Volume 45 - No. 8
Founded 1965 - our 45th Year
April 2010
The Newsletter of the Northern Virginia Photographic Society
Editor: Sam Schaen - Email: Editor@NVPS.org


Message from the President
Update on Proposed Changes to Constitution, By-Laws, and Rules
Monthly Program
Workshops, Education, and Training
  Competition Judge
  Competition Images
  Competition Results
Field Trips
Members' Gallery
End of Year Banquet
Fine Art Photography
Member News
NVPS Board
  Exhibition Opportunities
  Workshops and Tours
NVACC Events
Help Wanted


3/30 Special Workshop: Photo Books, Calendars
and Portfolios
4/6 Program Meeting: Panoramic & High-resolution Images, Max Lyons
4/10 Field Trip: Gettysburg
4/13 Workshop: HDR, Andrew Jezioro
4/15 - 4/18 Field Trip: Smokey Mountain National Park - Cancelled
4/20 Competition: Judge, Victoria Restrepo
4/27 Forum: Anna Gomez

Members' Gallery:
    Will Haubert (Prints)
    Bob & Jorja Feldman (Digital Projection)

5/29-30 Field Trip: Rolling Thunder


Note: You can click on the above links to go directly to the article; or you can scroll through the entire newsletter. You can also print the entire newsletter.

All meetings for the club year will start at 7:30 PM at the Dunn Loring Fire Station. The doors will open at 6:45 PM for a "meet and greet".

Remember to lock your car and place valuables out of sight.

Please remember to take seats immediately when the meeting starts and to silence cell phones.

Message from the President

As I sit here contemplating my column for this month, I am listening to the beautiful serenade of the spring peepers from the pond out back. Their song heralds the end of this very long and snowy winter. Welcome to spring everyone! I am feeling reinvigorated and find myself anxiously anticipating the greening, budding and flowering that will unfold very shortly. I have recharged my batteries and am at the ready to capture nature’s amazing rebirth.

At the same time, I see the clock counting down for this year at NVPS. It is hard to believe that there are only two full months left.  It has been a terrific year and many, many volunteers have made it all possible. I am amazed at the talent, dedication, caring, and commitment of the board, chairpersons and assistants, committee members, print passers, coffee makers, video cam operators, lights putter oners and offers, etc., etc. It really does take a village. I personally have never been affiliated with an organization where so many people are willing to help out by sharing their time, talents and skills. I can’t thank you enough for the contributions you all make.

I also know how much I have grown both personally and as a photographer from being involved in NVPS since March, 2004. It is unlike any other group or organization that I have ever been involved in. I feel “at home” with you all.  Coming into the club as a novice was very intimidating for me. Volunteering as Members’ Gallery Chairperson for the 2004-2005 year really helped me feel a part of the club. I got to know many more members and started to feel much more comfortable.

We are now in the process of gearing up for next year. I would like to extend the invitation to all of you out there to volunteer and get involved. In two of my many past lives, I have been an HR Director and an owner of a temporary staffing company. I love putting people to work. I want to create more opportunities for people to get involved. Right now, I know of the following types of tasks that we will need help with:

1.  Tech Team and equipment set up for meetings – anyone who is pretty good with hardware and minor troubleshooting with computers. We will need about ½ dozen or so folks.
2.  Hospitality – Coffee/tea maker and potentially cookie organizer

3.  Special projects/ occasions -- helpers for EOY banquet, Meadowlark (MANPE), exhibits, etc.

Please shoot me an email or catch me at a meeting to get on the bus. We have exciting things already in the works for next year, and we are already starting to plan and train.

Happy Spring and Happy Shooting!

Sandi Croan
NVPS President

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Elections, By-Laws, and Rules

Update on Proposed Changes to Constitution and By-Laws

The proposed change to the Constitution and By-Laws as described in March Fotofax to add the position of Vice President for Operations to the elected NVPS board was passed unanimously by the membership on March 2, 2010. This change will take effect starting in the club year 2010-2011. There will be a few more tweaks to the Constitution and By-Laws that will be published and then subsequently voted on by the membership in late April or early May. A revised complete Constitution and By-Laws document will be posted and published following the membership vote.

Sandi Croan

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NVPS Election

The NVPS Constitution and By-Laws require the appointment of a Nominating Committee to prepare a roster of proposed officers, in support of the required annual election. Nominees must agree to serve, if elected. The list of nomineeswas announced, as required, at the second club meeting in March and is published below.

NVPS members may submit additional nominations by the second club meeting in April, in writing, to the Nominating Committee chair. Nominations must be seconded by any club member, other than the candidate. The candidate must confirm in writing his/ her willingness to accept the nomination and serve, if elected.

The election will be at the first club meeting in May. It will be by voice vote, if there are no additional nominations, or, by written vote, if added nominations have been made.


President: Sandi Croan
Vice President for Programs: Mary O'Neill
Vice Presidents for Competition: Willa & Bob Friedman
Vice President for Operations: Brian Payne
Treasurer: Fred Chitty
Secretary / Historian: Georgette Grossman

Other non-elected Board members will be appointed by the President.

Thank you.

Tom Brett
Past President & Chair, Nominating Committee

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Proposed Rules Changes

The NVPS competition rules committee of Sam Schaen, Scott Musson, Bill Prosser, Fred Chitty, Gerry Abbott and Sandi Croan was formed last summer “to review and make recommendations” for change to NVPS competition rules, as necessary to better serve the current membership.   The full text of the proposed rules can be found on the NVPS web site.

There will be a discussion of the proposed changes and a question and answer session on April 6 following the regular program presentation. A vote will be held on election night (May 4) and any changes adopted by membership will become effective starting in September 2010.

The review included the data from last year’s competition entries (e.g. # of entries by class/category, # of members competing, etc), survey of other camera clubs’ rules and the trend of changes, the results of the NVPS member survey conducted on October 20th, and comments from members by email, in face to face discussions with individual committee members and comments during the October 13 meeting.


The table below summarizes the data from competition entries September 2008 through May 2009.

Class & Category Average # of members Each month Average # of entries
Each month
Monochrome prints - Novice 5.6 6
Monochrome prints - Advanced 5.8 7

Color prints – Novice 15.7 23
Color prints – Advanced 13.9 21
Digital projection – Novice 14.7 26
Digital projection – Advanced 13.4 23
Enhanced prints 12.6 14
Slides 3.7 6

There were a total of 95 members who entered images in competition, with about half submitting images in 4 or fewer months and half submitting images in 5 or more months.  On average, each month had 52 members competing with an average of 126 images.   

The table below summarizes the data from the member survey of “that choice associated with the classes/categories you expect to participate”.  There were 68 members submitting surveys, very close to 50/50, novice & advanced.

Category TOTAL Novice Advanced One class Master
Unrestricted prints 45 12 14 17 2
Restricted prints 24 12 9 3 n/a
Monochrome prints 27 7 5 15 n/a
Unrestricted digital projection 41 22 17 n/a 2
Restricted digital projection 19 7 12 n/a n/a
Slides 8 n/a n/a 8 n/a

In the member survey, there were 27 members that selected choice “E” (i.e. no change in current class/categories), but with 5 of these advocating some type of change in their comments.   There were 41 members that selected “A”, “B” or “C” (i.e. for change in class/categories), with a fairly even split between the 3 choices. (At the meeting, we discovered that choice D was a duplicate of Choice B and instructed members to ignore Choice D.)   

Summary of Proposed Changes

The proposal includes a change to the categories and classes of competition. Under the proposal, there will be 5 categories:

  • Unrestricted Images Digitally Projected (2)
  • Unrestricted Color Prints (2)
  • Monochrome Prints (1)
  • Restricted  Images Digitally Projected  (1)
  • Restricted Color Prints (1)

Due to the small number of participants over the last several years, the committee proposes that the slide category be dropped. Slides may still be used as the basis for a print or a digitally projected image. The committee also proposes combining the two classes for Monochrome prints into a single class due to dwindling participation.

The numbers in parenthesis above indicate the number of classes for the category. Monochrome Prints, Restricted Prints, and Restricted Images Digitally Projected will each have a single class. The other categories, Unrestricted Digitally Projected Images and Unrestricted Color Prints will have 2 classes—Novice and Advanced.

The proposal increases the number of required participants needed for a Novice Competition from two entrants to three entrants (making it the same as for Advanced classes). In addition, for all Categories/Classes, there must now be four images submitted for a competition to take place. This was done to ensure that awards are given only when there is adequate competition.

The proposed Restricted Prints Category is intended to provide a slightly more restricted venue than has been used for color prints in the current rules.  The final image mustcome from a single exposure and may have only specifically listed manipulations after it has been captured. Nothing may be added to an image, and aside from dust spots, nothing may be taken away.  Minor adjustments (global and targeted) to tone, color and contrast to the Raw or Jpeg file are acceptable if needed to more closely represent the original subject matter.  Sharpening, noise reduction and cropping are also permitting in this category.

The proposed Unrestricted Color Print Category is intended to include manipulations that would be unacceptable under the definition of Restricted Prints. This category replaces the enhanced category under the current rules and additionally reaches “down” a bit further to include some manipulations that were previously allowed for straight prints (e.g., removing distractions). The only restrictions are that all elements of the image must have been photographed by the entrant.

Monochrome Prints are restricted only in color. They can include various shades of black on a white background, or shades of a single other color such as sepia. Aside from color, manipulation is unrestricted.  A monochrome print may be derived from an image originally shot as a color image, e.g., by fully desaturating it.

The Restricted Image Digitally Projected category is intended to parallel the Restricted Color Print category.  The same intent, namely to limit the permitted manipulations to those necessary to bring the image closer to the original subject matter, is the same.

The Unrestricted Image Digitally Projected category does not restrict manipulations. The single restriction is that all elements must have been captured by the entrant.

The language concerning advancement from Novice to Advanced Class has been clarified. It was not intended to change the process. 15% of the photographers in each Novice Class will be promoted to the Advanced class for that category.

A second Versatile Photographer of the Year award is proposed to provide separate awards for Novice and Advanced categories.

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Monthly Program

Panoramic and High-resolution Imaging

Max Lyons
April 6, 2010


Please join us for a “one of a kind” April Program on Tuesday, April 6 at 7:30 pm, with speaker Max Lyons, who specializes in panoramic and high-resolution imaging.  Max just might have been the first photographer to create a "gigapixel" (1000 megapixel) photographic image.  Max will discuss how these high resolution images are created, and he'll also discuss some of the practicalities of taking this type of image, including equipment, technique, and presentation. 

Max will also discuss several software programs of interest to digital imaging enthusiasts, including PTAssembler (http://www.tawbaware.com/ptasmblr.htm), which is one of the most advanced panoramic image creation programs currently available (and was a program that he wrote himself).  Max will also have some of his high resolution prints available to display at our Program.  He and his wife will be our guests for dinner at Chili’s prior to the meeting, so if you’re interested in joining us for dinner, please rsvp to mary.m.o’neill@gsk.com by Sunday evening, April 4. 

His images can be seen on the following websites:  http://www.tawbaware.com/maxlyons/  www.maxlyons.net and you may gain additional insights from Max’s artists statement: http://www.maxlyons.net/statement.htm.


Max Lyons was born in Belgium and grew up in England and the United States. After completing graduate studies in Economics, Lyons worked briefly in Washington as a policy analyst before becoming interested in both photography and technology.

Lyons' interest in creating photographs started in the mid 1990s with the advent of consumer-level digital photography. He was inspired by the freedom to experiment that this new technology allowed, and developed interests in both architectural and landscape photography.

By 2000, Lyons was becoming intrigued by the visual impact provided by very large photographic prints. He was influenced by the large format works of film photographers such as Andreas Gursky and Thomas Struth...two artists pushing the limits of large format photography. However, Lyons was also becoming frustrated with a serious limitation of digital photography -- its relatively low resolution, and inability to capture sharp, detailed, large images.

In early 2001, Lyons stumbled upon an innovative solution to the limited resolution of digital cameras, in the form of stitched images—composite images created by joining together multiple images. Lyons realized that this technique could be used to create photographs with much greater clarity than any single digital or film image. Lyons embarked on a multi-year, and ongoing, effort to create a portfolio of incredibly detailed, high resolution images, the results of which will be discussed during his presentation.

Mary O'Neill
VP for Programs
703-548-8669 (H)

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Workshops, Education, and Training

Photo Books, Calendars and the Portfolio Project
March 30, 2010

On March 30th we'll have presentation that will benefit both Portfolio Project Participants and members in general.  Scott Musson will present a discussion and review of options for creating photo books and calendars using commercial online and local vendors. He'll discuss how to get the best results possible when creating a portfolio or collection of images with an online service and some personal experiences. Several other members will also share their experiences and will display their work for you to see.

Also Sherwin Kaplan will be speaking about what makes a good artist statement and comment on how he will critique the portfolio project.  Sherwin has critiqued all of the Portfolio Projects and has provided wonderful comments and insight into everyone's portfolio. We're very pleased that he'll be providing the critique again this year.

Additionally Scott will discuss the logistics of getting ready for submitting portfolios for the portfolio project

If you've always wanted to create a photo book or calendar of your images, this is an opportunity to learn more about it.

Scott Musson
Portfolio Project

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High Dynamic Range
Andrew Jezioro

April 13, 2010

On April 13th, 2010, at 7:30 pm, the Workshop, Education and Training co-chairs will be hosting a High Dynamic Range (HDR) seminar with Andrew Jezioro, presenter.

Andrew is a versatile photographer with many years of experience, producing quality images on a wide variety of subjects.  He utilizes the latest in digital tools, to capture his vision in his photographic images.  He has produced many award winning photographs, and lectures on many aspects of photography.  Andrew is past president of the Manassas-Warrenton Camera Club, and has served on the Board in various capacities.

He currently lectures on digital photography at the Manassas campus of the Northern Virginia Community College.

Favorite techniques include HDR photography, panoramas, stereo photography and light painting.

For this presentation, Andrew will cover basic to intermediate use of the Photomatix HDR program (high dynamic range).  Those of you wishing to learn Photomatix, and don’t already own it, can download the program for a 30 day trial.  Please bring your laptop computer, if you have one, loaded with the program so you can follow along.  If you don’t own a laptop, bring a notebook so you can take notes.  Andrew will be available for a short question and answer period as well.

If there are any questions, please email Ed Ruggiero, eruggiero@cox.net, or Melanie Marts, jasmarts@cox.net.

Melanie Marts

Ed Ruggiero

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Competition Judge
Victoria Restrepo
April 20, 2010

On Tuesday April 20th, 2010, we will hold our eighth  competition for the 2009/10 club year with Victoria Restrepo as our judge.  There is no specific theme for the April Competition.

Victoria Restrepo was born in Colombia, where she grew up surrounded by her grandfather and great grandfather’s photographs. They were some of the earliest photographers in South America and the Caribbean. The smell of the photographic chemicals, and the magical darkness of her family lab, marked her life forever.

She studied fine art in Colombia, and photography at The New England School of Photography, in Boston. She has worked as a Commercial Photographer and as a photography teacher.

As a photographer she worked in her darkroom for years manipulating films, chemicals, and papers, and using new digital techniques to break through the accurate and "realistic" representation of reality given to us by traditional photography.  At the same time, with her paintings, she was trying to get as close to the real world, as she could. Mixing both medias has given her an opportunity to explore a new world where fantasy and reality meet each other.

Her photographs are poised between reality and illusion, and through them she faces the same challenges that artists have been facing for centuries: how to get a perfect balance between color and transparency, light and shadow, texture and delicacy, and also how to express a profound desire to attract and deceive the viewer.

A few years ago she moved to the Washington DC area, where she is working on her new series of imaginary still lifes and landscapes, mixing photography, painting, and digital art.

Please join our judge, Victoria Restrepo for our pre-competition dinner at Chili's at 5:45 on Tuesday, April 20th. Please RSVP to Gerry at gerry.abbott@cox.net . Hope to see you there.

Chili's Bar and Grille

8051 Leesburg Pike
Vienna, VA


1: Take the VA-7 W/LEESBURG PIKE exit number 47B-A toward TYSONS CORNER
2: Merge onto LEESBURG PIKE/VA-7 W toward TYSONS CORNER and move to left lane
   You will see Chili's almost immediately on the left.
3: Take a left at the first light "Fashion Square" (Tiffany's will be on the left and Tyson's
   Corner Shopping Center will be on the right) and an immediate left onto service road in
   front of Tiffany's, take your first right into Chili's parking lot.

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Competition Themes for 2011 – 2012

Subject matter, theme, and artistic presentation are normally the choice of the photographer. However three of the monthly competitions will have a predetermined theme that must be observed.  Although the themes were specified by the Theme Committee, the interpretation of the theme is being left to the photographer. Thus, the Theme Committee intentionally did not provide definitions or examples for the 2011 – 2012 themes.

The Competition Themes for 2011-2012 are listed below:  

  • Simplicity  
  • Weather
  • Shadows

Exact dates for each theme will be announced before the start of the 2011-2012 club year. All other club competition rules will apply to the themed competitions. For example, all elements of competition entries must have been captured within two years of the monthly competition date.

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March Competition Images

Below are some images that received a first place award in the March competition. Clicking on one of the pictures will display a larger version.


Advanced Digital
Colorado Sand Dune
Liz Bumgarner


Advanced Monochrome
IR Stain Glass #37
Matthew Schmidt


Advanced Color
Italian Riviera
Mike Whalen


Novice Color
Denver Depository
Lorraine Chickering


Enhanced Prints
Grand Ceiling, Fisheye 5i HDR
Timber Gooding

First place winners in future competitions may be submitted to editor@nvps.org. Submitted photos should have maximum width and height of 1024 pixels and 768 pixels respectively. Images should be sent to editor@nvps.org by the Friday following the competition.

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March Competition Results

Award Photographer Title
Novice Monochrome Prints
1st Tom Burden Garden Of The Gods
2nd Beth Morris Epcot
Advanced Monochrome Prints
1st Matthew Schmidt IR Stain Glass #37
2nd Minne Gallman Wild Eye
Novice Color Prints
1st Lorraine Chickering Denver Depository
2nd James Norman Hatteras Light
3rd John Moore Mossy Coxodes
HM Georgette Grossman Bubbly
Advanced Color Prints
1st Mike Whalen Italian Riviera
2nd Jorja Feldman Reddish Egret Takes Off
3rd Bill Prosser Duck Sunrise #3
HM William Haubert On Golden Pond
HM Bob Feldman Sunlit Lotus
HM Jorja Feldman Pelican On A Tilt
HM Susan Breen The Tunnel
Enhanced Prints
1st Timber Gooding Grand Ceiling, fisheye 5i HDR
2nd Pat Lonergan Tempting Bench
3rd Jorja Feldman Sunset On The Farm
HM Laura Howell Covered Bridge
HM Pat Lonergan Bluebells In Dew Drop
Advanced Slides
1st Chuck Bress C & O Silouette
2nd Luella Murri Orange Flame
3rd Amie Tannenbaum Flower Fantasia
Novice Digital Images
1st Charles Rusnak Pantheon
2nd Don Smith Buddha Cat
3rd Siva Natarajan Couple
HM John Wiles, II Joshua Tree National Park
HM Kieu-Hanh Vu Arizona Cactus
HM Kieu-Hanh Vu Moonlight
HM Pat Worley Ice Fisherman
HM Pat Worley Orchid
Advanced Digital Images
1st Liz Bumgarner Colorado Sand Dune
2nd Scott Musson O'hare Airport Underground
3rd Rick Barnard Heartland
HM Bill Van Holle Blue Jay In Snow
HM Curtis Gibbens Woodstork Fishing
HM Glenn Bernstein Great Wall
HM Tuan Pham Ginko Grove
HM Vivian Luu Water Drops

Gerry Abbott
Co-VP Competition

Brian Payne
Co-VP Competition

Field Trips

Location: Gettysburg
Date: April 10, 2010

This field trip is organized in support of the themed competition on May 18th 2010—Monuments, memorials, and statues. Visitors to Gettysburg National Military Park take home a wealth of memories in the many photographs and images taken of the park and national cemetery. The park not only commemorates the war's bloodiest battle with 51,000 casualties and President Abraham Lincoln’s most famous address. It also offers a natural and cultural setting that exhibits the beauty and simplicity of this portion of Pennsylvania

The Self-guided Auto Tour, using the park brochure, can be followed through the park. On the tour route there are numbered stops at highpoints of the battle and visitors can take their time in stopping to view the monuments and field exhibits. Directional tour signs will take you through the park to visit the important highlights of the three-day battle. There is no charge for the Self-guided Auto Tour.

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Great Smokey Mountains
Location: Townsend, TN
Date: Cancelled

Due to lack of reservations and weather-related road closures, NVPS is canceling the Smokey Mountains trip.

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Memorial Weekend & Motorcycle Rolling Thunder
Location: Washington, DC
Date: May 29-30, 2010

Motorcycle Rolling Thunder is an annual motorcycle rally that is held in Washington, DC during the Memorial Day weekend to call for the government's recognition and protection of Prisoners of War (POWs) and those Missing in Action (MIAs). About 400,000 veterans will roar across Washington, DC on their motorcycles as a tribute to American war heroes.

Marilyn Gaizband
703-560-8365 (H)
703-402-6214 (C)

Tuan Pham
703-354-3322 (H)


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Progression of a Staff Photographer
Anna Gomez
April 27, 2010


Anna Gomez bought her first camera, a Kodak Instamatic, when she was 13 years old. As an art student, she viewed the camera as another way to express her creativity. At 19, her father brought her back a Canon from a business trip to Japan, and her father-in-law taught her some basics about aperture and shutter speed good exposure. Next in line-a Nikon, which was given up for a nice automatic-focus zoom Olympus after her daughter was born. She wanted to capture those special moments lost during focusing. In 2005 she bought her first hi-end point and shoot digital; once again an Olympus. Then, back to a DSLR in 2007. The Nikon D200 and the switch to digital opened the door to becoming the Staff Photographer for her employer in 2008.

Anna enjoys shooting many different subjects, from landscapes to abstracts.  

Anna is a member of NVPS, and has won numerous awards from the club, including 1st place at the End of the Year Banquet (2008-2009) for the Enhanced Print category. Anna was also juried into the Meadowlark Show in 2009.

Forum Subject 

Grateful for the opportunity to fill the position of Staff Photographer in mid 2008, Anna accepted the challenge while shaking in her boots and asking herself “What was I doing not having had this type of photographic experience or equipment?” Her boss, had faith in her ability, and was not really aware of the limitations she faced compared to the professionals they usually hired. The photography had always been outsourced to professional photographers, using an arsenal of professional equipment. The position has been immeasurable as a photographic learning experience for corporate, event and portrait photography, using less than optimal equipment.

Her first “job” was the organization's largest and most important conference of the year… Anna managed to keep her job and continue to learn and improve. The presentation will include typical photographs taken for conferences, events, Senate hearings, and employee portraits for a number of uses.

Anna Gomez

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Members' Gallery

Will Haubert
April 27, 2010

Will Haubert retired from his government job at 4 pm on September 2, 2008 and joined NVPS 3 hours later. His transition consisted of riding the Metro home and a quick dinner. He has not looked back and has never been happier!

In high school, Will was considered to have no artistic talent—he couldn’t even draw stick figures. So he went to law school. Years later, he began taking pictures to document his vacations and major moments in the life of his family. One day, as he stepped onto the Nydeck Bridge over the River Aare in Switzerland. He noticed the lines, shapes, textures, and colors of the red-tiled rooflines spreading into a residential sector of Bern. It was a crystalline moment—a realization that photography could be art. His heart leaped. The teachers were wrong; Will had just been using the wrong medium!

Will began hanging photos in his office. Colleagues stopped by just to look at his “gallery” and in 2008, he was picked as an “Artist in Residence.” Soon, Will began to resent the amount of time his job took from his photography. So he retired!

Will has been shooting in earnest for the past two years and credits his experience at NVPS with teaching him just about everything he knows about photography. His favorite subjects these days are his grandchildren and anything else that fits in his viewfinder. He traditionally shot landscapes (‘cause that’s where he most often found himself) and appreciates NVPS field trips as they provide a rich palette of new subjects to sample.

Last year, Will was NVPS’ Photographer of the Year in three categories—Versatile, Novice Monochrome, and Novice Color. Along the way, he won Print of the Year in both Color and Monochrome. In addition, he has had images juried into

  • the Wilmington International Exhibition of Photography (5 images and a DPS Honor Ribbon),
  • the Maryland Federation of Art 8th American Landscape Exhibition (image selected for Cover of Brochure),
  • the Meadowlark Nature Photo Expo,
  • 2009 Arlington County Fair (Overall Reserve Grand Champion, Champion Monochrome), and
  • Workhouse Center Inaugural Expo (2 images juried in).

In 2009 Will also exhibited in “The Power of Yellow” in the Art & Soul Space of Scituate Massachusetts.

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Digital Projection
Bob & Jorja Feldman
April 27, 2010

Bob and Jorja Feldman are nature photographers with a primary focus on creating avian images. Bob became interested in photography about 25 years ago. He took some classes at a community college and gravitated to medium and large format black and white photography. He then met and married Jorja, put the gear away, and took a long hiatus to attend to family and business affairs.

Four years ago Bob bought Jorja a digital camera and both have been passionate nature photographers ever since. To capture their images they mostly shoot with Canon Mark IIIs equipped with 500mm or 600mm lenses, although they also use an array of lenses down to and including macro lens.

They are active members of the Vienna Photographic Society and Northern Virginia Photographic Society (since 2006), as well as the North American Nature Photography Association. Their images have been on exhibit at various regional venues including the Fairfax County Government Center, Town of Vienna Photography Show, Vienna Arts Society, Huntley Meadows Park, Meadowlark Botanical Gardens, Gallery West, and Vis Arts.

They have been published nationally in Nature Photographer Magazine. Between them, they have received many photographic awards locally including Print of the Year and Photographer of the Year awarded by local photographic societies and Sponsor’s Choice Awards at the Meadowlark Photographic Expo. Additionally, they have lent their support (by supplying images) to the Audubon Society of Northern Virginia, The Raptor Conservancy of Virginia, and the Clearwater Free Clinic in Florida.

Georgette Grossman

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NVPS Annual End of Year Banquet
June 11th, 2010

Come one, come all!  This year's NVPS End-of-Year banquet will be held on Friday, June 11th, 2010 at the Westpark Hotel in Tyson's Corner at the intersection of Rt. 7 and Westpark Drive. Cocktails at 6.   Buffet dinner at 7. See all the best of the best photos, see the best-of-the-year winning photographs, enjoy good food, and good friends and End of Year awards. Price is $40 per person in advance and $45 after May 25th.  Payment can be made on the NVPS web site using paypal or by providing a check or cash to the NVPS Treasurer, Fred Chitty.  Checks should be made out to NVPS.

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Fine Art Photography is a Craft
Fred Chitty

Just like all other art forms, fine art photography is a craft.  I recently visited two exhibits in DC that reminded me of this fact.  First was the national gallery exhibit, History of Photography, Before Digital Cameras.  It was a wonderful trip down memory lane.  While the exhibit started with images from the 1830’s and took the viewer to Cibachrome images of the early 1990’s, my personal experience only started 50 years ago.  I constructed a pinhole camera using mat board and a hole poked in aluminum foil as the lens.  This camera used a paper negative and I made “contact” prints for a positive monochrome print image, all developed in an open tray of liquid chemicals.  No rubber gloves were involved, as OSHA didn’t exist. The exhibit covered this process quite well and had several fine examples.  Interesting enough, the last time I used my home darkroom was to produce cibachrome prints, directly from slide film, in the mid-1990’s.   Yes, they are holding up quite well, framed on my walls. 

After my tour of the National Gallery, I wandered down the street to the Museum of Natural History to see the Nature’s Best photography exhibit.   This exhibit picked up where the National Gallery exhibit left off.  The images were exquisite, evoking emotion responses from the viewers.  Almost all were made with digital camera’s and processed with computer software.  I was particularly struck by the montage flower portraits in  Nature’s Best's new Creative Digital category.   It made me think how all artistic crafts have evolved over time.  It also made me think that each artist, photographic or otherwise, has choices in how they develop their own individual craftsmanship and how they create the final image.   In the case of these flower images, the photographic artist could have created the image by arranging the flowers prior to taking the photograph.  Or she could have made multiple exposures in camera, as she built the image.  Or she could have taken individual images on film and made multiple exposures in the printing process.  But what she actually did was to create a digital image of each individual flower and then stitch the individual images together using up to 60 layers in Photoshop.  Like many photographers, her inspiration came from a classic painter.  Mulling this all over in my mind, I realized it didn’t really matter how she did it.  The composition and quality of the resulting final image is all that mattered.   Nature’s Best decided her images used the picture space better than other images submitted.   

Over my life I have listened to other’s say “Photography is dead” with the advent of new tools and techniques in the photographic craft.   It seems there will always be early adopters and those naysayers, highly resistant to change.  I heard it in the 1950’s when color film replaced black & white as the film of choice by consumers.  I heard it again in the 1960’s when 35mm SLR cameras  replaced the large format sheet film cameras used by photojournalists.  I have heard it recently when Photoshop replaced the wet darkroom.   Looking at the photographic images in the Nature’s Best exhibit and at NVPS competitions, I know such a notion is pure nonsense.  With the advent of digital cameras and programs like Photoshop, fine art photography is more alive and vibrant than it has ever been in its 170 year history.  Artists by nature are creative souls, always seeking the new, perfecting their craft and improving the tools and techniques of their craft.  My day was well spent by enjoying the resulting images of the craftsmanship of many photographic artists.   I highly recommend both exhibits.    

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Member News

Glennie Digital Photo Competition
NVPS members submitted thirty-six images for consideration for the Glennie Digital Photo Competition, a nature  photo competition sponsored annually by the Merrimack Valley Camera Club of Andover, Massachusetts. Each club is permitted to enter up to ten images. A panel of judges selected the ten images to represent NVPS from among the thirty-six entered. The following individuals had one image each chosen: Bob Friedman, Willa Friedman, Mike Kledzik, Will Haubert, Fred Siskind, Judy McGuire, Dennis Govoni, Sam Schaen, Jan Ponder and Mike Dubois.
Merrimack Valley will hold the competition on March 27. Club standings and individual awards will be announced soon after.
The images will be available  for viewing in the NVPS Photo Gallery in the near future.

John Quigley
Exhibits Coordinator

Judy McGuire

Judy McGuire has an image published in Virginia Wildlife Magazine's Annual Photography Contest Showcase issue. Lady's Slipper Leaf won Honorable Mention in the Fantastic Flower Category.

Judy McGuire

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NVPS Executive Board 2009-2010

The elected and appointed board members for the 2009-2010 club year can be found at http://nvps.org/main/about/board-members/.

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Exhibition Opportunities

Greenspiration: defining, defying & denying GREEN

The Workhouse Arts Center invites all professional and amateur artists 18 years and older residing in Virginia, Maryland, DC, Pennsylvania & W. Virginia to define, defy or deny GREEN in an all media (except video) juried exhibition that interprets the theme of green in the most creative ways.  This exhibition is an attempt to provide artists with a provocative theme that will encourage creative response outside the color wheel.
The juror is Trudi Van Dyke, an independent curator and fine arts consultant who juries and curates nationally.


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National Wildlife Photo Contest

The National Wildlife Federation is now accepting entries for the 2010 National Wildlife Photo Contest. Cash prizes of more than $30,000 plus other gifts will be awarded to the winners in seven categories in three separate divisions. Submit up to 25 images in 7 categories: Birds, Mammals, Other Wildlife, Landscapes/Plants, Connecting People and Nature, Backyard Habitat and Global Warming. The submission deadline is July 6, 2010. Winning images will be published on the NWF website and a selection will appear in the December 2010 issue of their magazine. Go to the entry page for more details and the complete rules. http://www.nwf.org/photocontest/default.aspx

Submitted by Matthew Schmidt

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Adam Lister Gallery

This is an international open call for artwork to be exhibited in the upcoming summer group show in the Adam Lister Gallery.  This exhibition will run from June 4 through July 18, 2010.

This open call will be juried by the gallery board of directors and gallery staff.  All artists that are selected will be featured in a six week show in the gallery. The entry deadline is May 1, 2010.

The Adam Lister Gallery is located in the center of Fairfax City, and offers a high level of  visibility for artists to display their work.  We've been recognized as the premier contemporary art gallery in the Northern Virginia area.  Working closely with collectors and  curators, our goal is to provide an art exhibition space for both established and emerging artists.

For this open call we are looking for art done in any medium.  Drawing, painting, collage, sculpture, photography, installation, and anything else you work with is acceptable.  There are no restrictions regarding subject matter or size (though it must be able to fit through our door 70"x82").  Artists of any age and background are encouraged to submit their work.  We're looking for unique and interesting approaches to the idea of art making. For more information, visit: http://www.adamlistergallery.com/submissions.html

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Ansel Adams Exhibition

The Dept of the Interior is having a display of previously unseen Ansel Adams photos at the HQ of Interior starting today. It is open to the public during regular business hours.

The U.S. Department of the Interior Museum exhibition Ansel Adams: The Mural Project 1941-1942 is open to the public by appointment only. Reservations for a guided tour should be made two weeks in advance by calling the Museum at (202) 208-4743. Adult visitors must present photo identification.  More information can be found at http://www.doi.gov.

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Huntley Meadows

The NVPS nature exhibit at Huntley Meadows went up on Monday March 1 and will remain in place through the end of April. All members and guest are cordially invited to come and view the work of their fellow club members. Huntley Meadows Visitor Center is located at 3701 Lockheed Blvd., just off Route 1 south of Alexandria in the Hybla Valley area of Fairfax County. Complete directions  and information about the park are available at the park's website, www.fairfaxcounty.gov/parks/huntley/.

John Quigley
Exhibits Coordinator

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PhotoSynthesis Photo Contest Exhibition

The 4th annual Washington Gardener Photo Contest will display winning images at an art show in downtown Silver Spring, MD. All 17 stunning photos were taken in DC-area gardens.

The opening reception is Friday, April 9 from 6:30-8pm at the Adams Bank Lobby in the World Building on Georgia Avenue in downtown Silver Spring, MD. The reception is open to the public and is free to attend. After the opening, you may come by and view the photos any time during the normal bank lobby hours (M-F 9am-4pm, Sat 9am-12noon). The show runs through May 27.

Kathy Jentz
Washington Gardener Magazine
WGardenermag@aol.com www.WashingtonGardener.com

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Workshops and Tours

BBC Wildlife Magazine Master Classes

BBC Wildlife Magazine has opened up its articles on Photo Master Classes for free downloading.

Published in the pages of the BBC's Wildlife magazine, the Photo Masterclasses are articles written by Wildlife photographers and specialists in their genre of nature photography. You'll find articles on macro photography, landscape photography, and photographing different creatures under all sorts of different conditions. If you love learning a new photography trick or two you'll definitely want to dive into the archives of the BBC'

The articles can be found at:  http://www.bbcwildlifemagazine.com/masterclasses.asp

Submitted by
Michael DuBois


Jamie Konarski Davidson and Chris Barnes

April 29 - May 2, 2010

Join Jamie Konarski Davidson, nature photographer, and Chris Barnes, photographer & Adobe certified instructor, for a full weekend of photography in the gardens of Richmond, VA. Learn how to use your camera as a creative tool and then how to work with the images you've captured to match your vision.

Additional Information: $375/person, home base at Baymont Inn & Suites, Richmond, VA (group rate of $39.99/night).

Jamie Konarski Davidson
New Life Photos


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Nikhil Bahl Photography

May 1, 2010
11:00am to 1:00pm

Spring Flowers at Meadowlark Botanical Gardens. Tuition: $125 (includes entrance fee to park). You will have plenty of opportunities to create classic flower photographs, ultra close-ups, abstract and photo impressionistic images. Tulips, Trillium, Virginia Blue Bells and a host of other spring flowers are in bloom at this time of the year.
The workshop will start with a presentation to get your creative juices flowing. Feedback on your photographs will be provided during a critique session. Field instruction will include demonstrations, tips on visualization, and the opportunity to receive immediate feedback on your technique and compositions.

May 14-16, 2010
1pm May 14 - 1pm May 16

Chincoteague Island (Virginia). Tuition: $325. You can expect to photograph many different bird species like Willets, Sanderlings, Dunlin, Glossy Ibis, Terns, Osprey, Grackles, Little Blue Herons, Great Blue Herons, Great Egrets, Snowy Egrets, Cormorants and others that return to the island in the spring. There will be opportunities to photograph the fabled Chincoteague Ponies, Sika Deer and other wildlife that inhabits the island. We will also photograph ocean views, beach scenes, patterns and textures in the sand, marshes and plant life.
May 29-31, 2010
12:00pm May 29-
8:00pm May 31

Developing a Creative Vision (Virginia/Maryland). Tuition: $395. This workshop is for photographers who are looking to challenge themselves and take their photography to the next level. While technical aspects of photography will be covered, the emphasis will be on enhancing your creativity and photographic vision.
Topics that will be discussed and illustrated include the art of seeing, personal style, importance of interpretation, the creative process and how to make your images more expressive. Field sessions will give you the opportunity to implement new ideas and receive immediate feedback. The workshop will end with an optional sunset field trip the evening of May 31st.

Nikhil Bahl

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Cory Hilz

April 10 Lensbaby: Bending Your Perspective. Location: Vienna VA, 10:00am – 12:00pm, $50. Learn about the unique and creative possibilities the Lensbaby offers - whether you’re new to Lensbabies or want to learn to use yours better. In addition to a demonstration of the Lensbaby and its accessories, you’ll have time to practice photographing with the Lensbaby (demo models available).
April 10 Photoshop Elements: Taking Control of Your Photos. Location: Vienna VA, 1:00pm – 5:00pm, $100. Learn how to adjust, enhance and manipulate your photographs. From demonstrations and hands-on practice you’ll learn how to straighten, selectively lighten and darken, use adjustment layers and layer masks, remove unwanted elements, make selections and more.
April 11 Macro & Close-up Photography. Location: Vienna VA, 10:00am – 12:30pm, $50This class teaches you about technical and creative aspects to successful close-ups. You’ll learn what equipment to use and when to use it; the class also spends time on choosing the best aperture, working with background elements, getting the most out of your depth of field and placing the focus right where you want it.
April 11 HDR & Focus Stacking. Location: Vienna VA, 1:30pm – 5:30pm, $100. Learn about two techniques that expand the creative possibilities for your photography: HDR photography for greater shadow and highlight detail and Focus Stacking to create unlimited depth of field. This workshop combines demonstrations and photographing to help you learn how to take the photos and use the software.
April 17 & 24
(2 session class)
Digital Workflow: Apple's Aperture. Location: Arlington VA, 1:00pm-4:00pm, $100.This class will cover all aspects of Aperture, from importing and organizing to adjusting, enhancing and exporting your images. We'll cover using projects, folders, albums, metadata and keywords. Learn how to effectively use the various adjustments, plus create galleries and slide shows.
May 1 & 8
(2 session class)
Photoshop Skills for Photographers. Location: Arlington VA, 12:30pm-3:30pm, $125. This class focuses on the features of Photoshop that are useful for photographers, enabling you to use Photoshop confidently and effectively. Topics covered include: layers, masks, brushes, selections, cloning, Levels, Curves, sharpening, correcting distortion and more.
May 2 Field Session at Brookside Gardens. Location: Wheaton MD, 6:30 – 9:30am, $65. Explore the diverse gardens at Brookside in the early morning light. Field sessions are all about putting your skills into practice and enjoying the process of creating new images. Corey will share photo tips, demonstrate shooting techniques and offer ideas for capturing your best shots.
May 15 Nikon Flash Workshop. Location: Ashburn VA, 9:30am – 5:00pm, $250 (includes lunch and model fee) Learn how to maximize their capabilities of your Nikon speedlight: understand the modes and functions of your flash, plus find out how to effectively use multiple flash units wirelessly. Workshop also covers using soft boxes, umbrellas, diffusers and reflectors, plus the opportunity to photograph a model.
May 16 Field Session at Meadowlark Botanical Gardens. Location: Vienna VA, 6:30 – 9:30am, $65 Enjoy photographing the splendor of the gardens before they’re open to the public. Field sessions are all about putting your skills into practice and enjoying the process of creating new images. Corey will share photo tips, demonstrate shooting techniques and offer ideas for capturing your best shots.
May 16 & 23
(2 session class)
Digital Workflow: Lightroom. Location: Alexandria, VA, 1:00 – 4:00pm, $100 Learn how to use the Library module to organize your photos, including importing, adding metadata and keywords, searching and exporting. Find out all that the Develop module has to offer for processing your images; other modules will also be explored.
May 22 Digital Workflow: Adobe Camera Raw. Location: Alexandria, VA, 1:00 – 5:00pm, $100 Learn about the benefits about capturing your images in the Raw format and how to use the many tools in Adobe Camera Raw to process and enhance your photographs. Find out what order to use the tools in and when to use them with hands on practice.
June 3-6 St. Michaels Workshop. Location: St. Michaels, Maryland, $575 St. Michael's and surrounding areas offer the opportunity to photograph marinas, boats, working harbors and marine scenics. The Maritime Museum, Tilghman Island and Oxford all offer great subjects for this workshop on Maryland's eastern shore.
June 12-13 Butterfly & Garden Photography Workshop. Location: Brookside Gardens, Wheaton MD, $150 Join Corey Hilz and Josh Taylor to photograph flowers, garden landscapes and butterflies. You’ll receive special access to the butterfly conservatory and learn from presentations, shooting sessions and critiques.
June 20-30 Ireland Photo Tour. Location: Western Ireland, $3,195 Explore Western Ireland for ten days, visiting ancient abbeys, unspoiled villages, broad peat lowlands and the dramatic coastline. The photographic opportunities will be diverse and you'll receive hands-on help in the field plus learn from critiques and lectures in the evenings.
September 16-19 Great Smoky Mountains National Park Workshop. Location: Townsend, Tennessee, $575 It’s a great to be in the Smokies - no crowds and plenty to photograph; from Cades Cove to Clingman's Dome, we'll visit popular locations and lesser known ones. Fog is often present in the mornings, rivers spotted with boulders cut through the forest and fields are full of tall grasses and late summer wildflowers.
October 7-10 Fall Color in West Virginia Workshop. Location: Canaan Valley, West Virginia, $575 Autumn foliage is bold and vibrant in West Virginia. We'll have convenient access to Blackwater Falls State Park, Canaan Valley State Park, Dolly Sods and the Monongahela National Forest. The area offers diverse subject matter, from mountain top landscapes to dense forests and waterfalls. Ground fog creates mysterious landscapes. Rushing rivers reflect brightly colored leaves, painting the water in vivid colors.
October 18 – November 1 China Photo Tour. Location: urban and rural areas of China, $5,098 including airfare Photograph the architecture and city life of Beijing and Shanghai. Visit well known sites such as the Great Wall, Tiananmen Square, see rice terraces in Longji, mountains in Yangshuo, the ancient city of Nanjing and a silk factory in Suzhou.

Corey Hilz

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Frank Van Riper

April 6-27, 2010

Master Class with Dr. Flash   ($300) Four-week hands-on studio class at Glen Echo PhotoWorks helps you master small flash units and studio strobes. Students will learn still life, tabletop and portraiture techniques in step-by-step demonstrations and individual exercises with professional flash gear. Level: Intermediate. 7-10:30pm.

Thurs. eve., April 22-May 20, 2010

Tasting Menu: Photography from A to Z    ($325)  Spend an enjoyable five weeks learning all aspects of photography from an acclaimed photographer/author. Frank will cover a different subject each week, including basics, portraiture, flash, still life and landscape, in a relaxed, welcoming atmosphere. Film or Digital. All levels 7-10:30pm

Thursday, May 27th or Thursday, June 3rd, 2010

Flash Photography Demystified   ($95)

Intimidated by your flash? One-evening short course will help you beat it into submission. Practical tips, creative ideas from lighting master Frank Van Riper. All levels. 7-10pm

Contact: GVR@GVRphoto.com or www.glenechopark.org

Summer, 2010

Starting Mondays:

July 12th, 26th
Aug 26th

New Summer Photo Workshops in Down East Maine. Nationally acclaimed husband and wife photographers Frank Van Riper and Judith Goodman have inaugurated a series of week-long summer photography workshops in the picturesque town of Lubec, Maine, the easternmost point in the United States, featured prominently in Frank’s Pulitzer-nominated book Down East Maine/ A World Apart. Limited to only six participants a week, will cover all aspects of photography: landscape, portraiture, documentary, product,  flash, etc. Tuition is $550. Program administered through the SummerKeys Music Workshops. www.summerkeys.com


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West Mill Photography Workshop in Southern France
George Munday

9/25 - 10/2 2010 West Mill Photography Workshop in Southern France, Sept 25 – Oct 2, 2010 1,400 Euro (~$2,050) per person for week long photography workshop with professional photographer George Munday of Ireland. Enjoy Provence and Southern France while staying in a converted watermill with a private pool. All inclusive once arrive in Avignon.

Kirsten Apple of
Falls Church, VA at
info@thewestmill.com or

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Awake the Light Photo Tours
Mollie Isaacs & Mary Lindhjem

4/18 – 4/24 Photo Tour Great Smoky Mountains, Tenn. - Waterfalls and Wildflowers - With one of the greatest varieties of wildflowers in the world, this mountainous park bursts forth in an unrivaled display of blossoming color. Also see some of its most beautiful and accessible waterfalls, and enjoy the many streams that tumble over smooth rocks on their journey down the mountainsides. Fee includes all instruction in the field, lodging in a luxurious private lodge overlooking the Smokies, and all meals $1895

From Conception To Completion. The morning session will concentrate on expanding your creative options with respect to macro, landscape, wildlife, and abstract photography. We will introduce techniques that will enable you to think outside the box and help you add more artistic imagery to your photographic library. The afternoon session will introduce you to the judicious use of Lightroom and Photoshop to optimize your photographs so that they look natural and are representative of your aesthetic vision while maintaining the integrity of the original image. FEE: $95.00 per person, payable in advance. Lunch will be provided. A portion of the proceeds will be donated to the Joseph Miller Center for the Photographic Arts in Gainesville, Virginia, where the course will take place.

10/9 – 10/17 Photo Tour and Photoshop / Lightroom workshop, Outer Banks of NC - Two separate workshops, take one or both. The photo tour segment is a blend of photographic instruction and a pristine location. The Photoshop segment will improve your knowledge of Adobe Bridge, Camera Raw, Lightroom and Photoshop and increase your workflow efficiency. Fee includes all instruction, lodging at a luxurious beachfront house, and all meals. $1175 per segment

Mollie Isaacs

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Northern Virginia Alliance of Camera Clubs (NVACC)

The NVACC web page can be found at: www.nvacc.org. The combined calendar for the NVACC can be found at: http://www.nvacc.org/Calendar.html.

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Help Wanted

Publicity Guidance. NVPS has the responsibility for the publicity for the Mid-Atlantic Nature Photography Expo (formerly Meadowlark). John Quigley is preparing a timeline for the tasks for this effort. If any member has experience in the area of publicity/marketing such an event and would be available to provide guidance and assistance, your help would be greatly appreciated. No meetings to attend just telephone or e-mail conversations with John and other members of the committee.

John Quigley
NVPS Exhibits Coordinator

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