Volume 45 - No. 10
Founded 1965 - our 45th Year
Summer 2010
The Newsletter of the Northern Virginia Photographic Society
Editor: Sam Schaen - Email: Editor@NVPS.org


Message from the President
End of Year Awards
  End-of-Year Competition Images
  End-of-Year Competition Results
  May Competition Images
  May Competition Results
Field Trips
Member News
NVPS Board
  Exhibition Opportunities
  Workshops and Tours
NVACC Events


7/10 Field Trip: Kennilworth Gardens


Note: You can click on the above links to go directly to the article; or you can scroll through the entire newsletter. You can also print the entire newsletter.

The next regular meeting will be September 7th

Message from the President

It’s hard to believe that it’s been a year since I was elected as President of NVPS. It has been an amazing year for me personally. I have grown because of all of you. I have had a terrific board, wonderful advisors and many volunteers to support me and the club all the way through. I have many, many folks to thank. I especially want to thank you, NVPS members - you are the reason we are all here.

NVPS has had a huge growth year both in terms of membership (284 members) and educational experiences. I have worked the board and many volunteers very hard to make significant changes and hopefully enhancements to our club. Thank you all for helping to achieve all the goals that I had for NVPS this year.  
This very long Presidents message will provide you with a recap of:  the 2009-2010 camera club year; each of the board members and other volunteers contributions; and introduce you to your new 2010-2011 board.

New and Revised Initiatives 2009 – 2010

Member Support

Committee Members: Fred Chitty*, Gayle Dennis, Judy McGuire, Emi Wallace

The committee developed guidance as to how the club will respond and acknowledge member and or family illnesses, deaths, births and other life changing events.

Tech Team

Committee Members: Matthew Schmidt*, Sam Schaen, Scott Musson, Paul Simmons

The tech team was set up to support the equipment manager and NVPS weekly and other functions with technical support for all NVPS owned equipment and to support NVPS in maintaining and enhancing our technical equipment and functioning at all club meetings/functions.

Competition Rules

Committee Members: Sam Schaen*, Scott Musson*, Bill Prosser, Gerry Abbott, Sandi Croan

The committee conducted a membership survey and proposed competition rules changes that were accepted by the board and membership.

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End of Year Awards

Committee Members: Ed Funk*, Tom Brett, Sherwin Kaplan

The committee made recommendations and revisions to the End of Year Named Awards that are presented at the End Of Year banquet. These changes were accepted by the board.

NVPS Constitution and By-Laws

Committee Members: Mary O’Neill*, John Quigley, Fred Chitty, Bill Prosser

The committee made recommendations and revisions to the NVPS Constitution and By-Laws including changes to the current board structure for enhanced functioning and efficiency. A new position was added to the elected board (VP Operations). All recommendations were accepted by the board and membership.

Projection of Prints during Competitions

Jeff Namadan and Matthew Schmidt as well as other volunteers that helped with beta testing, etc. initiated projecting prints with a camcorder so that the members could see the prints during competition. Thanks Jeff also for loaning us your camcorder this year!!!

In House Storage for Equipment

Andy Klein negotiated with the Fire Hall Manager to allow us to store equipment on site at the Fire Fall which has and will make equipment set up much, much easier.


A huge thank you to all committee members listed above for their great work!

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2009-2010 Board

And now, I want to say a few words about the terrific board members of 2009-2010.

Mary O’Neill – VP Program:  Thank you for an outstanding line up of speakers. I truly think this was the best year ever with speakers Mollie Isaacs and Mary Lindjem, Robert Creamer, Tony Sweet, Ian Plant, Joseph Rossbach, James Roy, Max Lyons and Jonathan Newton. Mary also chaired the Constitution and By-Laws Committee. Mary has graciously agreed to be Program VP for a third year.

Gerry Abbot and Brian Payne – VP’s of Competition: Thank you for terrific judges and exceptionally well run competitions. The themed competitions of Opposites, Flash and Monuments, Statues & Memorials were unique and challenging for members and judges. Thank you for also being on the committee to select the themes for 2011-2012. Thank you also for setting up a system for judges to preview the digital images from their homes and working with Jeff and Matthew to bring the competition prints to the big screen. Brian will be paving the way as the first VP of Operations next year.

Fred Chitty – Treasurer: Thank you for keeping us in the black and for all your help on the Member Support, Competition Rules, Constitution and By-Laws, and Nominating committees and your eternal moral support and late night talks. Fred is famous for taking complex ideas and laying them out in an easy to understand format and is a master communicator. In addition, he and Scott set NVPS up with PayPal to collect dues which has facilitated membership tremendously. Fred will continue in his role as Treasurer next year.

Willa Friedman – Secretary/Historian: Big Thanks for taking careful notes/minutes at our very long and involved (and sometimes LATE NIGHT) board meetings. Also, thank you for keeping me apprised of the weekly attendance and ensuring that membership meetings are legal. Willa will be Co-VP of Competitions with her husband Bob next year.

Tom Brett – Past President: Tom was there almost every week bringing cookies and lollipops as well as greeting new members and keeping me on task. Tom also served on the End of Year Awards and as Chair of the Nominating committees as well as making himself available for formal and informal critiques. Tom will be Past President again next year. Thanks Tom!

Melanie Marts and Ed Ruggiero  - Workshops, Education and Training: From Novice Night, Swap Meets, Critiques, to great speakers, support for competition themes, and coordinating critiques (both formal and informal), and the portfolio project. Thanks you also for your flexibility in adding additional agenda items to your night. Thank you both!

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Georgette Grossman – Members Gallery: Thank you for lining up 16 NVPS members to share their prints and digital images with us. We were all enriched by the work of our talented members. Thank you also to all the folks that shared your beautiful images with us. Georgette has been very helpful in helping wordsmith complicated concepts for board presentations. She has also volunteered to compile and update the board members handbook for 2010-2011. Georgette will be our Secretary/Historian next year.

Anna Gomez – Members Forum: Anna, a big thanks for lining up our 8 members to share their expertise with us. Thank you for jumping in with a last minute cancellation and sharing your experience as a staff photographer. Thank you also goes to our Forum Presenters for professional quality presentations.

Marilyn Gaizband and Tuan Pham – Field Trips: Flying Circus; Huntley Meadows; the National Arboretum; Lewis Ginter Botanical Gardens, Gettysburg and Rolling Thunder, and overnight trips to Lancaster, PA and New Mexico. A very ambitious and creative itinerary Marilyn and Tuan. Thank you for all the photographic opportunities. A special thanks to Tuan for getting a bit more involved than he had originally signed up for and we all enjoyed the special impromptu snow pics from this winter. Tuan will be working with Matthew Schmidt next year on Workshops, Education and Training and has many new ideas that he is working on.

Gayle Dennis – Membership Coordinator: Gayle has been that first welcoming, warm contact to so many new and prospective members as well as to all of us. She signs up new members, coordinates with Fred (treasurer) and Bob (database) and keeps us all straight. She has also been keeping all of us informed about member’s personal travails and helping us get good wishes or condolences out to them and their families. Gayle has also served on the Member Support Committee and has volunteered to serve in this capacity again next year. Thank you Gayle. I always look forward to seeing your smiling face each week.

Scott Musson – Website Manager: The central core of NVPS is our website. Keeping us all “in the know”, enticing new members to come check us out, sending announcements out to members and the board, getting the word out on cancelled meetings due to snow,  are just a few of the tasks that Scott performs on a daily basis. Also, there is seamless integration and back-up between Scott and Sam Schaen (Newsletter) on all things necessary for club communication. The professionalism and design of the website is state of the art. Thank you also Scott for your co-chairmanship of the Competition Rules Committee, tech team work, Portfolio project co-chairmanship, Forum presentation “The Yin and Yang of Photoshop” and Photo Books and Calendars, producing the certificates for End of Year Banquet, and for being a mentor to me and always available with just the right answers. Scott will be training Jeff Namadan to work as the website manager for next year but will remain active on the board and has already volunteered to work with Bill again on the Portfolio Project.

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Sam Schaen – Newsletter Editor: Each month, we all look forward to the latest Fotofax, our monthly newsletter. Coordinating all of us, spreading the news, updating the membership, and making it all look great is an artform. As said above in Scott’s paragraph, Sam and Scott work together seamlessly. They share the editor@nvps.org email address and I never know which one of them is sending the email news or special announcements They both also have to wade through hundreds of emails from prospective advertisers and decide on what is and what is not appropriate to share with the membership. Both Sam and Scott chaired the Competition Rules Committee which was a very difficult process that lasted all year. Sam presented our last Members Forum of the year on Bird Photography on May 25th. Sam also served on the tech team and was always a calming a steady influence for me. Sam has agreed to continue as the Newsletter Editor for next year. Thank you very, very much Sam!

John Quigley – Exhibits Coordinator:  John has been very active as our Exhibits Coordinator. He organized us for the USGS, Glennie Nature Expo and the Huntley Meadows Exhibits which were all very successful. He has also served on the Constitution and By-Laws Committee. His biggest task is yet to come though. He is a board member of the MANPE (Mid-Atlantic Nature Photography Expo)
http://www.midatlanticnaturephotographyexpo.org , which will be taking place November 13 – 14 at the new Hylton Performing Arts Center. This will be a huge event for NVPS as well as the other camera clubs in the area. Stay tuned for lots of news on this. Thank you John for all your tireless work and agreeing to continue on next year.

John Naman – Equipment Manager: For two years, every week without missing a single meeting, John has schlepped and been responsible for setting up and coordinating with each of the weekly heads and presenters the myriad of equipment needs and requirements. From sound systems to print boxes; from microphones to projectors; from lights to unlocking and locking doors; from storing all the equipment in his house for a year and a half to helping get us set up with a new storage box at the Fire Hall to being the “lost and found” – John has made it possible for each meeting  to be seen and heard. This is one of many thankless jobs that is necessary for the survival of our club. John also has educated us on matting techniques, using polarizers and how to get images tack sharp as well as working with Matthew to design the job description for the new VP of Operations position. A heartfelt thanks John for all your contributions to NVPS.

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Andy Klein – Meetings, Facilities and End of Year Coordinator: Andy has been negotiating our contract, and managing our use of Robbie Hall (room we meet in) Manager and our End of Year Banquet facilities at least as long as I have been a member of NVPS. He is our ad hoc safety officer and the guy that tells me that our contract calls for announcing the locations of the fire exits each week.  Andy is also our End of Year Banquet Coordinator this year. Most importantly, this year, Andy procured on-site storage space and “the box” for us to store our equipment from week to week. This is huge! No more schlepping of all our equipment back and forth every week. Thank you Andy. You make a difference! Andy will thankfully continue in his roles next year.

Vivian Luu – Digital Competition Coordinator: This was Vivian’s second year in this role. She is the gal that downloads your competition images each Sunday and makes sure they are fine and in compliance. She then coordinates with the Competition VP’s and Scott to get them uploaded to our computer and off to the judges for preview. During competitions she has been running the slide projector and the digital projector and managing the digital competitions. This year, we finally got it worked out so that we can project the final multiple choices for the judge to narrow his/her choices. This has really helped our judges.  Vivian, thank you for your two years of excellent service and your calm perseverance.

Matthew Schmidt – PSA Representative: Although this is Matthew’s official role on the board, we all know that this role of keeping up with our membership in the Photographic Society of America is just a very small part of what Matthew really does. Matthew has been our lead Tech guy for the past several years as well as the force behind setting up and running the “Tech Team”; working with Jeff Namadan to get our competition prints projected on the screen; designing the job description for the new VP of Operations with John Naman and helping John and everyone else with set up and tech issues. There never seems to be a meeting where Matthew isn’t helping out with something. He is an excellent educator as well and presented our November Members Forum on “Automating Photoshop and Bridge”, written articles for our F-Stop on the web, and so much more. Next year Matthew will be our Workshop, Education and Training Coordinator and has all kinds of inspiring ideas. A huge thank you Matthew, you are a rare gem.

Joseph Miller – NVACC Representative: We all know Joe Miller. Not so much in his role of NVACC (Northern Virginia Alliance of Camera Clubs) www.nvacc.org rep but as an amazing educator and our photography conscience. Joe has been an inspiration to many of us through the years. His writings and teachings will outlive us all. Check out his mini books on the NVACC website and the many articles he has written on our website in the F-Stop section. Many workshops, critiques and training have taken place over the years at  the Joseph Miller Center for the Photographic Arts in Catharpin, Virginia.  Joe started out our year with his forum “Judging a Photographic Competition - The elements a judge looks for in a winning photograph” and always adds both wisdom and humor to all his presentation. Many, many thanks Joe.

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Bob Friedman – Database Manager: Thanks to Bob our database has been kept up to date with our growing membership data and status for the past two years. He also is the first to volunteer for just about anything. He is a constant presence during competitions as one of the “gloved” print passers and volunteered to put the End of Year Banquet Program together. Bob with his wife Willa will be our VP’s of Competition next year. Thank you Bob.

Yulan Guo, Angelique Raptakis and Trinka Reddie – Meadowlark (MANPE) Representatives: Although we didn’t have our big Meadowlark event this year – Yulan, Angelique and Trinka have been on the busy helping to launch the new MANPE Expo which will take place in November. They have been the NVPS reps and have been attending meetings with the other club organizers. Our club will be responsible for the publicity for the Expo. Thank you ladies!

More Thanks

There are so many more people that volunteer and make our club what it is. Many thanks to:

Bill Prosser – Portfolio Project Co-Coordinator: Bill’s biggest accomplishment this year has been his co-coordination of the very successful Portfolio Project. It was wonderful to see the inspiring portfolios of all the participants this month. Much time and effort was put in by Bill and Scott to shepherd this complex project. Bill also served on the Competition Rules and Constitution/By-Laws committees as well as being presenting “A Digital Trip to the West” for our October Members Forum.

Ed Funk for chairing the complex End Of Year Awards committee, getting our plaques produced for the End Of Year Banquet, providing sage advice and history to me and many others.
Sherwin Kaplan for also serving on the End Of Year Awards committee, critiquing the Portfolio Project and always being willing to help out.

Curtis Gibbens and Beth Morris for providing coffee and tea for us at 2-3 times per month.

Paul Simmons for being on the tech team and making sure that all went smoothly.

Jean Feighery for being on the receiving end of all those prints during our monthly competitions.
Pam Brown for filling in at the membership desk when Gayle could not attend

Workshop, Education and Training; Members Gallery and Forum Presenters; and critiquers not listed above that helped to educate us and share their expertise and inspire us with their images: Corey Hilz, Josh Taylor, Angelique Raptakis, Nikhil Bahl, John Naman, Paul Simmons, Steve Gawarecki, Judy McGurie, John Dexter, Tuan Pham, Kent Mason, Yulan Guo, Ursy Potter, Wayne Wolfersberger, Will Haubert, Bob and Jorja Feldman, Vivian Luu, Anna Gomez, Timber Gooding, Tom Brett, Fred Chitty, Andy Klein and Steve Passman.

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2010-2011 Board

A big round of applause to the nominating committee of Tom Brett, Fred Chitty and Judy McGuire. They believed enough in me to ask me to serve another year as your President. I am honored to do so. The nominating committee put together a fantastic slate for your elected board. Mary O’Neill will be serving again as VP of Programs; Brian Payne will be serving in the newly created position of VP Operations; Willa and Bob Friedman will be our VP’s of Competition; Fred Chitty will continue as our Treasurer as well as becoming our PSA representative and keeping the database; and Georgette Grossman will be our new Secretary/Historian. Thank you Tom, Fred and Judy.

Appointed board members for 2010-2011 will be:

Past President: Tom Brett
Workshops Education and Training: Matthew Schmidt assisted by Tuan Pham
Field Trips Coordinator: Curtis Gibbens assisted by Beth Morris
Members Gallery Coordinator: Charlotte DeFuria
Members Forum Coordinator: Tom Burden
Exhibits Coordinator: John Quigley
Membership Coordinator: Gayle Dennis
Website Manager: Scott Musson and Jeff Namadan
Newsletter Editor and NVACC coordinator: Sam Schaen

If I neglected to thank anyone that volunteered this year, please forgive me. I have never, ever been involved in an organization with so many folks that say “YES” and take ownership of a task or position. It has been my sincere privilege to serve as your President this year.

Feel free to send me feedback on how you feel the club met your needs or could be improved.

 Have a terrific summer and keep shooting!

Sandi Croan
NVPS President

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Membership Open for 2010-2011 Club Year

The NVPS web site is accepting dues payment for the 2010-2011 club year. Our dues are again $45 for individual membership and $65 for family memberships. Payment is with PayPal on the web site. Just go to www.nvps.org and click on "membership" on the left side of the NVPS home page. While we don't expect a dues increase next year, anyone paying before September will be exempt if an increase is voted by the new board. Our weekly meetings will start again September 7th. Dues can be paid by cash or check (check strongly preferred) at the meetings.

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End of Year Awards

End of Year Named Awards

On June 11th, NVPS held its End of Year Banquet and Competition. The following are special named awards that were awarded to qualifying individuals. Below is information about the three former members that NVPS will be honoring with awards that have been named after them.

David E. Carter – Education  Award

David Carter (1938-2008) had an enormous impact on the growth and development of the Northern Virginia Photographic Society. Dave grew up in Michigan and participated in several camera clubs as a young man. He completed his post-graduate psychology studies and earned his doctorate in New York before accepting an assistant professorship at Georgetown University in the early 80's. When he joined NVPS in 1983 he brought his significant photographic skills, teaching skills, keen vision and understanding of visual design, and knowledge of camera club activities. He devoted this wealth of knowledge and talent to our organization and has left an enduring legacy that includes:

Starting two regular activities that continue today and into our future. The monthly Forum meeting and the Member's Gallery show are attributed to Dave's early leadership although he always deflected credit to others for their ideas and assistance.

His On Location column appeared monthly in our FOTOFAX newsletter. Dave's meticulous writings and directions could lead anyone right to his tripod holes. His research pointed out items of interest for photographers and non-photographers. These writings became a significant part of a Field Trip Guide Book published by the Northern Virginia Alliance of Camera Clubs and remains useful today. Dave authored or co-authored several other Alliance publications.

Dave served as FOTOFAX newsletter editor for a number of years. Since that time our newsletter has received an award almost every year from the Photographic Society of America for its excellence.

Dave conducted many workshops and his influence was infectious. His Night Photography workshop (with Gary Silverstein) sent us off in a new and delightful direction.

His Learning from the Masters workshop (with Jim Steele) taught us to see how the great painters used design and light in their work; and as a result his influence made our visits to museums and art galleries a more pleasurable experience.

His Macro and Close-up Photography workshops were inspirational to many of us. Dave showed us that we didn't have to buy expensive equipment to take advantage of these techniques. We could use extension tubes, tele-extenders, diopters and reversing rings and achieve extraordinary effects. (Written by Ed Funk)
The award was established in 2010. The award is designed to reward an experienced photographer for exceptional achievement in the training and development of the photographic skills of beginning and intermediate photographers.

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Photographer of the Year - Advanced Monochrome Prints - Sil Horwitz Award

Sil Horwitz, FPSA was one of the original founders of the Northern Virginia Photographic Society over 33 years ago and, although he has retired to Florida, he remains active in photography and is still exploring new worlds. He is currently the Webmaster for the Photographic Society of America and, for years, has written a column in the PSA Journal on new photographic products. A few years ago, we were honored when Sil came up from Florida to attend NVPS' annual banquet. This was a chance for some of us newer members (only 10 years in the club) to meet Sil personally and hear his views on several subjects. The club was then in an internal debate on digital imaging and manipulation and Sil was very frank with his views on the subject. He was excited about the future possibilities.

This award not only honors its recipient, but also honors Sil for his more than 33 plus years of contributions to amateur fine photography in NVPS, PSA and other groups around the country. (Written by Sherwin Kaplan)

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Photographer of the Year - Advanced Slides - Ollie Fife Award

Ollie Fife, FPSA. Born, Oliver E. Pfeiffer, April 2, 1912, Middleton, Massachusetts. Died June 14, 1996, Alexandria, Virginia. Ollie Fife, as we knew him, worked in the Lawrence textile mills while studying advertising in night school. He moved to New York City after the 1929 Stock Market crash and worked for a Madison Avenue ad agency before finding his niche in freelance photography. In WWII he became a Navy Chief Photographer's Mate and designed and supervised the construction of a photo laboratory on board the aircraft carrier USS Sargent Bay from which he flew aerial photo missions. His career included being a newspaper photographer for the New York Times, Sunday Times & Travel Section, US Camera, Camera, Camera Craft, Ladies Home Journal and the illustrated London News. After the war he moved to Washington, DC, where he worked for the State Department, and as a writer/photographer covered the White House, Capitol Hill, and the Embassies. For the USIA International Press Service as a staff photographer he documented State Visits of the Queen of England; the King of Belgium; the Crown Prince of Japan; Soviet Premier Khrushchev; Prime Minister Nehru; French President DeGaulle; the Grand Duchess of Luxembourg; the Emir of Kuwait; and scores of other foreign presidents, vice presidents, and prime ministers as well as cultural and artistic groups. He retired from the USIA in 1976 after more than 25 years of service. In retirement he traveled extensively in the U.S. and abroad pursuing his lifelong interest in photography. Ollie was a Fellow of the Photographic Society of America and active in many of its activities, among which he was Photojournalism Division News Editor for many years, wrote numerous articles and lectured and presented programs at PSA meetings and conventions. He assisted many NVPS members and conducted programs and judged photographic competitions for area clubs. Ollie brought honor to the Northern Virginia Photographic Society by his presence. (Written by Lynn Maniscalco)

Sandi Croan
NVPS President

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End of Year Competition Images


Novice Digital-
Just the Two of Us
Kieu-Hanh Vu


Advanced Monochrome
Push from Pusan
Will Haubart


Advanced Digital
Ghostly Hands
Judy McGuire


Novice Color
Soldiers in the Snow
Roger Lancaster


Advanced Color
Born to Win
Yulan Guo


Advanced Slide
Flower Fantasia
Amie Tannenbaum


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End of Year Competition Results

Award Photographer Title
Novice Monochrome Prints
1st Greg Embree Tomb of the Unknown Soldier
2nd Lorraine Chickering Reaching For The Stars
3rd Beth Morris The Climb
HM Georgette Grossman Alien Sphere
Advanced Monochrome Prints
1st William Haubert Push from Pusan
2nd Minnie Gallman Hatteras
Novice Color Prints
1st Roger Lancaster Soldiers In The Snow
2nd Bill Vanderpool High Tea, Kiwi Style
3rd Laura Howell Hand and Face
HM Georgette Grossman Chicken Man At Fengdu Market
HM Ginger Werz-Petricka Faces Of War
HM Maricruz Fugon Candles
HM Michelle Atkinson Lift Off
HM Mike Whalen Italian Fruit Stand
Advanced Color Prints
1st Yulan Guo Born to Win
2nd Bob Friedman Cars, Cars, Cars
3rd Bill Prosser Dried Flowers on Breakfront
HM Bill Prosser 3 Bottles
HM Bill Prosser Duck Sunrise #3
HM Jorja Feldman Pelican On A Tilt
HM Jorja Feldman Spoonies Times Three
HM Melanie Marts Vacant Mirror
HM Melanie Marts Wall Reflection With Leaves
HM Timber Gooding Washington's Stars & Stripes
HM William Haubert Jefferson's Columns
Enhanced Prints
1st Timber Gooding Entrance to Nat'l Cathedral by Flashlight
2nd Pat Lonergan Bluebells In Dew Drop
3rd Melanie Marts Dawn Patrol
HM Jorja Feldman Sunset On The Farm
HM Roger Lancaster Lighting The Way Home
HM Timber Gooding Winter Wonderland
Advanced Slides
1st Amie Tannenbaum Flower Fantasia
2nd Amie Tannenbaum Birthday Flowers
3rd Tom Brett Mr. Tucker
HM Tom Brett Saran Circle
Novice Digital Images
1st Kieu-Hanh Vu Just The Two Of Us
2nd Laura Howell River Bend
3rd Gayle Dennis I Want That Bread
HM Don Smith Buddha Cat
HM Greg Embree Grant Memorial
HM Jeff Hancock Transwarp
HM John Moore Running Girl and Plane
HM Kieu-Hanh Vu I Have My Way
HM Kieu-Hanh Vu Moonlight
HM Lorraine Chickering Reaching For The Sky
HM Susan Phillips Civil War Monument Capitol
Advanced Digital Images
1st Judy McGuire Ghostly Hands Playing Piano
2nd Emi Wallace Tri color black and white
3rd Seiji Kuniyoshi Homage of Vassal
HM Curtis Gibbens Bear in the Ferns
HM Emi Wallace Dandelion Barn
HM Judy McGuire Shenandoah Evening
HM Roger Novack Toad Closeup
HM Sam Schaen Humming Bird
HM Tuan Pham Kite Festival
HM Vivian Luu A piece of art
HM Vivian Luu Leading
HM William Haubert Black to the Left, White to the Right

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Photographer of the Year Awards

Novice Monochrome Prints Roger Lancaster
Advanced Monochrome Prints
  (Sil Horwitz)
Charles Bress
Novice Color Prints Georgette Grossman
Advanced Color Prints Jorja Feldman
Enhanced Prints Susan Breen
Advanced Slides
  (Ollie Fife)
Tom Brett
Novice Digital Projection Kieu-Hahn Vu
Advanced Digital Projection Vivian Luu
Versatile Photographer of the Year Charles Bress

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The following people are promoted from Novice to Advanced classes.

Advanced Unrestricted Color Prints

Lorraine Chickering
Maricruz Fugon
Georgette Grossman
Roger Lancaster
David Massi
John Moore

Advanced Unrestricted Images Digitally Projected

Susan Phillips
Kieu-Hahn Vu
John Wiles, II
George Williams

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May Competition Images

Below are some images that received a first place award in the April competition. Clicking on one of the pictures will display a larger version.


Novice Digital
Civil War Monument Capitol
Susan Phillips


Novice Color
Confederate Boot
Roger Lancaster


Dawn Patrol
Melanie Marts


Advanced Monochrome
Email Fray San Miguel
Ursy Potter

First place winners in future competitions may be submitted to editor@nvps.org. Submitted photos should have maximum width and height of 1024 pixels and 768 pixels respectively. Images should be sent to editor@nvps.org by the Friday following the competition.

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May Competition Results

Award Photographer Title
Novice Monochrome Prints
1st Michael Phelps Marine Corps Memorial
2nd Dale Nelson Helping Hands
3rd Greg Embree Tomb of the Unknown Soldier
Advanced Monochrome Prints
1st Ursy Potter Fray San Miguel
2nd William Haubert Push from Pusan
Novice Color Prints
1st Roger Lancaster Confederate Boot
2nd Ceasar Sharper Korean Memorial
3rd Susan Phillips The General
HM Ginger Werz-Petricka Faces Of War
HM Greg Embree Tidal Basin
HM Laura Howell Hand and Face
HM Georgette Grossman Face of War, D-Day Memorial
Advanced Color Prints
1st William Haubert Jefferson's Columns
2nd Timber Gooding Washington's Stars & Stripes
3rd Jorja Feldman Ripley's David
HM Minne Gallman Moon Over Monuments
HM Jorja Feldman Korea
Enhanced Prints
1st Melanie Marts Dawn Patrol
2nd Susan Breen Patriotism
3rd Roger Lancaster Mr. Roosevelt Sits Here
HM Timber Gooding Entrance to Nat'l Cathedral by Flashlight
Advanced Slides
1st Tom Brett Combat Face
2nd Chuck Bress Cathedral #2
Novice Digital Images
1st Susan Phillips Civil War Monument Capitol
2nd Greg Embree Grant Memorial
3rd Charles Rusnak Wait for Me_Queens College England
HM Don Smith CapitolFourth
HM Tom Burden Vietnam Memorial
Advanced Digital Images
1st Bill Van Holle Versailles Sunset
2nd Jan Ponder Marine Memorial
3rd Vivian Luu Justice
HM John Moore Korean war Soldier
HM Rick Barnard Dawn at the Tidal Basin
HM Tuan Pham Union Gen. Kimble Warren at Round Top 

Gerry Abbott
Co-VP Competition

Brian Payne
Co-VP Competition

Field Trips

Kenilworth Aquatic Gardens
Location: Washington, DC
Date: Saturday, July 10, 2010
Time: 6:45 AM

Every year, NVPS schedules a field trip to Kenilworth Park & Aquatic Gardens. It is a National Park Service site located in the northeastern corner of Washington DC. A homesick war veteran from Maine started the Aquatic Gardens as a hobby with a few wild waterlilies in a single pond. Time and diligence turned a trickle of curious visitors to a stream of customers for a growing commercial garden of twenty-eight ponds. The park is home to a wide variety of flora and fauna including waterlillies, lotus, wild flowers, blue herons, butterflies, dragonflies, etc... July 10th coincides with the annual festival. Parking might be a problem, so try to come early.


1550 Anacostia Avenue, NE,
Washington, DC 20019

Information about the gardens can be found at http://www.nps.gov/keaq/index.htm


The National Park Service provides directions (including metro) to the gardens at http://www.nps.gov/keaq/planyourvisit/directions.htm.

If you are entering Washington D.C. On I-395,  continue on the SW/SE FWY towards its end and take the right exit on to Pennsylvania Ave SE.  After crossing the Anacostia river, turn left onto the DC-295N (Anacostia Fwy). Construction began around the beginning of February at the Eastern Avenue Overpass as the bridge is replaced. Expect detours. It may be advisable to take the Burroughs Street Exit and go left at the bottom of the ramp. If you go around the circle just past the overpasses and have a pink house with turquoise shutters on your right and an open area on your left that is Kenilworth Park Athletic fields, you are on the right road. After changing names as you go around the curve the road becomes Anacostia Avenue which will lead you to the Aquatic Gardens past a hand ball court, Rec Center and woods.

Marilyn Gaizband
703-560-8365 (H)
703-402-6214 (C)

Tuan Pham
703-354-3322 (H)

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Member News

Chuck Cecil

Chuck Cecil’s photos were used to illustrate an article he wrote for the May/June issue of the magazine Saudi Aramco World, published by the Arabian-American Oil Company.  The article, Tripoli: Crossroads of Rome and Islam resulted from Chuck’s spending eight months in Libya in 2006-07, and can be seen online at http://saudiaramcoworld.com/issue/201003/tripoli.crossroads.of.rome.and.islam.htm.

Chuck Cecil

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On Location Exchange on Flickr

NVPS member, John Gervasi, just created a group on Flickr call On Location Exchange with the intent of providing a place where people can share information about their favorite shooting locations and why. This includes everything from well decorated homes open to shooters to vacant buildings. The group can be found at http://www.flickr.com/groups/onlocationexchange/. John Gervasi is the administrator and monitor.

John Gervasi

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Passing of Chip Clark

NVPS member Chip Clark died suddenly the weekend of June 12.Chip was a photographer for the Smithsonian Museum of Natural History and a member of NVPS since 2002. He was a talented photographer who generously shared his time at NVPS doing presentations on the Natural History Museum, the Jamestown excavation as well as Cave Photography. In spite of his busy carrier, Chip was a frequent attendee at program meetings and workshops, he truly loved photography.

While I didn't know Chip well, I have many fond memories of long discussions on photography and the world at NVPS with Chip. I think what I remember the most about Chip was the fact that he was so humble yet he was clearly an incredibly talented person and a gentle soul. We will all miss Chip at NVPS, but are better off for having known him. Our deepest sympathies go out to all his family and friends

In lieu of flowers, the family asks for contributions on his behalf to WETA or WAMU (our local PBS television and radio stations) and the National Speleological Society.

Photo courtesy of the Smithsonian Institute

Scott Musson

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NVPS Executive Board 2010-2011

The elected and appointed board members for the 2010-2011 club year can be found at http://nvps.org/main/about/board-members/.

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Exhibition Opportunities

Springfield Art Guild & Friends of Green Spring Gardens
Fall 2010 Art Show and Sale

Registration deadline is August 22. Artwork submitted must be based on horticultural, natural or local history theme with a limit of 3 pieces of art per person. A fee of $10 per piece is required. $500 in prizes. Traditional photographs and digitally enhanced photographs will be accepted.

Deena Hunkler-Sanks
5901 Carters Oak Court
Burke VA. 22015

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Help Capture Smithsonian Museums in 3-D

The Smithsonian Folklife Festival invites photographers of all skill levels to join an epic competition during the “Smithsonian Inside Out” program at this year’s Festival, June 24–28 and July 1–5. Any photographer with a digital camera or iPhone can enter the race to digitally model the monumental Smithsonian museums on the National Mall, including the Smithsonian Castle and National Museum of Natural History. Thanks to the Smithsonian’s 3-D imaging staff and the PhotoCity project, your team can help share the Smithsonian with the world while competing for prizes.

For more details, visit http://photocitygame.com/smithsonian. Then bring your camera to the Folklife Festival and become part of this historic effort!

Lillian Greenawald
Intern, Folklife Festival 2010, Smithsonian Inside Out
(202) 633-6498

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Cherrydale Library, Arlington

Club members who live in Arlington County have an opportunity to exhibit their works at Cherrydale Branch Library, located in north Arlington at 2190 Military Road.  For details, contact club member Greg Embree.

Greg Embree

1st China International Digital Photographic Art Exhibition

The 1st China International Digital Photographic Art Exhibition will be closed on July 15, 2010. This is not only a competition between the photographers, it is also the competition between the continents of the world. You can download the entry form from the website: http://en.lsphoto.org/about.html.

4th Annual Friends of Claude Moore Park Photography Expo

The 4th Annual Claude Moore Park Photography Expo features six categories of competition; in addition, entries photographed in a Loudoun County park may be designated for the Paul Glascock Memorial People’s Choice Award. Entries will be accepted from adult beginning and advanced level photographers and from youth in two age groups, 12 and under and 13-18. Additional information and entry forms can be found at www.loudoun.gov/claudemoorepark by clicking on the "Photography Exhibition" link.

ClipCook Photo Contest

ClipCook is a government supported Swiss startup. Our mission: More impact for your photos highlighted by the best music of your choice (provided; just select). No dues, no admission, no fees. This Open Contest is designed to present small series from 6 to 36 photos. Win the cash $ 200 BronzeAward, the $ 300 SilverAward, the $ 500 GoldAward or one of the JuryAwards. The contest starts May 15th and ends July 31st 2010. www.clipcook.com/en-us/news

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Canon in the Parks

All landscape and wildlife photos are eligible. Enter between May 17 and September 30, 2010. http://www.usa.canon.com/dlc.

National Wildlife Photo Contest

The National Wildlife Federation is now accepting entries for the 2010 National Wildlife Photo Contest. Cash prizes of more than $30,000 plus other gifts will be awarded to the winners in seven categories in three separate divisions. Submit up to 25 images in 7 categories: Birds, Mammals, Other Wildlife, Landscapes/Plants, Connecting People and Nature, Backyard Habitat and Global Warming. The submission deadline is July 6, 2010. Winning images will be published on the NWF website and a selection will appear in the December 2010 issue of their magazine. Go to the entry page for more details and the complete rules. http://www.nwf.org/photocontest/default.aspx

Submitted by Matthew Schmidt

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Blue Ridge Mountain Photographers

The Blue Ridge Mountain Photographers (Blue Ridge, Georgia) invites you to enter its National Juried Wildlife and Nature Exhibit, which will be on display in our historic courthouse, The Art Center, from September 4 through October 8. Deadline for entries is June 30, 2010. The show is open to photographers of all levels. Nationally known nature photographer and teacher Milton Heiberg will judge the exhibit and monetary prizes totalling $2500 will be awarded. For further information and the official entry form go to brmphotographers.net

Joyce Dumas
BRMP Program Chairman

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La Lumiere DuBois

Mike DuBois is having an exhibition of some of his work in the lobby of the H Street Playhouse (1635 H St. NE) in Washington this June.

An opening receiption will be held June 24, 6:30 PM. Guests may wish to stay for the play, Gretty Good Time, later that evening. Ticket information can be found at www.theateralliance.com.


Us and They: Prejudice and Empathy in America's Smallest County
Kay Chernush

The exhibit will be at the Arlington Arts Center, 3550 Wilson Blvd, Arlington, from June 18 to August 21. Opening reception will be on June 18 from 6-9 PM.

Arlington Arts Center

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4th Annual Washington Gardener Photo Exhibit

The winning images of the 4th annual Washington Gardener Photo Contest will be displayed at Meadowlark Botanical Gardens in Vienna, VA. The photo show reception is Sunday, June 20 from 5:00-7:00pm at the Meadowlark Visitor Center's lobby. The reception is open to the public and is free to attend. You may also come by and view the photos any time during the normal garden hours (10am-4pm daily). The photo show runs through Labor Day, September 6. To attend the June 20 photo show reception, please RSVP by calling 703.255.3631
ext. 0.

Kathy Jentz

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PSA Annual Photography Conference

Photographic Society of America will hold their 75th annual conference in Charleston SC in October of this year. This week long event starts Sunday October 3rd and runs through Saturday October 9th. It features a choice of either photo classes or photo tours of local sights, Sunday to Tuesday. Then conference presentations and workshops will be from Wednesday to Saturday. You can sign up for either the whole week or any part of the week. More information and registration is available at www.psa-photo.org

NECCC Annual Photographic Conference

The New England Camera Club Council will hold their 65th annual photography conference on the University of Massachusetts campus in Amherst MA, July 16th to 18th. This 3 day weekend conference features wonderful presentations and workshops. More information and registration details are available at www.neccc.org

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Marilyn Gaizband

“Kaleidimals” (Kuh-LYE-duh-MUHLS) are kaleidoscope-like designs made from photographs of animals. Parts, or sometimes the entire photo of these animals, are arranged repetitively by the artist to create an artistic pattern or image. Marilyn Gaizband will have her images on display at Huntley Meadows during July and August. A reception will be held Sunday, July 11, from 2 PM to 4 PM. Copies of her book will be available for sale. Gaizband

Marilyn Gaizband

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Workshops and Tours

Ed Knepley Free Online Course

Ed Knepley has been conducting a photography course for a local community photo club. The course is being done online via a blog and is built on Joe Miller's 4-C's. The Craftsmanship material, made up of about 50 posts (excluding student uploads & his critiques), is complete and covers exposure, focus, motion, and color.

The course can be viewed at http://edkphoto.wordpress.com/ where there is a "Welcome First Time Visitors" sticky post at the top of the first page. The link therein to the course's Table of Contents is the best way to view the available material.

Ed Knepley

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Steve Gottlieb

November 13, 2010
9:30am - 6:30pm  
One-day Field trip for camera club members in Washington DC Metro area with Steve Gottlieb.  Steve will explain how to see familiar DC icon with a more creative eye.

Steve Gottlieb

Marti Belcher

October 25, 2010 - November 09, 2010 We will journey to Rajasthan, the heart of the imagery that is India.  This journey is for anyone who is passionate about discovering another land, another way of life. $5275.00 Double Occupancy

Marti Belcher Telephone:
703-938-4515 Email address:

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Corey Hilz

September 16-19 Great Smoky Mountains National Park Workshop. Location: Townsend, Tennessee, $575 It’s a great to be in the Smokies - no crowds and plenty to photograph; from Cades Cove to Clingman's Dome, we'll visit popular locations and lesser known ones. Fog is often present in the mornings, rivers spotted with boulders cut through the forest and fields are full of tall grasses and late summer wildflowers.
October 7-10 Fall Color in West Virginia Workshop. Location: Canaan Valley, West Virginia, $575 Autumn foliage is bold and vibrant in West Virginia. We'll have convenient access to Blackwater Falls State Park, Canaan Valley State Park, Dolly Sods and the Monongahela National Forest. The area offers diverse subject matter, from mountain top landscapes to dense forests and waterfalls. Ground fog creates mysterious landscapes. Rushing rivers reflect brightly colored leaves, painting the water in vivid colors.
October 18 – November 1 China Photo Tour. Location: urban and rural areas of China, $5,098 including airfare Photograph the architecture and city life of Beijing and Shanghai. Visit well known sites such as the Great Wall, Tiananmen Square, see rice terraces in Longji, mountains in Yangshuo, the ancient city of Nanjing and a silk factory in Suzhou.

Corey Hilz

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Frank Van Riper

Summer, 2010

Starting Mondays:

July 12th, 26th
Aug 26th

New Summer Photo Workshops in Down East Maine. Nationally acclaimed husband and wife photographers Frank Van Riper and Judith Goodman have inaugurated a series of week-long summer photography workshops in the picturesque town of Lubec, Maine, the easternmost point in the United States, featured prominently in Frank’s Pulitzer-nominated book Down East Maine/ A World Apart. Limited to only six participants a week, will cover all aspects of photography: landscape, portraiture, documentary, product,  flash, etc. Tuition is $550. Program administered through the SummerKeys Music Workshops. www.summerkeys.com


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West Mill Photography Workshop in Southern France
George Munday

9/25 - 10/2 2010 West Mill Photography Workshop in Southern France, Sept 25 – Oct 2, 2010 1,400 Euro (~$2,050) per person for week long photography workshop with professional photographer George Munday of Ireland. Enjoy Provence and Southern France while staying in a converted watermill with a private pool. All inclusive once arrive in Avignon.

Kirsten Apple
info@thewestmill.com or

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Awake the Light Photo Tours
Mollie Isaacs & Mary Lindhjem

10/9 – 10/17 Photo Tour and Photoshop / Lightroom workshop, Outer Banks of NC - Two separate workshops, take one or both. The photo tour segment is a blend of photographic instruction and a pristine location. The Photoshop segment will improve your knowledge of Adobe Bridge, Camera Raw, Lightroom and Photoshop and increase your workflow efficiency. Fee includes all instruction, lodging at a luxurious beachfront house, and all meals. $1175 per segment

Mollie Isaacs

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Northern Virginia Alliance of Camera Clubs (NVACC)

The NVACC web page can be found at: www.nvacc.org. The combined calendar for the NVACC can be found at: http://www.nvacc.org/Calendar.html.

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For Sale

Canon 600mm f/4L IS USM Autofocus Lens. $5,500. (BH price $8,050. new) Contact Jorja and Bob Feldman at jorjafeldman@mac.com