Volume 49 – No. 7.3 |
Founded 1965 – our 48th Year |
March 2014 |
The Newsletter of the Northern Virginia Photographic Society |
Editor: Dan Ward –Email: editor" at "nvps.org |
Note: You can click on the above links to go directly to the article; or you can scroll through the entire newsletter. You can also print the entire newsletter.
To protect our members from email spam, personal email addresses in this newsletter have "@" replaced with " at " Please remember to substitute the "@" when attempting to contact any of the people.
All meetings for the club year will start at 7:30 PM at the Dunn Loring Fire Station. The doors will open at 6:45 PM for a "meet and greet."
Remember to lock your car and place valuables out of sight. Please remember to take seats immediately when the meeting starts and to silence cell phones.
Please check the website and FotoFax for the club's policy on weather closings. Check WTOP www.wtop.com or Fairfax County School systems web site for closings. You can also sign up for emails or cell phone alerts: http://www.fcps.edu/news/emerg.shtml
March 2014
As I sit here writing this monthly message for March, looking out the window of my home onto about a foot of freshly fallen snow, I wonder if spring will ever arrive. The first day of spring still seems like a long way off and I’m thinking maybe I should have spent more time in the 90-degree heat of Ghana this February. Let’s hope that March is easy on us and “comes in like a lion but goes out like a lamb”.
For the nature photographer, there are definitely a few things to watch for this month. Bird migrations for waterfowl such as snow geese from the south to north can happen in early March. One place to witness this is the Middle Creek Lake in Pennsylvania. Birds usually take off just before dawn so it pays to get up early to witness this chaotic but memorable event.
The first spring flowers to arrive in March are crocus, daffodils, Lenten rose and cherry blossoms; shortly followed by iris, tulips, hyacinths and redbuds. Get out the macro lens for some nice close-ups. If we are lucky we might even get a dusting of snow on the new colorful flowers. The huge display of cherry blossoms at the Tidal Basin in DC can peak in late March so be sure to watch the news and check the highly publicized blossom forecast (one example: http://havecamerawilltravel.com/cherry-blossoms/cherry-blossom-peak-bloom-forecasts-2014/). IMO, the best shots here happen before sunrise when the monuments are still illuminated with artificial lights. Use your flash or flashlight to light the cherry blossoms and use your tripod to capture sharp pre-dawn long-exposures.
The very rare and beautiful “Himalayan blue poppy” can be seen in bloom at Longwood Gardens (Kennett Square, PA) in March (http://longwoodgardens.org/gardens/about-our-plants/production/signature-plants). These almost don’t look real and many people come to Longwood to see this unusual flower.
The Highland County Maple Festival (http://www.highlandcounty.org) kicks off in and around Monterey, VA on March 8-9 and 15-16. This is down-home event that has been going on for 56 years. It offers Arts & Crafts, entertainment, tours to several maple syrup farms and of course there will be lots of opportunities to sample and buy authentic Virginia harvested and processed maple syrup. (Watch out Vermont!) NVPS had a field trip here in 2012. Driving around the Virginia highlands in mid-March will be very scenic as the new tree growth starts to emerge.
Here are a few unrelated and possibly but not-necessarily photographic things that will happen this March: Mardi-Gras/Fat-Tuesday in New Orleans (March 4 this year); Beginning of daylight savings (March 9); Full Moon (March 16); St. Patrick’s Day (March 17); Official start of spring (March 20); March madness (basketball), and the beginning of the pro baseball season. March is also time to fertilize the lawn, start the spring garden projects and to begin a fresh new cycle-of-life for the year.
If you would like to capture the full-moon rising over the DC monuments, Sunday evening, at 7:30 PM on March 16 might be just the day to do it. The moon will rise about 15 minutes after sunset so the sky color should be just right. That is, assuming we have a clear night. Also, a great app for your computer (free or donation), tablet ($) or mobile device ($) is called “The Photographer’s Ephemeris” (http://photoephemeris.com/). This useful app not only gives you sun and moon rise/set times for any given day and location, it also shows on Google maps, the direction from where these events will occur. It is quite useful to know where the sun or moon will rise in advance so you can get to your ideal spot before it happens.
On March 25, I will be very pleased to present my digital photo slideshow on Iceland. It will cover a 2200-mile adventure around the “ring road”, Iceland’s main highway through its extremely diverse and beautiful landscapes. I would love to share this exciting experience with you.
Final thoughts
After the coldest and snowiest winter in northern Virginia in at least four years, most of us are ready for some kinder, gentler and warmer spring weather. Plan to get out this month and take some photos; try some green beer and corned-beef and cabbage on March 17 and remember that everyone is Irish on St. Patrick’s Day!
Mike Whalen
Monthly Program
March 4th: Ed Knepley– Abstract Art & Photography
Our program speaker will be Ed Knepley. Ed says "The pure art portion will be minimal and serve as context for the rest." The first section mainly will be an overview including things such as definitions, history, observations and suggestions.
Anything dealing strictly with art will be in this section
The second part of his presentation focuses on abstract photography how-to suggestions showing examples via craftsmanship, composition, creativity & communication. He will highlight
the differences and similarities between making a representational versus an abstract image.
The final section of his presentation will consist mostly of abstract image examples
with comments referred back to the previous two sections.
Ed is a native of the Pittsburgh, PA area. He currently lives near Gainesville with his wife of nearly 53 years! A retired engineer, his final position was Chief Engineer at the Department of Defense and was "responsible for the internet." He took up photography in 2002. Currently, he uses a Nikon D800E, D300, and an Infrared converted D300.
Ed shot and posted an image EVERY day for 4 years between 2003 and 2007. He was self-taught (with a noted local instructor as mentor.) He learned and polished his skills by becoming a volunteer (since 2006) for the National Park Service at Shenandoah, with several of his images used nationally. He has been a beta tester for several photo software developers. Shooting competitively between 2003 to 2006, Ed won 4 pieces of marble and 7 of paper at the NVPS End of Year awards event.
His work has been published (books, papers and magazines) and hangs in private and public collection. He says his main current activity is a blog that has been posted daily for over two years, which can be seen at: http://edknepleyphoto.com

Education & Training
March 11th: Corey Hilz – Lightroom
Corey Hilz will again visit NVPS on our E&T meeting Tuesday, March 11, 2014. Our members expressed great interest in having a follow up to the Lightroom 4 training presentation Corey made to our membership last year. He has graciously agreed to do another session with us.
In this session Corey will discuss some of the new features in Lightroom 5, as well as share his favorite tips and tricks that all Lightroom users can apply. The focus of this session will be on working in the Develop module. Using his own photos, Corey will demonstrate how to effectively move from global to selective adjustments in order to bring out the best in your images. Not a Lightroom user? No worries! Even if you use other software for your image processing you will still benefit from the concepts and approaches that Corey applies to processing raw files.
Please join us for what will be a very informative and educational evening with Corey!
Claire Carroll and George Lafko, Education and Training Coordinators
As a fyi, Corey has an all-day commercial Lightroom Training session on March 22th. For details, check:

March 18th: Competition – Judge Andy Jezioro – No Theme
Co-Vice Presidents of Competition, Susan Phillips and Beth Morris are pleased to welcome back Andy Jezioro as the judge for our March 18th competition.
Andrew is a versatile photographer with many years experience, producing quality images on a wide variety of subjects. He utilizes the latest in digital tools to capture his vision in photographic images. He has produced many award winning photographs and lectures on many aspects of photography. Andrew is a Past President of the Manassas Warrenton Camera Club and has held a number of positions on the board of directors.
He has received "Photographer of the Year" awards in both color and black and white print categories from the Manassas Warrenton Camera club. His work has been published in Petersen's Photographic Magazine. Andrew currently lectures on digital photography at the Northern Virginia Community College.
Editor's note: We like to share competition winning images on the website and include a representative winner from each category in the monthly newsletter, but we cannot do this unless the photographer specifically grants permission. When you win a ribbon in the competition, please remember to grant permission. See the note in the following section for details.

February Competition Results
"Out Of Place," our theme for January, moved to February with Judge Cindi Hobgood. Our entries were fewer than usual as the theme proved to be a difficult one, many images not fulfilling the theme. Our Class 1 Novice group in prints had only 2 entries and there is a 4-image minimum requirement needed for award and points eligibility.
What happened in Class 1? We had 9 entries for Class 2 prints; 15 entries for Class 3 and Monochrome the combined Class had the most with 20. In the Digital category Class 1 had 19 entries; Class 2, 16 and Class 3, 18 entries. Thanks to our esteemed Judge Cindi Hobgood for providing interesting comments and critiques in this not so easy themed competition. We have already signed her up for coming to the club next season as a speaker !
Susan Phillips Co-VP Of Competition
Some winning images from February:
Class 2 Prints - 2nd Place
John Singley
Dog Bone Machine

Class 3 Print - Honorable Mention
Sandi Croan
Where's Waldo?

Class 3 Digital - 1st Place
Timber Gooding
Capital Reef

Class 2 Digital - 1st Place
Tami Stieger

Monochrome Print - 2nd Place
Sandi Croan
VW Bus

Class 1 Digital - 1st Place
Wendy Xu
Clicking on any of the images above will display a larger version of the image.
These were the highest-level winners in each category who provided permission to use their image this month.
Competition Image Use
The NVPS Website has a gallery of past Competition winning images at http://nvps.org/gallery/v/competitions/.
If your image placed first, second, third
or received an honorable mention in a club competition, it is eligible for this gallery. Images are not posted automatically, you must specifically provide consent for your
image to be included in the gallery.
To have your winning image included in the gallery, email competitionwinners" at "nvps.org and
provide the following information:
Your name
Image Category (digital, color print, monochrome print)
Image Class (1, 2, or 3)
Competition Date
Digital Winners: When you upload your image for the competition, you can check the box to grant permission for it to be posted if it wins.
Print Winners: send a digital version of your print, sized as if it were
for digital competition (smaller is ok, but not too small).
The FotoFax newsletter is usually finalized during the weekend
immediately following the monthly club competitions. If your image is a
first place winner and you send it in before the Friday following competition,
your image will be forwarded to the editor for inclusion in FotoFax. If you have not provided permission before that deadline, another winning entry may be used.

March 25th: Ginger Werz-Petricka
Ginger has been a member of NVPS since 2009. She had been a fine arts major in college with special interests in printmaking and photography, but for many years the demands of work and home put her artistic interests on the back burner. She started with film on a Minolta and after several years of using work related digital point and shoot cameras she acquired a Canon Powershot S5IS, went DSLR in 2009 with a Canon Rebel XSi. She added a Canon 60D and is particularly enjoying the cameras greater capability to shoot in low light.
Ginger says that NVPS and its members have been a great source of knowledge and guidance over the last couple of years and has been very active with the portfolio projects for the last few years. For January in Venice, Ginger will show images from the recent photography workshop she attended in Venice, Italy. She will talk about the logistics of the trip, do a quick review of images from that week and then discuss the capture and processing of photographs taken at night.

Members Gallery
March 25th: Prints – Lisa LeGrow
Lisa LeGrow began her love of photography while in high school. A few years, lots of school, work, and then kids got in the way of any serious efforts, until that love was rekindled a couple of years ago. Lisa's photographic eye is grabbed by color, people, and architectural shapes. And she now uses photography as her excuse to travel. The prints that she will display were taken from recent trips to Europe and several excursions within the National Capital Region and West Virginia.
March 25th: Digital – Mike Whalen: Exploring Iceland’s Ring Road
Mike Whalen is a former software engineer who considers himself an advanced amateur/enthusiast photographer. He first learned the basic workings of an SLR camera when he was a teenager, from his father, a fine art painter and graphic artist. Ironically, he did not become passionate about photography until after his retirement and in 2006 when he purchased his first digital SLR camera.
He attributes most of his advancements in photography to becoming an NVPS member. He says that coming to the weekly meetings has increased his photographic knowledge across the board and has provided opportunities he may never have discovered on his own. He has also met many talented and friendly people at NVPS who share his passion. His inspiration comes from seeing the great works of his peers as well as those shown on popular photographic websites.
Since joining NVPS in 2009, Mike has served on the board as Assistant Webmaster, Co-VP of Competitions, and this year as president. Mike received NVPS Advanced Versatile Photographer of the Year awards in both 2011 and 2012, as well as Photographer of the year in Monochrome Prints in 2012, and his image, titled Old Spigot won Color Print of the Year in 2012. His works have been exhibited at Gallery West in Alexandria, VA; Washington School of Photography in Rockville, MD; Nature Visions in Manassas, VA; and in a number of private homes including those of family and friends. His flower and bird images have appeared on the cover of the spring edition of Washington Gardener Magazine in 2010 and 2011. He loves to photograph all kinds of subjects and has gotten comfortable with the entire photographic process from composition, exposure and post-processing to printing, matting and framing the final work.
The Program
In June, 2013 Mike and Cindy Whalen, joined by their two longtime Florida friends and travel companions, drove a 2200 mile journey around Iceland’s ring-road, also known as Route 1. The trip lasted 17 days and it started and ended in the capital city of Reykjavik. In their 4-wheel-drive vehicle, they set out on a self-guided tour, each day driving on average 160 miles and staying in a different guest house almost every night of the trip. The driving was shared among 4 people but Mike, serving as the designated photographer, was frequently assigned to riding shotgun and given the best views of the road ahead. They did make frequent stops, took side road excursions, hiked up a mountain, visited many of the iconic landmarks, but also took many photos through the windshield of the moving vehicle.
They visited countless waterfalls including Iceland’s 4 largest, viewed electric blue thermal pools, sulfur steam vents, and a very active geyser. They saw black sand beaches, took a zodiac boat ride through a lagoon of numerous icebergs, saw incredible rock, lava, and cloud formations; photographed puffins up-close, walked along 1200-foot high cliffs with 3 million nesting birds; saw countless sheep and rode Icelandic horses through a rocky valley. Days were extremely long and tiring but at the end of each day they were completely and totally satisfied with the incredible sights. Michael Reichmann from the Luminous-Landscape called Iceland A Photographer’s Paradise. The members on this trip all agree that this is a correct assessment. Please come and join Mike to see a magical tour around Iceland’s ring road and possibly one of his most rewarding photographic tours or all times. You might just want to put a trip to Iceland on your own personal bucket list!

Field Trips
March 16th: Annapolis Harbor and Historic District
On Sunday, March 16th we will visit Annapolis Harbor and the Historic District. Annapolis is a great seaport town on the Chesapeake Bay that offers many wonderful photographic opportunities. The harbor area offers ships, sails, and scenic harbor image opportunities, while the town contains many historic and architecturally significant buildings such as the Maryland State House and St. Anne’s Church. There are countless opportunities for images highlighting the streets lined with homes, taverns and shops that date back the 18th century. And nearby, the U.S. Naval Academy continues a more than 160-year tradition of educating and commissioning Navy and Marine Corps officers.
We will meet at the Starbucks located at 124 Dock Street, Annapolis, MD.
I would recommend using a GPS as the downtown area has lots of turns.
On a nice Sunday morning, the drive will take approximately one hour.
Carpooling is recommended. The main carpooling location will be the Dunn Loring Fire Station.
Meeting Time
Sunrise that day is 7:16am. If you want to capture the morning light, I will meet you at the Starbucks at 6:45am (they open at 6:00am). Otherwise, we plan to meet at the Starbucks at 8:30am.
Parking is available along City Dock in front of Starbucks with coin-operated parking meters. More parking is available in a lot a block further on Dock Street using Pay to Park machines that issue tickets that you place inside your vehicle. Those meters accept credit cards as well as cash.
Contact fieldtrips@nvps.org to sign up or for more information.

Board of Directors
A full list of all current Board members and their contact information can be found at: http://nvps.org/home/?page_id=23
Elected Board |
President |
– Mike Whalen |
president" at "nvps.org |
Co-VP Programs |
– Jamie Kiechlin |
jkiechlin" at "asce.org |
Co-VP Programs |
– Willa Siegel |
willas4111" at "aol.com |
VP Operations |
– Brian Payne |
bpayne45" at "yahoo.com |
Co-VP Competition |
– Susan Phillips |
competition" at "nvps.org |
Co-VP Competition |
– Beth Morris |
tenfrwrd" at "verizon.net |
Treasurer |
– Tom Brett |
tombrettphoto" at "cox.net |
Secretary/Historian |
– Georgette Grossman |
ggrossman" at "cox.net |
The Portfolio Project is a great way to develop your skills and present your work in a non-competitive environment. And the review is a great way to get in depth feedback and suggestions on how to improve your images.
Complete instruction for getting started can be found on the club website under Meetings / Portfolio Project.
You need to be a part of the project in order to see this year's images in the NVPS Photo Gallery section of the club.
Sign up now! And to receive updates on the project from us please drop your email address off with Ken Barnett at the meeting next week.
Ginger Werz-Petricka and Ken
Notice: The information about workshops and
events not sponsored by or affiliated with NVPS are
provided as an informational courtesy to Members. Individuals should review the detailed
rules and conditions for contests and gallery shows to determine what impact entering an image has on the photographer's
rights and ownership of the submitted images. Review the descriptions of
workshops to see whether participation in a particular workshop would actually meet your personal
learning goals. NVPS attempts to screen events for legitimacy and quality;
however NVPS does not recommend these events and cannot assume responsibility
for their ultimate quality. We recommend due diligence and encourage you to
share your experience with other club members.
Members' Resources:
Do you need help with a photography problem, but don't know who to ask? The Members' Resource Program is here for you. Have you ever been asked "How do you do that?" If so, then consider sharing your knowledge with other club members.
The Members' Resource area of the club web site http://nvps.org/main/members_resource/ contains a growing set of presentations and "how to" documents created by club members. It contains the Members' Resource List, which provides the names and email addresses of club members who have volunteered to help club members looking for help on specific technology and technique topics.
Members' News:
Our members routinely receive photo awards and recognition and have images in shows. As FotoFax only comes out monthly, the best place to look for current events is on the website at :
Member News for Susan Phillips, Karen Saunders and Mike Whalen
In the recent Washington Gardener magazine photo contest NVPS had three winners . Out of 400 entries, 17 were chosen.
Susan Phillips won HM in the Garden Creatures category. Mike Whalen also won HM in the Garden View Category and Karen Saunders won 2nd Place in Garden Vignettes and 3rd Place in Garden Views. Congratulations Susan, Karen and Mike!
Member News for Tom Hady
Tom Hady, APSA, recently received the distinction of Master, MPSA, from the Photographic Society of America, in recognition of the fact that his prints have been accepted for showing at international exhibitions more than 1600 times! Tom's monochrome print, “Moraine Canoes,“ also received the PSA Gold Medal for Best of Show at the 2013 PSA International Exhibition. Very impressive, Tom!
Member News for Patricia Smith
Congratulations to
Patricia (Pat) Smith, who has traditional darkroom silver gelatin prints juried into the Art in City Hall exhibit in Alexandria, the Hill Center Gallery's Capital Hill Art League Exhibit in Washington, and two images in the 2014 Fine Art Photography Exhibit in
Artspace Herndon. Along with Minnie, Willa and Jay, she also had two photos in the Significant Details Fine Art Photography in the Verizon Gallery
at the Richard J. Ernst Community Cultural Center on the Annandale Campus of the Northern Virginia Community College. Way to go, Pat!
Member News for Minnie Gallman
Minnie Gallman's photo, “Old Caddie,” was one one of four NVPS members who had images juried into the Photography Exhibition at the Verizon Gallery, which will run from February 24th to March 24th. The gallery is located at the Richard J. Ernst Community Cultural Center
on the Annandale Campus of the Northern Virginia Community College. For the fourth year in a row, one of her photos was also chosen for the Burke and Herbert annual calendar. This year, Minnie's photo of sunflowers at McKee Beshers is featured for the month of August. Congratulations! p>
Member News for Willa Siegel
Willa Siegel's photo, Blue Dreamy, was also juried in to the Significant Details Show at the Verizon Gallery on the Northern Virginia Community College's Annandale Campus. Congratulations, Willa!
Member News for Jay Heiser
Jay Heiser had three images juried into the Significant Details Photography Exhibit at the Verizon Gallery on the Northern Virginia Community College's Annandale Campus. Awesome, Jay!
Exhibition Opportunities
Mark your calendars!
The 2014 NatureVisions Expo will be held Friday, November 14 - Sunday, November 16, at the Hylton Performing Arts Center, Prince William Campus, George Mason University, Manassas, Virginia.
The NatureVisions Board is pleased to announce that award winning nature photographer and author, Rick Sammon will be this year's Expo keynote speaker. Rick will also conduct a one-day seminar on Friday, November 14, the opening day of the Expo.
By popular demand Julieanne Kost, Principal Digital Imaging Evangelist for Adobe Systems, will return to the Expo and give two free presentations on Sunday, November 16.
Award winning images from the 2013 Expo can be viewed on our website at:
Submitted by John Quigley
NVPS NatureVisions Rep
Workshop Offerings
Speakers and competition judges for NVPS are offered the opportunity to have notices about up-coming tours and workshops in FotoFax for two years after the date of their NVPS program.
Nikhil Bahl Photography Workshops
Nikhil Bahl was our December 2012 presenter and has spoken at the club numerous times in the past. He offers a variety of workshops and coaching events. For more details with his latest workshop updates, visit: www.NikhilBahl.com
Sam D'Amico
Sam D'Amico was our judge for April 2013. He asked that we post this information: "Thank you to all who extended their hospitality and made me feel welcome. If you're interested here's a post on my website that was inspired by our meeting:" http://samdamico.com/different-point-view/
See Sam's website for more information about his services: Sam D'Amico Photography Original Photography and Excellent Photography Instruction. Classes held in Washington DC and Online – Introduction To Photography classes start monthly.
Alan DeFelice
Alan DeFelice was our October 2013 judge. He is a professional photographer who has done raptor photo workshops at Nature Visions. For several years Alan has been a partner with Virginia Digital Photo Safaris.
Steve Gottlieb
Steve Gottlieb was our November 2012 judge. He is Director of Horizon Photography Workshops where he and other instructors offer workshops all year round. The Horizon Summit on March 1- 2 in Wilmington, DE, has lecturers covering travel, landscapes, Photoshop, history, flash, glamour, animals, new equipment, and more. There will be portfolio reviews, a glamour shoot, personal Lightroom and equipment instruction, and an opportunity to talk to the instructors and meet people who share your passion for photography. Plus you can check out the great Wilmington International Exhibit of Photography. More details are on the Horizon website:
David Heagy
David Heagy is a NVPS club member and was the Digital Gallery presenter in November 2012. The Travel Photography Satisfaction class will show novice and experienced photographers how to increase their satisfaction with their travel photos, handle a variety of situations, protect their images and equipment, and use photography to plan their trips. His schedule of classes and more information are at: http://imageryx.com/.
Corey Hilz
Corey Hilz was our December 2013 judge and is scheduled as our March 2014 Education and Training speaker. He regularly holds workshops on Lightroom, Photoshop and Aperture as well as hosting photo tours. Corey has an all-day Lightroom training session on March 22 - http://coreyhilz.com/classes/lightroom.html
Don Johnson
Don Johnson was our speaker for the October 2013 program. He specializes in zoo photography and does guest lecture at photo clubs throughout the area. He sells his zoo/animal photos on his website and has done workshops at Nature Visions. See his website for details: www.sunspotimages.com
Adam Jones
Adam Jones was our Program speaker in September 2013. He is a popular and respected workshop instructor and lecturer. Adam teaches photography workshops around the world helping students reach their full potential in the exciting world of digital photography. He has taught for Canon, Popular Photography & Imaging, and Maine Photographic Workshops.
Adam is noted for his enthusiastic down to earth approach and his ability to communicate effectively with all skill levels. A listing of his current workshops can be found here on his website: http://www.adamjonesphoto.com/photo_tours_workshops.html
Missy Loewe
Missy Loewe was our judge in May 2013. She is the Director of the Washington School of Photography and would like NVPS members to be aware of these upcoming workshops:
Saturday, March 22nd @ 10am - 5pm: Shoot Around Expo
Join us for a full day of photography workshops, and have the opportunity to photograph a variety of subjects including a Body Builder, Fire Fighter, Yogi, Fashion Model, Figure and more!
Saturday, April 12th @ 11am: Professional Program Preview.
Interested in making photography your new career? Join our Professional Photography preview.
Saturday, May 3rd @ 10am - 4pm: Manufacturer's Demo
If you're looking for new lenses, lighting, or other equipment, join us for a manufacturer's demo on May 3rd. This demo will have 2 lighting setups for use, featuring lighting equipment from Dynalite, Rimelight, and models from DC modeling agencies. No need to RSVP - cost is $15 at the door.
Full information on all WSP workshops can be found at:
Victoria Restrepo
Victoria Restrepo was our judge in February 2013.
She is conducting a Cherry Blossom Photography Workshop sponsored by The Art Museum of the Americas in Washington DC. The workshop is intended from beginner to advanced amateur photographers and will provide practical information, tips, techniques and guidance for finding the best places for cherry blossom pictures. The workshop is on Saturday April 12th, from 10 AM to 5:30 PM. Details are available at: http://photography.victoriarestrepo.com/2014/02/the-cherry-blossom-photography-workshop/
Joseph Rossbach
Joseph Rossbach was our speaker in February 2012.
He does one-day workshops, educational photo tours, individual coaching and other learning events. Details are available at: http://www.josephrossbach.com/photography-tours-workshops/
Roy Sewall
Roy Sewell was our May 2013 Portfolio Critiquer. He offers one-on-one coaching for novice and intermediate photographers, tailored to an
individual's specific needs. See more at: http://www.roysewallphotography.com/iWeb/Home.html
Alan Sislen
Alan Sislen was our November 2013 speaker. He specializes in color, black and white and infrared landscape photography.
Alan provides individual instruction, classes and workshops on a wide variety of topics. See more at: http://alansislenphotography.com/index.php
James Steele
James Steele was our scheduled judge for the weather-cancelled competition in January 2014.
He does individual coaching, tutoring and custom printing support. He can be reached at his gallery in the Torpedo Factory or via his blog at: http://jamesdsteele.blogspot.com/
Joshua Taylor, Jr.
Joshua Taylor is a past NVPS president and was our September 2013 Competition judge. His goal in photography is to help you create, capture and refine your vision. Josh is offering fall photography workshops and classes, including Canon camera classes. For a complete listing and registration, visit his website: joshuataylorphotography.com
Frank Van Riper
Frank Van Riper was our March 2013 judge. In addition to teaching at Photoworks, he offers a variety of acclaimed workshops in great locations. Frank and his wife, Judith Goodman, lead sold-out photography workshops in Italy, Maine and Washington DC. They invite you to join them for low-key, hands-on instruction in some of the world's most beautiful settings. His website is down as of the date of this newsletter, but you can follow him on his blog at: http://www.talkingphotography.com
Alexander "Sasha" Vasiljev
Sasha Vasiljev was our March 2013 NVPS program speaker. His company, NATURE & PHOTO TOURS offers a number of photo tours: http://naturephotographytours.com
Wayne Wolfersberger
Wayne Wolfersberger is a NVPS member, past President, and was our October 2013 Digital Members Gallery speaker. He teaches a number of classes with the Fairfax County Park Authority. The 2014 calendar schedule is available on Wayne's website at: http://www.waynewolfersberger.com/
Want Ads
For Sale
Spudz Microfiber in Flip Pouch
The club has a supply of Spudz. Great for cleaning your lens and camera. These are a large size, 10x10 inches, and are emblazoned with the club logo! Don't be fooled by other cheaper models. These are in the flip pouch.
I will be selling them at club meetings for the amazing price of $10/each or $20 for two.
Bob Friedman
Northern Virginia Alliance of Camera Clubs (NVACC)
The Northern Virginia Alliance of Camera Clubs (NVACC) is an informal entity started in 1997 by Joseph Miller with the assistance of Dave Carter and Ed Funk. Its purpose is to promote communication and cooperation among area camera clubs. NVACC is made up of Member Clubs and Associated Member Clubs.
NVACC publishes a calendar of area member club events that can be found at http://www.nvacc.org/Calendars.html
NVACC has a free, downloadable series of 25 guidebooks for photographers, which provide information about nearby areas that camera clubs might wish to visit. See their booklets at:
Editor's Note
Because we are photographers, our friends often feel the need to forward every photo they have ever seen that they found the slightest bit interesting. If you are like me, these well-intentioned forwarded emails can get tiresome at times. But sometimes, we get something really interesting.
One of my cousins recently forwarded this link for a calendar created by a retirement community in Germany. It is one of the coolest things I have seen lately. The residents are staged as their favorite movie characters.
Have you ever used your photography to raise money for a charitable group? For several years, I have donated images to various Charity Balls and School fundraisers. It can be fun watching the bids go up during a silent auction on one of your images. A calendar might even be a fun portfolio project!
As always, if you encounter any problems reading FotoFax, please let me know.
Newsletter Editor, Dan Ward

Copyright 2014 by the Northern Virginia Photographic Society and its Contributors. The contents of this FotoFax are copyrighted. No material herein may be reproduced in any manner without the written permission of the Editor or the material's contributor. All photographs are copyrighted by the photographers who have granted permission for NVPS to use their image in FotoFax and/or on the NVPS website, but otherwise retain all rights to their image. |