Volume 52 – No. 5 |
Founded 1965 – our 51st Year |
January 2017 |

The Newsletter of the Northern Virginia Photographic Society |
Editor: Alan Goldstein – Email: editor" at "nvps.org |
Note: You can click on the above links to go directly to the article; or you can scroll through the entire newsletter. You can also print the entire newsletter. (The more that you read, the more things you will know - Dr. Seuss )
To protect our members from email spam, personal email addresses in this newsletter have "@" replaced with " at " Please remember to substitute the "@" when attempting to contact any of the people.
All meetings for the club year start at 7:30 p.m. at the Dunn Loring Fire Station. The doors open at 6:45 p.m. for a "meet and greet" with meetings on non-competition nights beginning at 7:30 p.m. Note for Competition Nights only (Third Tuesday): Competition begins at 7:15p.m. All prints must be checked in no later than 7:30 p.m.
Although we have not had any problems for many years, do remember to lock your car and place valuables out of sight, as we should in any public parking area. Come early and visit, but when the meeting starts, PLEASE take seats immediately and silence your cell phone, pager or any other device that might make noise and distract listeners or interrupt speakers.
Please check the website and FotoFax for the club's policy on weather closings. Check WTOP www.wtop.com or Fairfax County School systems web site for closings. You can also sign up for emails or cell phone alerts: http://www.fcps.edu/news/emerg.shtml
Editor's Note: Our president Kevin Egan is dealing with a medical issue that takes him away from his duties. We wish him speedy recovery and to return soon.
Monthly Program
January 3rd: Rust and Ruin with Don Rosenberger
Don Rosenberger first picked up a camera in his teenage years, shooting mostly black and white film and doing his own darkroom work. His interests shifted to color film in his early twenties, then he did the unexpected: he quit photography. There were a variety of reasons for this decision, but when he looks back he thinks he was lacking a certain maturity that was necessary to move forward in regard to the quality of his work.
With the advent of digital photography he started shooting again with a passion that was been missing in earlier years. Today he is drawn to a variety of work, but he considers landscape photography to be the core of his work. Being outside and often in remote locations gives him an appreciation for our natural world.
It is his hope that his images bring others to that same level of appreciation. Today he shoots with everything from the iPhone, to high end DSLRs and Infrared. But he does not consider the camera that important, as it is just a tool to accomplish the photographer’s vision.
Don is the presentation manager for the Nature Visions Photography Expo. Don is a former member of the Manassas Warrenton Camera Club and Co-Owner of Road Runner Photography Tours. He was Competition Judge for NVPS's September 2015 monthly competition.
Rust and Ruins
Urban Exploration is a very popular activity, but it can be difficult to do legally. We will explore the risks and pitfalls of this type of photography as well as discuss how you can safely and legally add this type of photography to your portfolio. We will also explore why photographers are drawn to decrepitude and how to shoot this type of environment and get the results you desire.
A few examples of Don's work:
The VP for Programs for 2016-2017 is Willa Siegel.
Education & Training
January 10th: Creative Camera Techniques, Part II
We continue to explore several creative camera techniques that we demonstrated at the December meeting. This time, you get to do it! Planned for this E&T session: moving your camera while shooting, zooming, HDR, multiple exposures, and using your flash’s rear curtain sync and dragging your shutter. Bring your camera and your flash unit to the meeting and we’ll explore some of the creative things you can do in-camera.
The Education and Training Coordinator for 2016-2017 is Chuck Campbell.
January 17th: Judging by Alan De Felice
Alan DeFelice is a professional photographer with more than 25 years’ experience. Alan started in film and progressed to medium format before eventually migrating to digital, back at the advent of the first digital SLRs. Alan’s work is representative of what he loves: mostly nature, wildlife and the outdoors. Alan has won numerous regional and international awards.
Alan has won several local, regional, and national photo contests. He has been published in multiple magazines, and has even shot album covers for local recording artists. His pictures have been published in Serenity Magazine and Chesapeake Bay Foundation's monthly publication. Alan is a speaker at the Mid-Atlantic Nature Visions Photography Expo giving the Raptor Photography workshop. Alan has judged several photography competitions at camera clubs and also Fairfax County Schools. For a number of years he partnered with fellow club member Jack Nevitt in running the Virginia Digital Photo Safaris, where he and Jack taught the art of photography to participants on location through hands on workshops, in class instruction and constructive critiques.
Competition Themes for 2016-2017
Note: The Board reaffirmed that there will be three themed competitions per program year, but there will be no theme competitions in the months of December, January, and February.
The themes for 2017 are:
- Drag the shutter - March 21, 2017
Show us your best shutter drag. Whether capturing motion in waves or panning cars zooming by, we want to see you get creative with this topic. Slow down your shutter speed to show a sense of motion or action.
Note: To further clarify March’s themed competition, we will allow any photo which shows any movement due to a slow shutter speed, with or without flash, including photos of moving objects taken without moving the camera or lens, such as waterfalls. Please contact competitions@nvps.org if you have further questions.
- Colors - May 31, 2017
Life is a stream of color. Red, blue, yellow, and a billion pigments in between… For this theme we ask you to show us color-inspired photographs. Scenes, details, narratives or moods. Subtle tones or Technicolor daydreams, color must be a primary component of your image. For the Monochrome Print category, instead of producing a black and white photo, show us a color other than black along with white, i.e., red and white, blue and white, etc.
Competition Themes for 2017-2018
The themes for 2017-2018 are:
- Faceless Self Portrait:
This is not your normal selfie. Be creative and express your identity by taking a photo of yourself without your face.
- The American Experience –Americans at Work:
For this month's themed contest, show us your best photos of Americans at Work. This may be of a single person, or multiple people, at work. The person or persons and the work being performed must both be clearly evident in the photo. Let’s showcase Americans at Work by demonstrating their emotions, determination, strength and pride!
- Visible Emotions:
Some of the most powerful photographs are those that have captured emotions. Photographs that have impact and tell a story, show individuals with visible emotions. For this theme, photograph a person that shows us clearly visible emotions. This could be happiness, surprise, anger, sadness, excitement, pride, fear or disgust.
December Competition Results
The full list of competition results is available on the NVPS web site at http://nvps.org
Digital - Class 1
1st Place- Ron Petricka - The Artist
2nd Place- Kacy Elizabeth Turner - Clouded Leopard
3rd Place- Tracy Sarang - A Walk in the Woods
HM- Anna V. Aslund - Cloudy Day in Rock Creek
HM- Jerri Mcdermott - Look What I Got!
HM- Laurie Kuyk - Hitching a Ride
HM- Lester Miyaoka - Cerius
Digital – Class 2
1st Place- Elba Yolanda Figueroa - Dry Season
2nd Place- Judy Graham - You're Cracking Me Up
3rd Place- George Karamarkovich - Looking for the Ladies
HM- Lynn Cates - Cul-de-sac Idaho
HM- Norman Mickey Stewart - Bryce Canyon Sunrise
Digital – Class 3
1st Place- Wayne Guenther - Accounts Helpers
2nd Place- Amie Tannenbaum - Vortex
3rd Place- Georgette Grossman - Soft Dahlia
HM- Ceasar Sharper - Home by the Cove
HM- Ginger Werz-Petricka - Preening for the Girls
HM - Thomas Hayes Brett - The Doorway
Color Prints – Class 1
1st Place- Tracy Sarang - Wonder
2nd Place- Kacy Elizabeth Turner - Luke with His Cubs
3rd Place- Colena Turner - The Artist
Color Prints – Class 2
1st Place- Clark L Barker - Torres del Paine
2nd Place- George Karamarkovich - Morning Downy
3rd Place- Eva Linda Lanyi - The Path Taken
Color Prints – Class 3
1st Place- Bill Corbett - African Hornbill
2nd Place- Dennis Govoni - Skimmers at Work
3rd Place- Mark Chen - Aspen Line
HM- Stan Mercer Bysshe – Great Grey
Monochrome Prints
1st Place- Mark Chen - Despair
2nd Place- Georgette Grossman - Delicate Leaves
3rd Place- Silvia H. Jorgensen - MCA Stairs Chicago
HM- Jerri Mcdermott - Sky Reflections
HM- Julie Konzelman - Twisted Trunk
HM- Philip Winters - Solitary
HM- - Ron Taylor - Shaker Stair Case
HM- Stan Mercer Bysshe - Big Wheel
First Place images from December:
Additional winning images are available for viewing at http://nvps.org/gallery/v/competitions/2016-2017_Competition_Winners/

Class 1 Digital
Ron Petricka
The Artist

Class 3 Digital
Wayne Guenther
Accounts Helpers

Class 2 Digital
Elba Yolanda Figueroa
Dry Season

Class 1 Print
Tracy Sarang

Class 3 Print
Bill Corbett
African Hornbill

Class 2 Print
Clark L Barker
Torres del Paine
Mark Chen
Competition Judges for 2016-2017
Date |
Judge |
Theme |
February 21, 2017 |
Josh Taylor |
none |
March 21, 2017 |
Peter Manzelli |
Drag the Shutter |
April 18, 2017 |
David Blecman |
none - no date limit |
May 31, 2017 |
Mary Anne Setton |
Colors |
End-of-Year Banquet |
Nikhil Bahl |
none |
The Co-VPs Competition for 2016-2017 are Bill Millhouser and Judy Graham (competitions@nvps.org)
Rules of Competition Change
The Final 2016 Rules of Competition are now available on the NVPS website. The changes to the rules are summarized below:
- Members competing in each Class (1, 2, and 3) can enter a maximum of 3 images per competition. One image can be entered into each of the 3 competition categories:
- Color Prints
- Monochrome Prints
- Digital Images
- All prints must be mounted.
- Mounting is to consist of a Polystyrene or Foam Core Backing Board either 1/8 or 3/16 inches in thickness (Please note that 3/16 is required for print submissions to Nature Visions), and a Mat Board of at least a 4 ply thickness (.05 to .06 inches).
- The Mat Board must be white.
- Mounted prints must not exceed 20 inches in height or 40 inches in width to accommodate the light box.
The complete Rules of Competition are at http://nvps.org/home/?page_id=500. You can also download a PDF file of the rules at the top of the page (http://nvps.org/home/wp-content/uploads/2012/09/RulesofComp_Sept-2016-final.pdf). The sections of rules that have been changed are: Section 1.B. Number of Competitions; Section 1.C Eligibility; and, Section 1.E Presentation of Prints. If you have any questions, please contact Bill Millhouser or Judy Graham, the Co- VPs of Competition at competitions@nvps.org.
Details for preparing prints and digital images can be found at:
Prints: http://nvps.org/home/?page_id=500 (Section I.E)
Digital images: http://nvps.org/home/?page_id=4239
While it’s not a new rule, in order to compete in the October competition, members must be current with their club dues.. Please make certain you have done so prior to the night of the meeting to avoid any confusion (Refer to the Membership section of FotoFax for further details on joining NVPS or renewing for another year). The revised rule regarding matting will be applied at the October competition.
Competition Pages on NVPS Website
We appreciate the constructive feedback we have been receiving on the competition pages of our website. We are in the process of working with the NVPS web team to make a number of changes so it is much easier to navigate, and find the requirements for competitions
This change to Section B will be presented to the general membership at the September meeting for a vote.
Editor's note: We like to share competition winning images on the website and include a representative winner from each category in the monthly newsletter, but we cannot do this unless the photographer specifically grants permission. When you win a ribbon in the competition, please remember to grant permission. See the note in the following section for details.
Competition Image Use
The NVPS Website has a gallery of past Competition winning images at http://nvps.org/gallery/v/competitions/.
If your image placed first, second, third
or received an honorable mention in a club competition, it is eligible for this gallery. Images are not posted automatically, you must specifically provide consent for your
image to be included in the gallery.
To have your winning image included in the gallery, email competitionwinners" at "nvps.org and
provide the following information:
Your name
Image Category (digital, color print, monochrome print)
Image Class (1, 2, or 3)
Competition Date
Digital Winners: When you upload your image for the competition, you can check the box to grant permission for it to be posted if it wins.
Print Winners: send a digital version of your print, sized as if it were
for digital competition.
The FotoFax newsletter is usually finalized during the weekend
immediately following the monthly club competitions. If your image is a
first place winner and you send it in before the Friday following competition,
your image will be forwarded to the editor for inclusion in FotoFax. If you have not provided permission before that deadline, another winning entry may be used.

Portfolio Project
Portfolio project interim review is January 31! Bring an old portfolio for all to see.
It's not too late to register for the Portfolio Project. Just send an email to PortfolioProject@NVPS.org
Attention Portfolio Project Alumni: You are invited to bring an old portfolio on January 31 (whether you are doing a 2016-17 portfolio or not). Help us get inspired!
News for 2016-17 Participants
The upload folder for your portfolio is ready for your images. Please finish your upload by Sunday, January 15 so that Corey Hilz has two weeks to review it before our interim review on January 31.
Steps for uploading your work are below. Try to keep the image count at 12 to 15. If you have less, upload what you've got and add more later.
We are happy to review your artist's statement in advance. Email it to us. A concise and non-autobiographical paragraph is all you need.
Uploading your images to your Portfolio Project folder
1. Navigate to http://nvps.org/gallery/v/Portfolio+Project/ The folder for 2016-17 will not appear until you...
2. Login to your NVPS account
3. After you login, the folder for 2016-17 will appear. Click on that.
4. Click on the PP folder with your name. Follow the menus at left to upload and title your images.
If you don't find a folder with your name on it, we don't have your correct NVPS user name or you are not yet a registered user. Please register at http://nvps.org/gallery/main.php (icon is at top right) and/or send your user name to us asap.
If you have problems, please email us at PortfolioProject@nvps.org. We will respond asap.
The Co-chairs for the Portfolio Project for 2016-2017 are Bill Corbett and Dennis Govoni.
January 24th: Eagle Photography – Images and Lessons Learned with Ceasar Sharper
This Forum presentation, Eagle Photography - includes images of eagles from across America. Also, Ceasar Sharper will share his lessons learned (locations, techniques and gear).
Ceasar ’s photographic journey began when he took a photography course in college. That was a very long time ago when he began to learn the fundamentals of focus, exposure and composition. Unfortunately, the development of his photography skills stalled upon his graduation from college and commissioning into the Air Force.
He made the commitment to grow his photography skills after being inspired by the juried in photographs at the 2009Nature Photography Expo at Meadowlark. Those outstanding photographs rekindled his interest in photography and caused him to seek membership in one of the clubs represented at the Expo to support his renewed passion for photography.
Ceasar attributes much of his photography improvement to his joining NVPS in 2009.He learned a lot from the critiques during competition to allow him gain confidence to enter his first competition in May 2010 where he earned a 3rd place in black and white prints. The following club year he sharpened skills and received the 2011 Versatile Photographer of the Year in the Novice Category.
Ceasar is a Nikon shooter with both a D500 and D800. However, he acknowledges the best technique will always yield superior results regardless of the brand or cost of the gear.
This is Ceasar ’s fourth Member’s Gallery contribution; his previous three contributions were (1) the digital presentation: Civil War Reenactments, (2) selected photographs from juried in prints and (3) the digital presentation: All Directions – a Year in Review.
His website is http://csharperphotography.com/
Examples of Ceasar 's work:
The Forum Coordinator for 2016-2017 is Kirk Johnson.
Upcoming Forum Presentations:
Date |
Presenter |
Titles |
28 February 2017 |
Stan Bysshe |
If It Moves, Shoot It |
28 March 2017 |
Sandi Croan |
Australia and New Zealand in 30 Days |
25 April 2017 |
Judy McGuire |
23 May 2017 |
Dan Ward |
Photographing the Great American Eclipse |
Members Gallery
January 24th: Prints by Georgette Grossman;
Digital by Bill Vanderpool and Nancy Dubiell
Georgette Grossman’s journey in photography began 10 years ago when her granddaughter, Ava, was born. Not capturing the cute smiles she wanted, she switched from a point‘n’shoot to a DSLR (Nikon D80). She attended her first Nature Visions show at Meadowlark in 2007 and discovered there were camera clubs in the area! She joined NVPS in January 2008 and was hooked on photography as a hobby. She was the president of the Northern Virginia Photographic Society (NVPS) from 2014 to 2015.
Georgette advanced her photography skills by taking hands-on classes. Some of her instructors included John Gonsalves, Eliot Cohen, Corey Hilz, Nikhil Bahl, Josh Taylor, Mike Moats, and Denise Silva. By attending NVPS lectures, workshops, and field trips she believes her photography has evolved to a higher level.
Participation in competition has helped to give her a critical eye when capturing and post-processing her images. She reads online columns daily to keep “up to date” on new camera equipment and software tips. Recently Georgette switched from a Nikon D7200 camera to a Fuji X-Pro2 to lighten her load.
Georgette captures moments she wants to remember. Her subjects include abstracts, people, places, and nature, but her favorite subject is flower close-ups and macros. Lately she is dabbling more with black-and-white images.
Seeing her images in print completes the photography journey. Georgette has shown her images at
- The Art League in Alexandria,
- the Glen Echo Annual Labor Day Art Show,
- the ArtSpace Herndon Fine Art Photography Exhibit,
- Nature Visions annual exhibit, and
- the Annual Joseph Miller Abstract Photography Exhibit.
From September–October, 2015 she had a solo exhibit at Beanetics Coffee Roasters coffee shop in Annandale. Her image, Dahlia Droplet, was selected for Volume 30 of The Northern Virginia Review, Spring 2016.
Georgette’s images can be seen at http://pixels.com/profiles/georgette-grossman
Examples of Georgette's work:
Man With A Dog
Last Dahlia of Summer
Bryce Inspiration Point
Nancy Dubiell and Bill Vanderpool have been members of NVPS since….well, since the Washington Gas days. Both have been interested in photography for many years and when they married, it was a photographer’s match made in heaven. Both use Canon equipment.
They try to make one overseas trip a year. In 2014 they spent a total of seven weeks in Uzbekistan, Turkey and Morocco, the subject of this presentation. In addition, they try to make one or two trailer trips somewhere in the states each year. Nancy is an Human Resources expert and, although retired from full time work, she still does consulting work. Bill spent 31 years in law enforcement and ten more in law enforcement sales. He now writes occasional magazine articles and has recently completed his first non-fiction book.
Little known facts? Nancy lived in Afghanistan for three years and got out just before the Russians invaded. And Bill was a working cowboy, in New Mexico and Arizona, before returning to his home state of Florida.
They both enjoy nature photography and Bill loves to take portraits of people during their travels. They print most of their own images, using Photoshop Elements for minimal adjustments and an Epson 1400 for printing. Their next big trip is to East Africa, their fourth trip there, in July, 2017.
Bill and Nancy visited three intriguing countries in 2015. In the Spring they traveled to the former Soviet Republic of Uzbekistan and to exotic and turbulent Turkey. Enjoying excellent timing, they left Turkey the day of the controversial elections and one week before a hand grenade attack in Istanbul at one of the major tourist attractions. In the Fall they spent three weeks in Morocco, from the High Atlas Mountains to the Sahara desert to a beautiful coastal town. Nancy loved the wonderful architecture in the many souks and Bill shot countless street portraits of the (mostly) friendly people. Nancy used Pro Show Gold for this presentation.
Examples of their work:
Dates |
Digital |
Print |
February 28, 2017 |
Jeff Hancock |
Stan Bysshe |
March 28, 2017 |
Judy Guenther |
Bill Millhouser |
April 25, 2017 |
Alan Goldstein |
Willa Siegel |
May 23, 2017 |
Judy Graham |
Butch Karamarkovich |
The Member's Gallery Coordinator for this 2016-2017 is Ron Taylor.
Field Trips
January 14th: Udvar-Hazy Air and Space Museum,
Dulles, Va.
The Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum’s Udvar-Hazy Center at Dulles International Airport in Chantilly, is fascinating for anyone interested in the history of air and space travel, as well as a challenge to the photographer. museum’s restoration work. Our next field trip is scheduled for Udvar-Hazy on January 14.
Two large hangers at the center display thousands of artifacts and dozens of air and spacecraft. These include the space shuttle Discovery, a supersonic Concorde, and a SR-71 Blackbird that made the record-setting flight from Los Angeles to Dulles in just over one hour, averaging over 2100 miles per hour. A glass gallery overlooks work-in-progress of restoring historic aircraft and the tower allows an overview of aircraft landing and taking off from Dulles. The Udvar-Hazy building itself provides opportunities for photography, with dramatic shadows on sunny days.
Tripods, monopods and selfie-sticks (perish the thought!) are not allowed in the Udvar-Hazy Center. Any gear or bags will be subject to a security screening at the entrance; a full list of prohibited items is at https://airandspace.si.edu/node/72074/.
We’ll meet at the Udvar-Hazy Center at 10 a.m. While admission is free, parking will cost $15 if you’re interested in carpooling. We’ll meet for lunch (location to be announced at the January meeting) afterwards.
Field Trips 2016-2017
The schedule is subject to change.
January 14, 2017 |
Udvar-Hazy Air and Space Museum, Dulles, Va. |
February 2017 |
Library of Congress, Washington, D.C. |
March 2017 |
April 2017 |
May 2017 |
Field Trip Coordinators for 2016-2017 are Stan Bysshe and Jim McDermott, field-trips@nvps.org
Board of Directors
2016-2017 NVPS Board |
Elected Board |
President |
Kevin Egan |
president@nvps.org |
VP Programs |
Willa Siegel |
programs@nvps.org |
VP Operations |
Alan Tolk |
operations@nvps.org |
Co-VP Competition |
Bill Millhouser |
competition@nvps.org |
Co-VP Competition |
Judy Graham |
competition@nvps.org |
Treasurer |
Tom Brett |
treasurer@nvps.org |
Secretary/Historian |
Kathryn Mohrman |
secretary@nvps.org |
Appointed Board |
Past President |
Jamie Kiechlin |
pastpresident@nvps.org |
Education & Training Coordinator |
Chuck Campbell |
education@nvps.org |
Exhibits Coordinator (Nature Visions) |
Roger Lancaster |
naturevisions@nvps.org |
Field Trips Coordinator |
Stan Bysshe |
field-trips@nvps.org |
Member’s Gallery Coordinator |
Ron Taylor |
membersgallery@nvps.org |
Forum Coordinator |
Kirk Johnson |
forum@nvps.org |
Membership Coordinator |
Patty Healy |
membership@nvps.org |
Newsletter & NVACC Representative |
Alan Goldstein |
editor@nvps.org |
Website Manager |
Sam Schaen |
webadmin@nvps.org |
Meeting Facilities |
Dale Nelson |
facilities@nvps.org |
Special Board Member |
Mike Whalen |
specialboardmember@nvps.org |
Special Board Member |
Bob Friedman |
specialboardmember@nvps.org |
Special Board Member |
Willa Friedman |
specialboardmember@nvps.org |
Special Board Member |
Georgette Grossman |
specialboardmember@nvps.org |
A full list of all current NVPS Board members and their club contact information also can be found at: http://nvps.org/home/?page_id=23
2016-2017 Membership Dues
We’ve had a number of new members join the club in recent weeks! Thanks to all who have spread the word about NVPS and the wonderful benefits of being a member.
In order to participate in the monthly competitions your membership dues must be current. Membership dues for the 2016-2017 year are as follows:
Individual |
$45.00 |
Family |
$65.00 |
Student |
$20.00 |
There are three forms of payment. Checks and cash are preferred by NVPS:
Questions, please email membership at membership@nvps.org.
Membership looks forward to seeing you at future meetings!
Stay Connected with NVPS
EMAIL: If you are not already receiving NVPS emails, there are two ways you can sign up to join the list. Click on the following link and sign up by entering your name and email address. Click on join the list. http://nvps.org/home/?page_id=31. Or you may stop by the Membership desk at the next meeting and they will be happy to assist you. It's important to note, you will receive an "opt-in" email from nvps.org. If you do not receive it, check your spam folder. Please respond to this email within 72 hours or the verification link will expire.
FACEBOOK: If you are on Facebook, please join the NVPS private group. Search on Northern Virginia Photographic Society Social Group and request to join. Members post everything from their photos to interesting articles on photography to requests for recommendations. You will find the group informative and fun!
Patricia J. Healy
Membership Coordinator
Notice: The information about workshops and
events not sponsored by or affiliated with NVPS are
provided as an informational courtesy to Members. Individuals should review the detailed
rules and conditions for contests and gallery shows to determine what impact entering an image has on the photographer's
rights and ownership of the submitted images. Review the descriptions of
workshops to see whether participation in a particular workshop would actually meet your personal
learning goals. NVPS attempts to screen events for legitimacy and quality;
however NVPS does not recommend these events and cannot assume responsibility
for their ultimate quality. We recommend due diligence and encourage you to
share your experience with other club members.
Composition Lecture of interest to Photographers and Artists
On Wednesday, January 4, at 7:30 p.m. Corey Hilz, popular local published photographer and workshop leader, will speak at the Vienna Photographic Society meeting about Creative Composition Techniques. The meeting is held at the Thoreau Middle School, (intersection of Park Street and Cedar Lane). The event is free and open to everyone.
Photography and Composition Critique
On Wednesday, January 18, at 7:30 p.m., the Vienna Photographic Society is hosting a critique of member submitted photographs. The themes are bridges and textures. Both photographers and artists can learn about how to improve their compositions. The meeting is held at the Oakton Elementary School, 3000 Chain Bridge Road, Oakton. The event is free and open to everyone.
Members' News:
Wayne and Judy Guenther
Wayne Guenther had two photos selected (“Montana Barn” and “Grounded”) for the Northern Virginia Review, Volume 31, to be published on March 21 with a “launch” reception the same day 2:30 to 4:30 p.m. at the Ernst Cultural Center on the Northern Virginia Community College Annandale Campus. Judy Guenther had three photos selected (“Flying”, “The Eye Staircase”, and “King Penguins South Georgia”).
Wayne Guenther
Wayne Guenther
Montana Barn
Judy Guenther
King Penquins South Georgia
Judy Guenther
The Eye Staircase
Judy Guenther
Bob and Willa Friedman
Both Bob and Willa Friedman have each had two photos accepted by District Lines, the annual publication of Politics and Prose, "an anthology of original poems, essays, short stories, photographs, drawings, scribbles, graphics, and other coherent musings intended to capture a sense of people and place in D.C. and the surrounding metropolitan area. The journal includes work by both established and emerging authors." Publication is scheduled for January 29, and there will be a reception at Politics and Prose at 5:00 p.m. on that day. Bob's photos are A Walk in the Park and Trees in Snow. Willa's photographs, Texting, from her portfolio 13th and I, and Call Box have will also be published in District Lines, Volume IV.
Bob's image, A Walk in the Park will also be published in the Northern Virginia Review, Volume 31. Willa's image Scout Reflected will be included in Volume 31 of the Northern Virginia Review. It will be published on March 21 and there will be a reception on that date.
Bob Friedman
A Walk In the Park
Bob Friedman
Trees in Snow
Willa Friedman
Scout Reflected
Willa Friedman
Willa Friedman
Call Box
Georgette Grossman
The Northern Virginia Review will publish two of Georgette Grossman's favorite images in Volume 31 of the Review this coming March – "A Man and his Dog" and "Quiet Lunch" !! There will be a reception at the Ernst Cultural Center on the Northern Virginia Community College Annandale Campus on March 21, 2017 (2:30 to 4:30 PM).

A Man and His Dog

Quiet Lunch
Tom Hady
Tom Hady, APSA, MPSA, was a featured exhibitor at the Photographic Society of America’s annual conference in San Antonio in September – one of only two photographers so honored.. In what amounted to a mini-retrospective, Tom exhibited ten of his black and white prints from the last forty years.
Seventh Annual Joseph Miller Abstract Photography Exhibition May 6 – May 29, 2017
The Joseph Miller Center for the Photographic Arts takes great pride in announcing its Seventh Annual juried abstract exhibit. All interested photographers are invited to submit entries for this much anticipated spring event.
Submissions to the First Annual JM Abstract Exhibit were limited to local NVACC-related clubs; however, over the years, because of the influence these exhibits have had in encouraging and promoting abstract photography and due to their reputation, recent JM Abstract Exhibits have been attracting entries from national as well as international photographic artists.
The Joseph Miller Center will begin accepting entries for the upcoming Seventh Annual Exhibit on Saturday, December 24, 2016.
The deadline for submissions will be Friday, February 17, 2017.
A detailed prospectus containing all relevant information regarding the exhibit will be posted on the Northern Virginia Alliance of Camera Clubs website at www.NVACC.org
Announcements of workshops, exhibitions or contests are provided for information purposes only. There is no actual or implied endorsement by the Northern Virginia Photographic Society.
Workshop Offerings
Speakers and competition judges for NVPS are offered the opportunity to have notices about up-coming tours and workshops in FotoFax for two years after the date of their NVPS program.
E. David Luria
A member of the Society of Photographic Education, E. David Luria is founder and director of the Washington Photo Safari, through which he and his team of eleven professional photographers have trained over 32,000 clients on 4,700 photo safaris since 1999 in the techniques of travel and architectural photography. Washington Photo Safari is offering more than 25 technical skills initiatives this year. For more information on their various offerings, check their web site at www.WashingtonPhotoSafari.com David was May 2015's Monthly Program presenter.
Mollie Isaacs
Mollie Isaacs was our December 2014 speaker. She offers workshops.
For more information, see her web site at http://awakethelight.com/
Denise Silva
Denise Silva was our September Program speaker as well as this month's judge. She and Don Rosenberger operate Road Runner Photography Tours. For information on their latest tours and workshops, please visit their web site at http://roadrunnerphotographytours.com/
Nikhil Bahl Photography Workshops
Nikhil Bahl was our October 2015 presenter and has spoken at the club numerous times in the past. He offers a variety of workshops and coaching events. For more details with his latest workshop updates, visit: www.NikhilBahl.com
Sue Bloom
Sue Bloom is our April 2015 judge. For her 2016 workshop schedule, please see http://www.suebloom.com/pages/2/Workshop%20Schedule/Workshop%20Schedule/
Alan DeFelice
Alan DeFelice is this month's judge and was our 2016 End-of-the-Year judge. He is a professional photographer who has done raptor photo workshops at Nature Visions. For several years Alan has been a partner with Virginia Digital Photo Safaris. Learn more at:
Jennifer (JJ) Fearrington
Jennifer Fearrington conducted a sensor cleaning workshop in our second E&T Meeting in April 2014. JJ was the sensor cleaning tech at Penn and Calumet Camera stores for a number of years and is also a professional photographer who does individual photographic instruction as well as providing professional sensor cleaning services. Learn more at:
David Heagy
David Heagy is a NVPS club member and was the Forum presenter in March 2015. The Travel Photography Satisfaction class will show novice and experienced photographers how to increase their satisfaction with their travel photos, handle a variety of situations, protect their images and equipment, and use photography to plan their trips. His schedule of classes and more information are at: http://imageryx.com/.
Corey Hilz
Corey Hilz was to be our February 2016 judge and was our October 2015 Education and Training speaker. He regularly offers software workshops as well as photo workshops and international tours. Spring/summer photo workshop locations include Longwood Gardens, the National Zoo, Maryland’s Eastern Shore, and Meadowlark Botanical Gardens. His international destinations include Cuba, Ireland, Czech Republic and Morocco. Full schedule of events is listed at: http://www.coreyhilz.com
Joshua Taylor, Jr.
Joshua Taylor is a past NVPS president and is our December Competition judge. His goal in photography is to help you create, capture and refine your vision. Josh is offering fall photography workshops and classes, including Canon camera classes. For a complete listing and registration, visit his website: joshuataylorphotography.com
Wayne Wolfersberger
Wayne Wolfersberger is a NVPS member, past President, and was our September 2014 Forum speaker. He teaches a number of Nature Photography Classes available through Fairfax County Parks and other locations. See his web site: http://www.waynewolfersberger.com/
Want Ads
For Sale
Tamron SP 150-600mm ƒ5-6.3 lens for Canon EF Mount - A011.
New Firmware and cleaned and adjusted by Tamron three months ago.
Contact Dennis Govoni at dngovoni@verizon.net if interested." (1/17)
Spudz Microfiber in Flip Pouch
The club has a supply of Spudz. Great for cleaning your lens and camera. These are a large size, 10x10 inches, and are emblazoned with the club logo! Don't be fooled by other cheaper models. These are in the flip pouch.
I will be selling them at club meetings for the amazing price of $10/each or $20 for two. See Bob Friedman
Northern Virginia Alliance of Camera Clubs (NVACC)
The Northern Virginia Alliance of Camera Clubs (NVACC) is an informal entity started in 1997 by Joseph Miller with the assistance of Dave Carter and Ed Funk. Its purpose is to promote communication and cooperation among area camera clubs. NVACC is made up of Member Clubs and Associated Member Clubs.
NVACC publishes a calendar of area member club events that can be found at http://www.nvacc.org/Calendars.html
NVACC has a free, downloadable series of 25 guidebooks for photographers, which provide information about nearby areas that camera clubs might wish to visit. See their booklets at:
Editor's Notes
Please note that the deadline for each month's FotoFax is the Friday following Tuesday of Competition Night. Contributions from members are always welcomed. This especially includes news of the individual members. Photos should be submitted in the same format as they are for competition (1400 px width by 1050 px height. A portrait-mode
image is limited to 1050px for digital submissions). When submitting, send to editor@nvps.org
Alan Goldstein
FotoFax Editor
Copyright 2017 by the Northern Virginia Photographic Society and its Contributors. The contents of this FotoFax are copyrighted. No material herein may be reproduced in any manner without the written permission of the Editor or the material's contributor. All photographs are copyrighted by the photographers who have granted permission for NVPS to use their image in FotoFax and/or on the NVPS website, but otherwise retain all rights to their image. |