Last month, several members of the board received an e-mail from a seventh grader at George Washington Middle School in Alexandria. He told us that four students were trying to start a camera club and needed cameras and mentors.
Thanks to NVPS members, they have enough cameras to get started. Bob and I met with them recently. They are eager to learn and full of questions. Their enthusiasm is limitless and contagious. There are twenty more students who would like to join the club. They need our help. While they will need more cameras, they have some other possible sources. They could use media cards--the small ones that are useless in newer cameras would work for them.
More important, they need mentors. They are perfectly delightful to work with--eager, well behaved, creative, inquisitive...........but they are more than Bob and I can handle alone. They meet for an hour a week--Wednesdays from 3:15 to 4:15 is club time at their school. If this fits into your schedule and you would like to share your enthusiasm and knowledge in exchange for a view of the world through the creative eyes of children, they need you.
I would like to see NVPS continue to support this worthwhile project and that requires your participation.
On another note, you don't want to miss the End of Year banquet . Buy your tickets to the banquet, which is on June 7th at the Westpark in Tysons Corner. There will be wonderful photos and wonderful people. Tickets are $35 each; a real bargain. Either give Treasurer Tom Brett a check at a meeting, or easier still, use PayPal. Here is the link:
Do it now so you won't forget. Tickets at the door will cost $5.00 more.
The winning images from the years competition will be displayed and the results of the EOY competition will be revealed. The will be awards, food, spirits and camaraderie. Bring your significant other(s), friends and relatives, for a look at the best of the best images from the year and a fun evening.
Willa Friedman
May 7th: David Luria—Where the Good Pictures Are
David Luria is an architectural photographer who has lived in Washington DC for 40 years. He knows where all the good pictures are, and he will be sharing a few of those with you tonight!
Trained in Paris by a protégé of French photographer Henri-Cartier Bresson, David is a member of the American Society of Media Photographers and has had his images of DC appear in over 100 local publications. You’ll also find his name on the back of the many postcards sold in the DC area. He is a contributing photographer for WHERE-Washington Magazine, Apartment Showcase Magazine, NOW Magazine, the National Cherry Blossom Festival and Destination DC. He has photographed over 2,500 local apartment complexes and 300 restaurants in the area and he is the official photographer of the Gray Line bus company.
David says he got his start in photography a long time ago when he took a picture of his 8-year old daughter’s best friend and her father liked it so much he cried! In 1999 David decided to share his joy photography with others by founding the Washington Photo Safari, through which he and his team of 12 instructors have trained over 27,000 amateur photographers in camera use and photographic composition. Getting many positive reviews, it is now rated as # 11 on Trip Advisor’s list of 68 favorite tours in Washington DC.
Many of us at NVPS have benefited from David’s photo safaris, so we are especially pleased to welcome him .so that he can show us pictures from our neighborhood that we never even knew were there!
Unrelated to the program, the annual NVPS Officer election will be held at the beginning of this meeting. See the list of candidate further down in this newsletter. We will also consider proposed changes to our competition rules.
May 14th: Roy Sewell - Final Portfolio Critique
This month's Education & Training program will be the final portfolio critique, and will be conducted by Roy Sewell.
Roy Sewall is one of the leading photographers of the Potomac River, and
the C&O Canal. Although Roy spent most of his youth in India,
Pakistan, Indonesia, and the Philippines, his family's home base was the
Washington, D.C. Area. Roy has a B.S. in Physics from the Case
Institute of Technology in Cleveland, and a M.S. in Engineering Science from
Penn State. He returned permanently to the Washington area in 1969, and
worked for several major technology corporations for over 30 years.
Roy's interest in photography evolved from extensive travel in six
continents. In 2001, he started his transition to full-time
photographer. He has always found the Washington area to be one of the
most photogenic locations in the world. Roy's 1st photography book, Our
Potomac, from Great Falls through Washington, D.C., was published in
2005. His 2nd book, Great Falls and Mather Gorge, was
published in 2009. In addition, he was a guest on WETA's TV program Great
Views of Washington, D.C., the lead photographer in the Best of D.C. publication, and in a feature article in the 2009/2010 Where Guestbook,
Washington, D.C.
Please visit Roy's website to learn more::
May 21st: Competition — Judge Missy Loewe
Co – Vice Presidents of Competition Mike Kane and Mike Whalen are pleased to welcome Missy Loewe as our judge for the club’s May 21, 2013 monthly club competition. There is no theme for the May competition and there is no time restriction on when you image was taken.
Missy Loewe is the executive director of the Washington School of Photography, board president of Capitol Arts Network, and serves on the boards of numerous art and historic preservation nonprofits. Starting in the photography field in 1997, her work has appeared in books, brochures, magazines, government buildings, gallery shows, and museums.
She has been a writer and photographer for several books and numerous magazine articles. Her “Stone Angels” photo series of historical cemetery markers in Vienna, London, Charleston, and Washington, D.C., has appeared in a number of galleries and private collections. She is the photographer for the “Virtual Pose” series of art drawing guides, and has authored books on photography, art, and modeling. Sought after as a presenter and instructor, Loewe hold a law degree and Master’s degree in business, which uniquely qualifies her to speak to photographers about copyright, business formation, contracts, and model releases.
She lives in Gaithersburg with her husband, a border collie named Redford, and three cats who have become used to being herded.
You are invited to join judge Missy Loewe for dinner at Chili’s in Tyson’s Corner at 5:30 PM on Tuesday May 21, 2013. If you would like to join us please RSVP to Mike Kane ( by 5:30 PM on Monday, May 20th.
Please Note: All prints, eligible for the End-Of-Year (EOY) Competition, must be dropped off at the firehouse and signed for by May 14th. Only images that receive awards on the evening of May 21st, with the approval of their owner, will be collected that evening for the EOY judging. Also, digital images require your permission to be entered in the EOY competition. Please sign in digital and prints on the sign-in log at the firehouse at your earliest convenience. The EOY competition date is Wednesday, May 22.
Some Competition Reminders:
Please upload your digital images by the deadline of 6:00 PM on Sunday, May 19, 2013, as per the current instructions on the club website: NVPS Competition Upload.
If you are new to NVPS or new to entering photo competitions with NVPS and you are not sure of which class (Novice or Advanced) to enter please contact the Co – Vice Presidents of Competition Mike Kane or Mike Whalen to assist in selecting the correct class for competition.
There is no time limit on images for this competition. Only club members are permitted to enter monthly competitions. Prints must be signed in by 7:15 PM on Tuesday, May 21st so our judge has time to adequately preview each print.
For prints entries please be sure include the name of the maker, the title of the print and the Class/Category in which it is being entered on the back of the print or mount entered. Also, you must include an arrow indicating “this edge up”. Neither the name of the maker nor the title of the print may appear on the face of the print or mount.
Please be sure to secure each print's overmat to the backing board so that the image will not fall out of its mount.
Please review the NVPS Rules of Competition that can be found here:
The competition themes for 2014-2015 will include:
a. Street Photography (not staged, public place)
b. Water
c. Still Life
Also, changes to the competition rules will be proposed for a vote during the May 7th meeting. If the changes are accepted, the new rules will be posted on the website.
Thank You! Mike Kane and Mike Whalen
April Competition Results
The full April competition results can be found at:
Some of the winning images from April
Novice Prints - 1st Place
Tami Gragert Staten Island Sept. 11 Memorial
Advanced Digital - 1st Place
Tuan Pham
Look Up

Novice Digital 1st Place
Alan P. Goldstein
Field of Dreams
Advanced Prints - Honorable Mention
Georgette Grossman
Center of Attention
Monochrome Prints - 1st Place
Minnie Gallman
Clicking on any of the images above will display a larger version of the image.
Competition Image Use
The NVPS Website has a gallery of past Competition winning images at
If your image placed first, second, third
or received an honorable mention in a club competition, it is eligible for this gallery. This
is not done automatically; you must specifically provide consent for your
image to be included in the gallery.
To have your winning image included in the gallery, email and
provide the following information:
Your name
Image Title
Image Category (digital, color print, monochrome print)
Award Received (1st, 2nd, 3rd, HM)
Image Class – for those categories with classes (Advanced or Novice)
Competition Date
Digital Winners: just provide consent for posting your image
Print Winners: send a digital version of your print, sized as if it were
for digital competition (smaller is ok, but not too small).
The FotoFax newsletter is usually finalized during the weekend
immediately following the monthly club competitions. If your image is a
first place winner and you send it in before the Friday following competition,
your image will be forwarded to the editor for inclusion in FotoFax.
If you have not provided permission before that deadline, another winning entry may be used.
May 28th: Sandi Croan - Around the World
Sandi Croan (and special guests) for a whirlwind trip around the world. Sandi and her husband, Jerry traveled with 76 other passengers, lecturers, and National Geographic photographer Annie Griffiths by private jet on a National Geographic Expedition from December 28th 2012 – January 20th 2013.
Sandi will share photos, experiences and travel suggestions from this trip of a lifetime. This was a bucket list trip for Sandi and Jerry – 24 days, 12 World Heritage Sites, 23 plane stops, 15 hotels. She still wants to know where the day went when they crossed the international date line.
Sandi Croan is an independent artist from Centreville who has been living in Northern Virginia since 1978. She specializes in landscape, nature, and travel photography with an eye for capturing the unique and creating fine art for homes and offices.
Sandi has won numerous competitions and awards for her fine art photographs. In 2008, she was awarded Photographer of the Year and Print of the Year by the Northern Virginia Photographic Society and she won both Best in Show and 2nd Place at the juried Meadowlark Photo Expo in Vienna, VA. Her images have been selected to be put on permanent display at Meadowlark Botanical Gardens and the Joseph Miller Center for the Photographic Arts. She has been juried into numerous art shows including; Art Space/Herndon Fine Art Photography Competition, Joe Miller Abstract Exhibition, Natures Vision Nature Exhibition, Meadowlark Nature Exhibition, George W. Glennie International Digital Competition, the prestigious VisArts of Rockville Exhibitions, Fairfax County Council of the Arts Show and The Fraser Gallery International Photography Exhibition. Sandi was a featured artist in
Elan Magazine, and her photograph “Blue Lagoon” was on the cover. She has also had photographs published in other local and national magazines.
Sandi has sold many of her photographs to private, corporate and government clients, and does shows for businesses and other local events. In addition, Sandi has recently/or is currently displaying her art at Broadway Gallery, The Blue Iguana restaurant in Fairfax, Meadowlark Gardens, Cub Run Recreation Center, Trummers Restaurant on Main Street, and the Fairfax County Government Center.
Sandi has been an active member of the Northern Virginia Photographic Society (NVPS) since 2004 and has served in a variety of board positions. She served as President of NVPS for two terms from 2009-2011.
(The only two term president in the club's history.) She also is a speaker and serves as a judge for area photographic clubs, competitions and exhibitions.
You can see a sample of Sandi’s work on
May 28th: Prints — Paul Herholz - Iceland
Paul Herholz will be presenting prints from his August 2012 trip to Iceland. Most of the images were taken in the Highlands.
Paul was a member of a photo tour consisting of three other participants, the pro guide, the guide's wife and Paul. They lived in a cottage and the wife did the cooking (magnificently). There was no TV or radio for a week, just conversation. Paul thought it was a nice change from “normal” life.
He scheduled two plus days by himself in the fascinating capital city of Reykjavik. Paul wandered the streets, doing more street photography than he had ever done. He will include two montage prints of photos taken in Reykjavik.
Iceland is geographically unique in the world. He highly recommends it to any landscape photographer, but suggests taking a formal photo tour. The interior of the country is difficult and you might not be happy with the results if you tackled this trip on your own.
Paul has three albums from Iceland on his website, The largest is called “The Highlands”, another is “Reykjavik”, and finally “Iceland-Memory Pictures”. This is the back story, so to speak.
Paul's bio: My interest in photography has been at both ends of my life, when I was a teenager and now, with not much in the middle. My formal education was a correspondence course from The New York Institute of Photography and Navy photography training. As a kid, I would load film in the closet and then wait for dark to do printing in the basement. After I got my driver’s license, I worked part time in a camera shop during high school and early college.
When I was 17, I joined the Navy Reserve and became a photographer's mate, using the iconic 4×5 Speed Graphic. When I got my Army commission, photography went by the wayside. For no known reason, I again developed a serious interest in photography about four years ago. I’ve always loved travel and now photography is the reason for the trips I take. I have other subject interests but travel photography is primary.
May 28th: Digital — The Self Improvement Project
Our May Digital program features the images created by the participants in the self-improvement project throughout the club year.
“The objective of these field trips is to improve our photographic vision by learning to recognize and use the building blocks of visual design in creating images. If you’re like me, you have favorite pictures, ones you have taken and those taken by others, but have difficulty articulating what it is that makes them good. Hopefully, these Self Improvement Field Trips will help us in consciously using the elements of visual design to create and understand compelling images.”
We used Freeman Patterson’s book, Photographing The World Around You (A Visual Design Workshop) as a study aid. Each month there was an assignment, e.g. lines, triangles, circles, etc. There were monthly field trips to Green Spring Park.
Bob Friedman
Field Trips
May 4th: Third Annual Joseph Miller Abstract Photography Exhibit
Joe Miller has extended an invitation to NVPS members to a preview of the Abstract Exhibition the day before the official reception. The reception will be held on Sunday, May 5. He has invited us to his gallery on Saturday, May 4, from 2:00 pm to 5:00 pm. In addition we are welcome to photograph on his property. There is a pond and a stream through the woods and the wild flowers should be in bloom. We can make it an afternoon outing.
The exhibit will be open through Sunday, May 26, 2013. Exhibit hours are every Friday, Saturday, and Sunday from 12:00 pm – 5:00 pm. On Sunday, May 5, 2013, there will be a formal Reception and Awards from 2:00 pm – 5:00 pm.
The exhibit closes at 5:00 pm on Sunday, May 26th. Full details on the exhibit itself, directions and information about the gallery are available at:
May 4th: Kinetic Sculpture Boat Race, Baltimore
Pure fun with human propelled, highly decorated vehicles running the course through Inner Harbor and points beyond, through water, mud and back streets. This is not an official field trip, but is an alternate opportunity event for those who are not participating in the Abstract Exhibit Field Trip. There are many great restaurants around
Inner Harbor and Fells Point.
May 18: Bombay Hook NWR, Delaware - now informal
We no longer have an "official guide" available to lead this event, so if you go, you will be on your own. This is the premier wildlife and birding venue on Atlantic Coast. Lots to see. Arrive Friday evening in time for dinner and to get ready for a sunrise shoot Saturday AM. Motels nearby.
The club blocked 10 rooms at the Microtel Inn and Suites for $79.90 plus tax, but the guarantee period has expired. You might want to check online via or other travel sites for a better deal.
The details are:
Microtel Inn and Suites
1703 Lebanon Road
Dover DE 19901
Tel: 302 674 3800
Planned Future Field Trips
June TBD: Ladew Gardens, Monkton, MD. One of the top topiary gardens in the U.S. with beautiful themed gardens, a nature trail and an old home to visit. Admission required. About two hours from DC. Small lunchroom on premises in old stable. Check out
July 13: Kenilworth Gardens, Washington, DC. An annual NVPS event to welcome summer. Watch the website for more details to follow.
Bill Vanderpool and Claire Carroll
NVPS Nominations and Elections
Club Year 2013-2014
The NVPS election will be at the first club meeting in May. It will be by voice vote, if there are no additional nominations, or, by written vote, if added nominations have been made.
The nominating committee members were Bob Friedman (Chairperson), Mike Whalen & Georgette Grossman. Here are the nominees:
President: |
Mike Whalen |
Vice Presidents for Programs: |
Jamie Kiechlin & Willa Siegel |
Vice Presidents for Competition: |
Beth Morris & Susan Phillips |
Vice President for Operations: |
Brian Payne |
Treasurer: |
Tom Brett |
Secretary/Historian: |
Georgette Grossman |
Other Board members will be appointed by the President and are not elected.
Bob Friedman,
Chairperson of the nominating committee, and Past President
A full list of all current Board members and their contact information can be found at
Our 2012 - 2013 program year and outgoing board officers are:
President: |
Willa Friedman |
Vice President for Programs: |
Bob Friedman & Mary O’Neill |
Vice Presidents for Competition: |
Mike Whalen & Mike Kane |
Vice President for Operations: |
Jim Norman |
Treasurer: |
Tom Brett |
Secretary / Historian: |
Georgette Grossman |
Please remember to upload your images to your Portfolio folder and do your final tweaking by the April 30 cut-off. For the final critique on May 14 with Roy Sewell, we need a maximum of 15 images plus your artist statement.
Next steps include deciding on the format of the final presentation of your images. If you are unsure what format you want to use please review Scott Musson's presentation on Photo Books & Calendars presented on 3/30/2010 at:
For books, allow yourself 2 weeks to get them back in time although it may not take that long. Blurb, My Publisher and Shutterfly all have easy to follow instructions on their websites. If you have had a good, or bad, experience with another company let us know and we’ll pass it on. The most frequent complaint I’ve heard has been that the color isn’t always true to the image we saw at home. I plan to calibrate my monitor for a final run through before putting the book together.
Last year’s participants presented their work in a variety of ways, including matted prints, books, posters and a slide show on a laptop. The format is up to you.
Thanks for your participation; we look forward to seeing your images in May!
Ginger Werz-Petricka (vze39dgt" at " and Ken Barnett (ken.barnett" at "
Notice: Workshop and
contest announcements of events not sponsored by or affiliated with NVPS are
provided as a courtesy to Members. Members should review the detailed
contest rules and conditions to determine what impact entering images has on
rights and ownership of the submitted images. Review the descriptions of
workshop to whether participation in a workshop would actually meet personal
learning goals. NVPS attempts to screen events for legitimacy and quality;
however NVPS does not recommend these events and cannot assume responsibility
for their ultimate quality. We recommend due diligence and encourage you to
share your experience with other club members.
Members' Resources:
Do you need help with a photography problem, but don’t know who to ask? The Members’ Resource Program is here for you. Have you ever been asked “How do you do that?” If so, then consider sharing your knowledge with other club members.
The Members’ Resource area of the club web site contains a growing set of presentations and ‘how to’ documents created by club members. It contains the Members’ Resource List, which provides the names and email addresses of club members who have volunteered to help club members looking for help on specific technology and technique topics. A recent addition is Wayne Wolfersberger's handouts from his March presentation, Nature Photography in Your Own Backyard.
Image Galleries on the NVPS Website
Have you checked out the NVPS Galleries on the website lately? New material is added regularly, including recent Cherry Blossom photos, the Portfolio project results and selections from the Self Improvement project. There is a wealth of NVPS photography available in multiple categories. Check it out at:
Members' News:
Our members routinely receive photo awards and recognition and have images in shows. As
FotoFax only comes out monthly, the best place to look for current events is on the website at:
Members News for Wayne Wolfersberger
Wayne Wolfersberger has been really busy lately. He judged at the Manassas-Warrenton Camera Club in September, presented a program on Photographing Wildlife to the Vienna Photographic Society in November, was the judge for North Bethesda Camera Club in January (the topic was Abstracts in Nature), judged with Erwin Siegel at the Vienna Community's annual photographic weekend event, had a photograph published in the Shutterbug magazine and some images selected for a national/international calendar. He has also published a number of short videos on YouTube under his name, of course. He continues to teach photo classes and private lessons when he can fit it all in.
Members News for Dan Ward
Dan Ward has a one-man photo show opening at the Atrium Gallery in McLean on Monday, May 13th. The show, called "Here There Be Dragons", is a selection of 20 images from Dan's NVPS Portfolio Project. The Atrium Gallery is a private gallery owned by The MITRE Corporation, in the MITRE-1 building on Colshire in McLean. Gallery access is normally restricted to MITRE and US Government employees, but there is a public reception for pre-registered guests on Monday, May 13th, from 4:45- 6:45 pm. If you would like to attend the reception, contact Dan at danlward" at "
Exhibition Opportunities
NatureVisions Open Exhibit
There will be an Open Exhibit, on an experimental basis, at Nature Visions in November. The Open Exhibit will be about half the size (150 images) of the nature photo exhibit at the Hylton. The images will be displayed in Beacon Hall. Beacon is a new building, adjacent to the Hylton Center, where we will be holding Nature Visions classes and creating a new lounge area, in addition to staging the Open Exhibit there.
NVPS has many members who do not shoot nature or take part in Nature Visions each year. Many of you expressed an interest in such an exhibit. For that reason, NVPS voted in favor of this experiment, which was proposed by the Loudoun Photo Club. We hope you are excited.
Any NVPS member may submit up to two non-nature images for the Open Exhibit competition. The entries will be due in late October. There is no entry fee.
Each club will separately judge its images. The greater the number of NVPS entries, the greater will be the number of images that NVPS will be entitled to jury into the Open Exhibit.
NVPS needs a lead volunteer to collect the entries, to recruit a judge to make the selections, and to coordinate set-up and take-down at Nature Visions. If you are willing to be the lead volunteer or assist in this effort for the Open Exhibit, please contact me (John Quigley.)
The new Open Exhibit necessitates no changes to the Nature Visions competition and exhibit of nature images. As before, NVPS members may submit six images at no fee, and up to four more for a $20 fee, to compete to be juried into the nature exhibit at Nature Visions. Current Nature Visions rules on image sizes, mats and volunteering will apply to the Open Exhibit.
Last but not least, the Open Exhibit is an experiment. Its future will be determined by the Nature Visions board after this year’s Expo. The popularity of the Open Exhibit, in terms of submissions and in terms of volunteer turnout, will probably determine whether it is continued in 2014.
John Quigley jhquigley" at "
Exhibits Coordinator/NatureVisions Rep
Celebrate Fairfax Photo Contest
The last chance to enter something for Celebrate Fairfax is May 1st. Check their website if you have something ready.
Peace Officers Memorial Service - May 15th
The 32nd Annual National Peace Officers' Memorial Service will be held on the West Front of the U.S. Capitol in Washington. The service is from 11:00 am - 1:00 pm. While a solemn event, many participants will be in dress uniform. A Wreath Laying Ceremony will be held immediately following the Memorial Service at the National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial, located in the 400 block of E Street, NW. Washington DC.
Horseshoe Crabs - May 25th
Each spring on new moon and full moon evenings, horseshoe crabs come ashore on the beaches of Delaware Bay to spawn. By being at the right place at the right time, it is possible to witness tens of thousands of these crabs covering the shoreline for miles. Those who have witnessed it say it is a "creepy cool" experience. Slaughter Beach, at the north end of Prime Hook National Wildlife Refuge, is one of the best places to experience this event. On Saturday evening, May 25th, the full moon rises at 9:04 pm. Crab activity peaks with the evening high tide, which will be at 9:37 pm.
Slaughter Beach can be reached from the north on RT 36 or from the south on Slaughter Beach Road (County Road 224). Both exits are well marked on Rt. 1. The Slaughter Beach Fire Company (located just north of Slaughter Beach Road on Bay Road) reportedly has a large parking lot and a picnic pavilion just off the beach with public restrooms. There are seven roads that provide parking and access to the beach between the Fire Company and the north end of the town of Slaughter Beach.
Mathew Brady's Portraits of Union Generals - Continuing Show
Mathew Brady was the most famous photographer of the American Civil War. As he was nearly blind by that time, it may be debatable as far as how many photos he actually took, but he was brilliant in organizing a professional studio with 20+ teams of photographers. (Just remember, f32 and be there!)
There is little doubt his work defined photojournalism for the era and dominated the field for many years. The National Portrait Gallery features a collection of Matthew Brady photos of Union Generals. For more details, see their website:
Speakers and competition judges for NVPS are offered the opportunity to have notices about up-coming tours and workshops in FotoFax for two years after the date of their NVPS program. NVPS members are also welcomed to list their workshops.
Sam D'Amico
Sam was our judge for April 2013. He asked that we post this information: "Thank you to all who extended their hospitality and made me feel welcome. If you're interested here's a post on my website that was inspired by our meeting.
See Sam's website for more information about his services: Sam D'Amico Photography - Original Photography And Excellent Photography Instruction. Classes held in Washington DC and Online--Introduction To Photography classes start monthly.
Corey Hilz
Corey was our speaker for the April 2013 program. He regularly holds workshops on Lightroom, Photoshop and Aperture as well as hosting photo tours. See his website for the current schedule:
James Steele
Jim provided our 2012 Portfolio Critique and was our competition judge in May 2012.
He does individual coaching and tutoring and can be reached at his gallery in the Torpedo Factory or via his blog at:
Mollie Isaacs and Mary Lindhjem
Mollie and Mary have been regulars at NVPS and were scheduled for a weather cancelled meeting last year. They are coming back in the Fall. During 2013, they are offering trips to birding sites in North Carolina and Florida, Alaska's Denali National Park and Katmai National Park, Yellowstone
National Parks, the Great
Smoky Mountains, and Acadia National Park in Maine. All tours include extensive
photographic opportunities in the field, as well as personal one-on-one
assistance and classroom instruction.
See their website for details.
Isaacs and Mary Lindhjem or
awakethelight" at "
Wayne Wolfersberger
Wayne Wolfersberger is a NVPS member, past President, and our March 2013 Forum speaker. He teaches a number of classes with the Fairfax County Park Authority. The 2013 calendar schedule is available via Wayne's website at:
Steve Gottlieb
Steve was our November 2012 judge. He is Director of Horizon Photography Workshops where he and other instructors offer workshops, mostly on weekends, all year round.
Tony Sweet
Tony was our September 2011 speaker. Tony is a Nikon Legend Behind the Lens, a charter member of Team Nik, a Lensbaby Guru, and a Bogen mentor.
Tony offers a wide variety of other location and software training workshops, as well as individual coaching services. Tony also has an active blog and newsletter. See his website for more details and information:
Roy Sewall
Roy was our November 2011 judge and is scheduled to provide Portfolio Critiques in May 2013. He offers one-on-one coaching for novice and intermediate photographers, tailored to an
individual's specific needs. See more at:
Frank Van Riper
Frank Van Riper was our March 2013 judge. In addition to teaching at Photoworks, he offers a variety of acclaimed workshops in great locations. Frank and his wife, Judith Goodman, lead sold-out photography workshops in Italy, Maine and Washington DC. They invite you to join them for low-key, hands-on instruction in some of the world’s most beautiful settings. See their website for the current opportunities:
Nikhil Bahl Photography Workshops
Nikhil was our December 2012 presenter and has spoken at the club numerous times in the past. He offers a variety of workshops and coaching events. For more details with his latest workshop updates, visit:
Joshua Taylor, Jr.
Josh Taylor is a past NVPS president and was our September 2012 Competition judge. His goal in photography is to help you create, capture and refine your vision. Josh is offering fall photography workshops and classes, including Canon camera classes. For a complete listing and registration, visit his website:
Joseph Rossbach
Joe was our speaker in February 2012.
He has several tour events listed for the next few months, including the Grand Tetons and a Valley of Fire tour. Rossbach details are at:
Alexander "Sasha" Vasiljev
Sasha was our March 2013 NVPS program speaker. His company, NATURE & PHOTO TOURS offers a number of photo tours:
David Heagy
David Heagy is a NVPS club member and was the Digital Gallery presenter in November 2012. The Travel Photography Satisfaction class will show novice and experienced photographers how to increase their satisfaction with their travel photos, handle a variety of situations, protect their images and equipment, and use photography to plan their trips. His schedule of classes and more information are at:
For Sale
New camera equipment comes out almost every day! Someone else may be waiting for you gently used gear. Turn your unused imaging equipment into money for that next photographic purchase by posting it here on FotoFax. Send your Want Ad listing to fotofax" at "
Wanted to Buy
NVPS member looking to buy a used Nikon Nikkor 200 mm f/4 macro lens in good condition.
Please call 703-855-9888.
Tuan Pham
For Sale
Canon Equipment - All equipment is in excellent/like new condition
with instruction and in boxes.
Canon EOS 60D Digital Camera (Body Only) 18mp, ISO 6400, 9 AF, 5.3 FPS, EOS Movie, Full HD, Raw + JPEG in Camera, DIGIC 4, (See for full camera details.) Includes all accessories + extra battery ($100 value) Brand new Canon 60D Camera Strap, Additional instruction book “60D Digital Field Guide) $20 value. Asking $550
Canon BG-E9 Battery Grip for 60D (new!) $140.00
Better Bargain! = Camera + Battery Grip Together - $650
Canon Power Shot G12 Digital Camera, 10 mp, 28mm wide, 5X Zoom
Includes Battery Pack and Charger + Software
Sells new for $499 – Asking $250
TAMRAC Expedition 3 Camera Backpack (See Tamrac’s web site for photo and details) $45
Contact Louise Ransom: RJWagons" at "
Donate Old Cameras
The Camera Heritage Museum, in Staunton, Virginia, has over 2,000 antique cameras as well as a collection of old photographs. Staunton is about 2 1/2 hours from Washington, near the intersections of I-81 and I-64. The museum is soliciting donations, so if you have old camera gear collecting dust, the museum will give you tax credit for your donation. Their policy is that if they already have a donated model in their collection, they will keep the item in better condition and sell the other to raise funds for the museum. For more details, check out their website:
Northern Virginia Alliance of Camera Clubs (NVACC)
The Northern Virginia Alliance of Camera Clubs (NVACC) is an informal entity started in 1997 by Joseph Miller with the assistance of Dave Carter and Ed Funk. Its purpose is to promote communication and cooperation among area camera clubs. NVACC is made up of Member Clubs and Associated Member Clubs.
NVACC publishes a calendar of area member club events that can be found at:
NVACC has a free, downloadable series of 25 guide books for photographers, which provide information about nearby areas that camera clubs might wish to visit. See their booklets at:
Comments, requests and submissions are welcomed. They should be sent to or given to me at a regular meeting. I test each issue of the newsletter using Internet Explorer, Safari and Google Chrome to ensure the layout and embedded links work correctly. If you encounter a problem reading FotoFax on your system, please let me know.
Newsletter Editor, Dan Ward
Copyright 2013 by the Northern Virginia Photographic Society and its Contributors. The contents of this FotoFax are copyrighted. No material herein may be reproduced in any manner without the written permission of the Editor or the material’s specific contributor. All photographs are copyrighted by the photographers who have granted permission for NVPS to use their image in FotoFax and/or on the NVPS website, but otherwise retain all rights to their image. |