as Field Trips Coordinator, Ron Taylor as Member’s Gallery Coordinator, Kirk Johnson as Member’s Forum Coordinator, Patty Healy as Membership Coordinator, Alan Goldstein as Newsletter and NVACC Representative, Sam Schaen as Website Manager, Dale Nelson as Facilities Manager, and Mike Whalen, Bob Friedman, Willa Friedman, and Georgette Grossman served as Special Board Members.
Our Non-Board Member Key Volunteer were: Jim McDermott with Field Trips, Paula Neumann with Membership, Joy Brathwaite with Membership (the Ask Me A Question Table), Steve Glintz with the Website and Digital Projection, Jeff Hancock with Digital Projection, Bill Corbett and Dennis Govoni with the Portfolio Project, Frank Napoli with the Tech Team, Tom Bickerton with the Tech Team, and Brian Payne with the Membership Database.
I also give my best wishes to Bill Millhouser, next year’s president, and all of the new board members, and wholeheartedly throw my support behind you all. I know you will all serve to the best of your abilities.
I urge each of you to “get out and shoot” this summer and to consider sharing your experiences and photos on the NVPS Facebook page.
I will miss seeing you on Tuesday nights, yet I look forward to seeing all of you again as we begin our new year in September.
It has been an honor and a pleasure to serve this year! Thank you for your belief in me.
Kevin Egan
NVPS President 2016-2017
Monthly Program
September 5th: TBA
The VP for Programs for 2017-2018 is Willa Siegel.
Education & Training
September 12th: TBA
The Education and Training Coordinator for 2017-2018 is Ron Taylor.
September 19th: TBA
The Co-VPs Competition for 2017-2018 are Chuck Campbell and Stan Bysshe (competitions@nvps.org)
Changes in the Rules of Competition, effective September 2017
Separation of Classes in Monochrome Judging. Classes of competition remain the same. That is, Class 1, Class 2, and Class 3. However, the current Competition Category “Monochrome” will be split into 3 separate classes, in the same manner as the color print and digital image categories.
Restrictions in the number of submissions by an individual. Members competing in any Class (1, 2, and 3) may only enter a maximum of two (2) images in any of the three competition categories. That is, you may enter one image in the Digital Images category and one image in Color Prints category, or, one image in Color Prints category and one image in the Monochrome category, or, one image in the Monochrome category and one image in the Digital Images category. You may not submit two images in the same competition category.
Competition Themes for 2017-2018
Note: The Board reaffirmed that there will be three themed competitions per program year, but there will be no theme competitions in the months of December, January, and February.
The themes for 2017-2018 are:
- Faceless Self Portrait:
This is not your normal selfie. Be creative and express your identity by taking a photo of yourself without your face.
- The American Experience –Americans at Work:
For this month's themed contest, show us your best photos of Americans at Work. This may be of a single person, or multiple people, at work. The person or persons and the work being performed must both be clearly evident in the photo. Let’s showcase Americans at Work by demonstrating their emotions, determination, strength and pride!
- Visible Emotions:
Some of the most powerful photographs are those that have captured emotions. Photographs that have impact and tell a story, show individuals with visible emotions. For this theme, photograph a person that shows us clearly visible emotions. This could be happiness, surprise, anger, sadness, excitement, pride, fear or disgust.
Competition Themes for 2018-2019
- Geometry:
Images where the predominant elements are geometric shapes — circles, squares, rectangles, triangles, etc. The compositional elements may be specific [subject-based], such as a wall with a door and doorknob and windows, or implied [design-based], where the photographer searches for designs, such as rectangles, circles, etc. without concern for the names of the objects. For example, subject-based could consider a scene with land, ocean and sky, whereas, design-based could see the same scene as three rectangles of different tones and sizes.
- Reflections:
Images which include reflections in water, buildings, mirrors, glass or any other reflective material.
- Trains, Planes, Automobiles, and Trucks:
Images of these subjects can be of new or old ones—ones in mint condition or in a state of ruin. Photos can be of the entire vehicle or parts, such as hood ornaments. Subjects can be in motion or at rest.
Editor's note: We like to share competition winning images on the website and include a representative winner from each category in the monthly newsletter, but we cannot do this unless the photographer specifically grants permission. When you win a ribbon in the competition, please remember to grant permission. See the note in the following section for details.
May Competition Results The full list of competition results is available on the NVPS web site at http://nvps.org
Digital - Class 1
1st Place - Kacy Elizabeth Turner - Electric
2nd Place - Laurie Kuyk - Blue and Yellow
3rd Place- Mary Paula Neumann - Awash with Color
HM – Kieulan Nguyen - Tender Touch
Digital – Class 2
1st Place - George Karamarkovich - Seawall Bike Ride at Sunset
2nd Place - Karol Murray - Silhouette
3rd Place - Barry Dunn - Calder
HM - Bill Millhouser - Color Wheel
Digital – Class 3
1st Place – Jim Williams - The Light
2nd Place - Alan P Goldstein - Cathedral Colorama
3rd Place – Kieu-hanh Vu - Get Messy with Colors
HM – Fran Bastress - Byway Through Canola
HM - Stan Mercer Bysshe - Cautious Snooze
Color Prints – Class 1
1st Place - Len Johnson - Tie Dye Dresses
2nd Place - Kathryn Mohrman - Pink Pillars
3rd Place - Willa Siegel - Springtime
Color Prints – Class 2
1st Place – Lynn Cates - Renwick Window Exhibit
2nd Place - Clark L Barker - Reflections
Color Prints – Class 3
1st Place - Roger Lancaster - Amish Washday
2nd Place - Georgette Grossman - Dill Works
3rd Place - Judy McGuire - Kaleidoscope
Monochrome Prints
1st Place - Jim Williams - Heineken
2nd Place - Willa Siegel - Tulip in Blue
3rd Place - Kathryn Mohrman - Moroccan Woman
HM - Lynn Cates - Springtime in Washington
HM - Roger Lancaster - Vintage Henry House
HM - Ron Taylor - Smoke Stacks
HM - Stan Mercer Bysshe - Hawk Portrait
First Place images from May:
Additional winning images are available for viewing at http://nvps.org/gallery/v/competitions/2016-2017_Competition_Winners/
Class 1 Digital
Kacy Elizabeth Turner
Class 3 Digital
Jim Williams
The Light
Class 2 Digital
George Karamarkovich
Seawall Bike Ride at Sunset
Class 1 Print
Len Johnson
Tie Dye Dresses
Class 2 Print
Lynn Cates
Renwick Window Exhibit
Class 3 Print
Roger Lancaster
Amish Washday
Jim Williams
End of Year Banquet 2017
We want to congratulate all the club members who received Annual awards based on their submissions throughout the year, as well as the winners of our NVPS End-of-Year Competition! The quality of prints and digital images presented this year were wonderful and highlight the very talented photographers we are proud to say are NVPS members.
We also would like to thank our End-of-Year Competition judge –Nikhil Bahl - who took time out of his busy schedule to judge the many amazing images, and attend the banquet.
We, along with all who attended our banquet, would like to express our special thanks to all those who volunteered throughout the year and at the banquet itself. During the year we had help from, Melanie Marts, Brian Payne, Bob Friedman, Ron Taylor, and Alan Goldstein, and others to help gather up the prints, and pass them through the light box each month. Also, a big thanks to our tech team and others who supported each competition night by collecting the digital images, creating the galleries, setting up the light-box and other equipment, and running the show: Jeff Hancock, Scott Munson, Sam Schaen, Alan Tolk, and Steve Glintz.
For the banquet night itself, there are many who deserve a roaring round of applause, Dale Nelson for arranging the venue; Alan Tolk, Brian Payne, Dale Nelson, Alan Tolk, Jeff Hancock, and Stan Bysshe for helping with the setup and implementation. Mike Whalen for providing the sound system, Ed Funk (a dedicated former Club member) for ensuring the trophies and plaques were completed on time. Alan Goldstein for serving as the official photographer of the evening. We are forever indebted to Georgette Grossman for all the work of organizing the event, creating the certificates, creating the program, and too many other things to mention! And of course thanks to our out-going president, Kevin Egan, for his leadership and unflagging support in guiding every aspect of the event. It was a wonderful evening with great atmosphere, great food, and great friends. So many people put forth truly exemplary efforts to run the wonderful organization that is NVPS. Thanks to all members who have participated in any way this last year, because without you, NVPS would not exist!
We wish everyone a safe and successful summer of shooting! Get out there, create some great photographic art which makes your heart happy, while keeping in mind the three competition themes for next year (see below). We look forward to seeing you in the fall and another year of competitions!
Bill Millhouser, Co-VP of Competitions for 2016-2017
Judy Graham, Co-VP of Competitions for 2016-2017
End of Year Judge – Nikhil Bahl
Nikhil Bahl is a full time professional photographer, author, educator and environmentalist residing in the Washington, D.C,. area. Drawing continuous inspiration from nature, Nikhil adopts novel approaches and seeks meaningful interpretations: to create photographs that transcend the commonplace,reflect deeper insights, and convey an enchantment of the subject’s beauty.
An offshoot of Nikhil’s fine art photography and love of nature is his documentation of wildlife behaviors and habitats. As a volunteer with the National Park Service and U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service, his goal is to portray environmental stories with an artistic appeal, so his photographs educate and motivate about the imperative of conservation.
Each year Nikhil leads numerous photography tours and instructional workshops in the United States and abroad. His teaching encourages participants to advance beyond ordinary photos and develop their own style and vision. Nikhil is a popular speaker at photography clubs, expos and industry events. He authored the acclaimed ebook, Creative Interpretations and writes articles on the creative and technical aspects of photography. His work can be viewed at www.nikhilbahl.com.
Nikhil's work has been published in a number of print and electronic media and his fine art prints have been widely exhibited in the Washington metropolitan area, and are part of many private collections. Current photo gear includes the Nikon D4 and D810 camera bodies and a variety of lenses.
End of Year Results – 2017
Photographers of the Year
Class 1 Digital ............... ……………….…………...……… Kacy Elizabeth Turner
Class 1 Color Prints …………………………………………Kathryn Mohrman
Class 2 Digital .................………………………………...… Lynn Cates
Class 2 Color Prints ..... ……………………………………. Clark Barker
Class 3 Digital ................ ………………………………...… Wayne Gunther
Class 3 Color Prints ………………………………...……… Bill Corbett
Monochrome Prints ………………………………………… Stan Bysshe
Versatile Photographers of the Year
Class 1 ……………………………………………………. Kathryn Mohrman
Class 2 ………………………...………………………….. Lynn Cates
Class 3 ……………………………...…………………….. Stan Bysshe
Images of the Year
Digital Images of the Year |
Prints of The Year |
Class 1 – Blue and Yellow - Laurie Kuyk |
Class 1 – Palace at Versailles - Kathryn Mohrman |
Class 2 – Silhouette - Karol Murray |
Class 2 – Torres del Paine - Clark Barker |
Class 3 – Flags of Our Fathers - Mark Chen |
Class 3 – Harlequin Pair - Stan Bysshe |
Monochrome Print of the Year |
Early Morning Catch- Bill Millhouser |
Class 1 Digital Laurie Kuyk
Blue and Yellow
Class 2 Digital
Karol Murray
Class 3 Digital
Mark Chen
Flags of Our Fathers
Class 1 Print
Kathryn Mohrman
Palace at Versailles
Class 2 Print
Clark Barker
Torres del Paine
Bill Millhouser
Early Morning Catch
Class 3 Print
Stan Bysshe
Harlequin Pair
Laurie Kuyk, winner of the Ollie Fife Award
Laurie Kuyk was awarded the 2017 Ollie Fife award at the End-of-the-Year Banquet June 2 for her image Blue and Yellow.
Oliver E. “Ollie Fife” Pfeiffer, FPSA, was born April 2, 1912, in Middleton, Mass. He died June 14, 1996, in Alexandria, Virginia. Ollie was a Fellow of the Photographic Society of America and active in many of its activities, among which he was Photojournalism Division News Editor for many years, wrote numerous articles and lectured and presented programs at PSA meetings and conventions.
He was a member of the Northern Virginia Photographic Society and other area camera clubs in and for which he conducted programs and judged photographic competitions. For more information on Ollie, see the May 2015 issue of FotoFax.
The Ollie Fife Award was instituted by NVPS in September 1996. At that time it was awarded for the Best Slide Image of the year. Beginning in 2010-2011 it was renamed the Ollie Fife Image of the Year. The End-of-Year Banquet judge selects the winner from all images that qualify for that year’s end-of-year competition. The award is a trophy once owned by Ollie Fife and donated in his name by his daughter Pat Salamone. Winners of the award have been:
1997 Chuck Veatch
1998 Sherwin Kaplan
1999 Sherwin Kaplan
2000 Sherwin Kaplan
2001 Ed Funk
2002 Ed Funk
2003 Drew Smith
2004 Ralph Edwards
2005 Tom Brett
2006 Chuck Bress
2007 Amie Tannenbaum |
2008 Amie Tannenbaum
2009 Amie Tannenbaum
2010 Tom Brett
2011 Sam Schaen
2012 Vivian Luu
2013 Beth Morris
2014 Mike Whalen
2015 George Karamarkovich
2016 Willa Siegel
2017 Laurie Kuyk |
Ollie Fife Image of the Year
Ollie Fife Image of the Year
Laurie Kuyk
Blue and Yellow
Willa Friedman presented with Joe Atchison Award for Outstanding Service to NVPS
This year the Joe Atchison Award has been awarded to Willa Friedman. This award was first given in 1998, and has been awarded 12 times over the past 19 years. Dr. Joe Atchison was a member of NVPS for many years and made many contributions to the club. After Joe passed away, the club decided to find a meaningful way to honor those contributions. A committee was created to study the matter and recommended the establishment of a “service award to go to an individual who has performed outstanding service to the club over a period of many years.” This was the creation of the Joe Atchison Award, the highest honor given by NVPS.
To be considered for this honor, an NVPS member must meet the following criteria, among others:
The recipient must have been a member of NVPS for at least 12 years, with 12 years of active service in the club. The service must include positions critical to the fulfillment of the NVPS mission. President, Vice President of Competitions, Vice President of Programs, and Workshop and Field Trip Chairs (Coordinators) are particularly critical because of their educational natures.
Willa has been an active member of NVPS since 2004. She has served as NVPS President, Secretary, Vice President of Competitions, and Field Trip Coordinator. She has done workshops, galleries, forums, and programs, along with providing matting instructions many times, running the Self Improvement Program over the course of several years, volunteered at Nature Visions since its beginning, and Meadowlark before it, served as the NVPS representative to Meadowlark, and she has served in many other ways over the years. She is always willing to help others and is truly an asset to our club. The nominating committee pointed out that “when something needs to be done, Willa comes through!”
Whatever she does at NVPS, she does it with all her heart. She leads by example, and always urges others to give back to NVPS. Her service to NVPS, and to its members, shows that Willa always has the best interest of NVPS at heart.

Bob Friedman accepts the Joe Atchison Award for Outstanding Service, presented to his wife Willa, at the Northern Virginia Photographic Society's End-of-Year banquet. The Waterford at Fair Oaks, 12025 Lee Jackson Highway, Fairfax, Va. 2 June 2017
Fifteen members were promoted to the next higher class due to the number of points they gained during competitions. These are: From Class 1 to Class 2 - Jerri McDermott, Kacy Elizabeth Turner, Kathryn Mohrman, Kieulan Nguyen, Laurie Kuyk, Ron Petricka, Ron Taylor, Tracy Sarang, and Willa Siegel. From Class 2 to Class 3 -Barry Dunn, Bill Millhouser, Clark Barker, George Karamarkovich, Karol Murray, and Lynn Cates. Congratulations.
Images from the 2016-2017 End-of-Year Banquet

Paula Neumann, Kacy Turner, and Tom Brett man the check-in table for the banquet. |

Bill Vanderpool chats with other members at the banquet. |

Judy McGuire, right, chats with Fran Bastress and her husband. |

Jim McDermott chats with Dale Nelson. |

Colena Turner visits with a guest. |

John Quigley explains something to Georgette Grossman and her husband as Frank Napoli listens in. |

Willa Seigel and her husband, and Karol Murray. |

Tom Schwab and Tom Pratuch. |

Jeff Hancock in his familiar role as projectionist. |

Stan Bysshe, End of Year judge Nikhil Bahl, Judy Graham, and incoming president Bill Millhouser and his wife Fran |

Bob Friedman, John Quigley, and Ron Turner. |

Kieu-hanh Vu |

Kieulan Nguyen receives the Second Place award in the Class 1 Digital Images category for her winning image "Grand Central Terminal." |

Karol Murray receives the Image of the Year award in the Class 2 Digital Images category for her winning image "Silhouette" |

Clark Barker is awarded the Image of the Year in the Class 2 Print category for his winning image "Torres del Paine." |

Bill Millhouser is awarded the Image of the Year in the Monochrome Prints category for his winning image "Early Morning Catch." |

Kacy Turner is awarded Photographer of the Year in the Class 1 Digital category. |

Clark Barker is awarded Photographer of the Year in the Class 2 Print category. |

Stan Bysshe is awarded the Class 3 Versatile Photographer of the Year. |

End-of-Year judge Nikhil Bahl explains his reasons for selecting the Image of the Year. |

Incoming president Bill Millhouser, right, presents the Sil Horwitz Outgoing President's Award to Kevin Egan. |
Competition Image Use
The NVPS Website has a gallery of past Competition winning images at http://nvps.org/gallery/v/competitions/.
If your image placed first, second, third
or received an honorable mention in a club competition, it is eligible for this gallery. Images are not posted automatically, you must specifically provide consent for your
image to be included in the gallery.
To have your winning image included in the gallery, email competitionwinners" at "nvps.org and
provide the following information:
Your name
Image Category (digital, color print, monochrome print)
Image Class (1, 2, or 3)
Competition Date
Digital Winners: When you upload your image for the competition, you can check the box to grant permission for it to be posted if it wins.
Print Winners: send a digital version of your print, sized as if it were
for digital competition.
The FotoFax newsletter is usually finalized during the weekend
immediately following the monthly club competitions. If your image is a
first place winner and you send it in before the Friday following competition,
your image will be forwarded to the editor for inclusion in FotoFax. If you have not provided permission before that deadline, another winning entry may be used.

Portfolio Project
The Chair for the Portfolio Project for 2017-2018 is Kieu Lan Nguyen.
September 26th: TBA
The Forum Coordinator for 2017-2018 is Kirk Johnson.
Members Gallery
September 26th: TBA
The Member's Gallery Coordinator for this 2017-2018 is Laurie Kuyk.
Field Trips
Field Trips — TBA
Field Trip Coordinators for 2016-2017 are Jim McDermott and Gerri McDermott
Board of Directors
2017-2018 NVPS Board |
Elected Board |
President |
Bill Millhouser |
president@nvps.org |
VP Programs |
Willa Siegel |
programs@nvps.org |
VP Operations |
Frank Napoli |
operations@nvps.org |
Co-VP Competition |
Chuck Campbell |
competition@nvps.org |
Co-VP Competition |
Stan Bysshe |
competition@nvps.org |
Treasurer |
Tom Brett |
treasurer@nvps.org |
Secretary/Historian |
Kathryn Mohrman |
secretary@nvps.org |
Appointed Board |
Past President |
Kevin Egan |
pastpresident@nvps.org |
Education & Training Coordinator |
Ron Taylor |
education@nvps.org |
Exhibits Coordinator (Nature Visions) |
Roger Lancaster |
naturevisions@nvps.org |
Field Trips Coordinator |
Jim McDermott |
field-trips@nvps.org |
Member’s Gallery Coordinator |
Laurie Kuyk |
membersgallery@nvps.org |
Forum Coordinator |
Kirk Johnson |
forum@nvps.org |
Membership Coordinator |
Kacy Turner |
membership@nvps.org |
Newsletter & NVACC Representative |
Alan Goldstein |
editor@nvps.org |
Website Manager |
David Crooks |
webadmin@nvps.org |
Meeting Facilities |
Dale Nelson |
facilities@nvps.org |
Special Board Member |
Mike Whalen |
specialboardmember@nvps.org |
Special Board Member |
Bob Friedman |
specialboardmember@nvps.org |
Special Board Member |
Willa Friedman |
specialboardmember@nvps.org |
Special Board Member |
Georgette Grossman |
specialboardmember@nvps.org |
Special Board Member |
Jamie Kiechlin |
specialboardmember@nvps.org |
A full list of all current NVPS Board members and their club contact information also can be found at: http://nvps.org/home/?page_id=23
Join Us for Nature Visions 2017
The 2017 Nature Visions Photo Expo is scheduled for November 3rd through 5th at the Hylton Center for the Performing Arts on the George Mason University- Manassas campus. Online ticket sales begin on August 1, 2017. Be on the lookout for an email providing discounts later this summer and then head over to www.naturevisions.org to sign up.
Student Competition Reminder.
The student competition has been a growing part of Nature Visions the last few years, and we’re expecting great things this year! Submission of images for this competition opened May 15th and runs through May 31st. Please help to remind any high school students you to get in their images.
New at Nature Visions This Year.
We are pleased to announce two new features to Nature Visions this year. In addition to the always popular raptor photo shoots, we are going to offer a parrot photo shoot. Also, in response to numerous requests, we are going to offer a portfolio/images critique. You will be able to bring your images and spend some one on one time with one of our many speakers and workshop leaders to review your images. Look for both of these opportunities when you sign up this year.
Competition Rules Update and Schedule.
There have been some changes to the competition rules this year, especially as they apply to the use of textures. The bottom line is that you cannot use textures produced by, or purchased from, somebody else — such as Topaz Textures. You can only use textures that you have produced yourself. For more information check out the website at www.naturevisions.org/theexhbits/expo-submissions/.
The schedule for image entry an submission is as follows:
August 14th: Image upload begins.
September 15th: Deadline for submission of images that will be reviewed and allowed to resubmit if image is declined
September 22nd: Deadline for submission of images. (Images submitted after Sept. 15 and before Sept. 22 will be reviewed but if declined, the submitter will not be able to resubmit.)
October 13th: Announcement of accepted images.
October 14th- 28th: Collection of prints at club meetings.
Keynote Speakers.
We have two great keynote speakers for this year’s expo. Matt Klowskoski is a nationally renowned photographer who has well-known expertise with Photoshop and Lightroom. His all-day workshop “Landscape Photography Masterclass” will be held on Friday, November 3rd. In this lecture he will cover some of the inspirational aspects of landscape and outdoor photography along with a discussion about light and some of the best ways to capture certain landscapes. His Saturday session , “Removing Distractions from Photos,” will look at tips and tricks for removing distracting elements from images and which tools work best for the job.
Our second keynote speaker will be Melissa Groo, a nationally renowned photography, conservationist, and ethicist. Her photographs have been published in numerous books and magazine, including Smithsonian, Audubon, National Wildlife, Living Bird and Conservationist Magazine. Melissa will speak on her journey into wildlife photography, sharing basic tips as well as pointers on ethical photography of wildlife, throughout touching on the power of photography to affect conservation.
Stay Up to Date.
Nature Visions is building a large following on Facebook and Instagram. Keep up to date at these social media sites, in addition to the website, on the latest news, updates and offerings. For more specific information, feel free to contact Roger Lancaster at roger.lancaster@naturevisions.org
Roger Lancaster,
President, Nature Visions, and
NVPS Rep to NV
Membership information for the 2017-2018 Society Year
There are a few good reasons to pay your NVPS dues earlier rather than later!
All Nature Visions submissions (Nature and Fine Art) are digital submissions. To be eligible to enter images you must be a club member in good standing, i.e., be current in your membership dues. To make sure you qualify, Roger Lancaster will compare our list of paid members against the submissions he receives. So please pay your dues before you submit to Nature Visions.
In past years we have given members who compete in monthly competitions a grace period to pay their dues. For those competing in the September 2017 competition, the grace period will end October 1. Please note that awards/points received in the September competition will be removed for members who have not paid their dues by October 1.
Early payment identifies you as an active member of NVPS and allows us to better serve your needs.
Class of Membership: |
Dues: |
Individual |
$55.00 |
Family |
$75.00 |
Student |
$20.00 |
There are three forms of payment. Checks and cash are preferred by NVPS:
Questions, please email membership at membership@nvps.org.
We look forward to seeing you at future meetings!
Stay Connected with NVPS
Email: If you are not already receiving NVPS emails, there are two ways you can sign up to join the list. Click on the following link and sign up by entering your name and email address. Click on join the list. http://nvps.org/home/?page_id=31. Or you may stop by the Membership desk at the next meeting and they will be happy to assist you. It's important to note, you will receive an "opt-in" email from nvps.org. If you do not receive it, check your spam folder. Please respond to this email within 72 hours or the verification link will expire.
Facebook: If you are on Facebook, please join the NVPS private group. Search on Northern Virginia Photographic Society Social Group and request to join. Members post everything from their photos to interesting articles on photography to requests for recommendations. You will find the group informative and fun!
Judy Graham
Membership Coordinator
Notice: The information about workshops and
events not sponsored by or affiliated with NVPS are
provided as an informational courtesy to Members. Individuals should review the detailed
rules and conditions for contests and gallery shows to determine what impact entering an image has on the photographer's
rights and ownership of the submitted images. Review the descriptions of
workshops to see whether participation in a particular workshop would actually meet your personal
learning goals. NVPS attempts to screen events for legitimacy and quality;
however NVPS does not recommend these events and cannot assume responsibility
for their ultimate quality. We recommend due diligence and encourage you to
share your experience with other club members.
Exhibition Opportunities
Announcements of exhibitions or contests are provided for information purposes only. There is no actual or implied endorsement by the Northern Virginia Photographic Society.
We all like to see our work displayed!
For the past few years NVPS has had a few shows each year that were not juried but gave members the opportunity to display their work in public places: a framing shop, a county supervisor's office, and a local church. We have found that the effort involved in finding the venues and suitable dates and coordinating collecting and hanging the work seems to have been more than what benefits it brought. Some members have asked me about places where I have had work displayed and published.
We are going to try something new and our plan is for this to be an ongoing project. Each month I will list current local "calls for art", venues, shows and publications. I will provide links that will give you enough information to decide whether to enter.. Most of the calls for art are for digital entries. If your work is accepted it must be matted and framed if it is for a show. They will tell you what they are looking for; from wildlife of Virginia to life in the D.C. area.
There are also publications that have calls for art. These are generally annual events, most are free and they are entered digitally. If your work is accepted you have nothing more to do; it is published! You need to watch the copyright information on these but so far I have not found any problems. You grant the right to use the image in their publication and possibly in publicity as well. You own all the rights to the image.
1. Ongoing, year round is the Art League at the Torpedo Factory. Their yearly membership calendar begins July 1. They have a monthly juried show. After you have been accepted for three shows, you have the opportunity to display work in their gallery. Work does sell. For further information, https://www.theartleague.org/content/exhibiting_artist. You must be a member to participate.
2. Labor Day Art Show at Glen Echo. This will be the 47th annual Labor Day Art Show. They have not put out a call yet, but it is a really big show. It will be posted early in July. While it is juried digitally, they accept a lot of art and photographs seem to sell well. There is a small fee to enter.
3, The D.C. bookstore, Politics and Prose, will have a call for entries for their annual called District Lines beginning in July. Here is the link to last year's information: http://www.politics-prose.com/districtlines
4. The Northern Virginia Review has a call for entries that will also be in July. They have a cash award for first place. Here is the link to last year's information: https://blogs.nvcc.edu/tnvr/ They will be accepting submissions for Volume 32 on July 15, 2017.
As I hear of other opportunities, I will include them. Please send me opportunities that you discover.
Willa Friedman
Workshop Offerings
Speakers and competition judges for NVPS are offered the opportunity to have notices about up-coming tours and workshops in FotoFax for two years after the date of their NVPS program.
E. David Luria
A member of the Society of Photographic Education, E. David Luria is founder and director of the Washington Photo Safari, through which he and his team of eleven professional photographers have trained over 32,000 clients on 4,700 photo safaris since 1999 in the techniques of travel and architectural photography. Washington Photo Safari is offering more than 25 technical skills initiatives this year. For more information on their various offerings, check their web site at www.WashingtonPhotoSafari.com David was March 2016's Monthly Program presenter.
Denise Silva
Denise Silva was our September 2016 Program speaker as well as the November 2016 judge. She and Don Rosenberg operate Road Runner Photography Tours. For information on their latest tours and workshops, please visit their web site at http://roadrunnerphotographytours.com/
Nikhil Bahl Photography Workshops
Nikhil Bahl was our End-of-Year judge for 2016-2017 as well as Program Speaker in November 2015 and November 2016. He offers a variety of workshops and coaching events. For more details with his latest workshop updates, visit: www.NikhilBahl.com
Alan DeFelice
Alan DeFelice the January 2017 judge and was our 2016 End-of-the-Year judge. He is a professional photographer who has done raptor photo workshops at Nature Visions. For several years Alan has been a partner with Virginia Digital Photo Safaris. Learn more at: http://www.virginiaphotosafari.com
Corey Hilz
Corey Hilz was our February 2016 judge and was our October 2015 Education and Training speaker. He regularly offers software workshops as well as photo workshops and international tours. Spring/summer photo workshop locations include Longwood Gardens, the National Zoo, Maryland’s Eastern Shore, and Meadowlark Botanical Gardens. His international destinations include Cuba, Ireland, Czech Republic and Morocco. Full schedule of events is listed at: http://www.coreyhilz.com
Joshua Taylor, Jr.
Joshua Taylor is a past NVPS president and was our February 2017 Competition judge. His goal in photography is to help you create, capture and refine your vision. Josh is offering fall photography workshops and classes, including Canon camera classes. For a complete listing and registration, visit his website: joshuataylorphotography.com
Roy Sewall
Roy Sewall was our Judge in December 2016 and Program speaker in May 2017. Roy offers both private and group instruction to novice and intermediate photographers, and in 2014 became an instructor for the Capital Photography Center. Find out more on Roy's website: http://www.roysewallphotography.com/iWeb/Home.html
David Blecman
David Blecman, a member of the Professional Photographers of America, is an internationally recognized photographer and instructor, having taught in over a dozen countries to photographers, models, and makeup artists. He was our judge in October 2015 and April 2017 and a Program speaker in April 2016. David's website: http://posneg.com/
Want Ads
For Sale
Epson Stylus Pro 4800 color printer. Cut sheet paper up to 17" x 22". Roll paper up to 17" wide. Pigment ink. $500 obo. Three Photo vests size XL. Domke Phototogs, Promaster, Columbia. $25 ea. obo.
Contact Sam Schaen, sam.schaen@gmail.com, 703-560-8365.
Spudz Microfiber in Flip Pouch
The club has a supply of Spudz. Great for cleaning your lens and camera. These are a large size, 10x10 inches, and are emblazoned with the club logo! Don't be fooled by other cheaper models. These are in the flip pouch.
I will be selling them at club meetings for the amazing price of $10/each or $20 for two. See Bob Friedman
Northern Virginia Alliance of Camera Clubs (NVACC)
The Northern Virginia Alliance of Camera Clubs (NVACC) is an informal entity started in 1997 by Joseph Miller with the assistance of Dave Carter and Ed Funk. Its purpose is to promote communication and cooperation among area camera clubs. NVACC is made up of Member Clubs and Associated Member Clubs.
NVACC publishes a calendar of area member club events that can be found at http://www.nvacc.org/Calendars.html
NVACC has a free, downloadable series of 25 guidebooks for photographers, which provide information about nearby areas that camera clubs might wish to visit. See their booklets at:
Editor's Notes
Please note that the deadline for each month's FotoFax is the Friday following Tuesday of Competition Night. Contributions from members are always welcomed. This especially includes news of the individual members. Photos should be submitted in the same format as they are for competition.
Alan Goldstein
FotoFax Editor
Copyright 2017 by the Northern Virginia Photographic Society and its Contributors. The contents of this FotoFax are copyrighted. No material herein may be reproduced in any manner without the written permission of the Editor or the material's contributor. All photographs are copyrighted by the photographers who have granted permission for NVPS to use their image in FotoFax and/or on the NVPS website, but otherwise retain all rights to their image. |
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