Volume 45 - No. 7
Founded 1965 - our 45th Year
March 2010
The Newsletter of the Northern Virginia Photographic Society
Editor: Sam Schaen - Email: Editor@NVPS.org


Message from the President
Proposed Changes to Constitution and By-Laws
Monthly Program
Workshops, Education, and Training
  Competition Judge
  Competition Images
  Competition Results
Field Trips
  Field Trip Photos

Members' Gallery
Photo Books, Calendars and the Portfolio Project
Member News
NVPS Board
  Exhibition Opportunities
  Workshops and Tours
NVACC Events


3/2 Program Meeting: James Roy, Fine Art Portraits
3/9 Workshop: Josh Taylor, Photographic Monuments
3/16 Competition: Judge, TBD
3/23 Forum: Nihhil Bahl
Members' Gallery: Ursy Potter (Prints)
Wayne Wolfersberger (Digital Projection)

3/30 Photo Books, Calendars, & Portfolio Project


Note: You can click on the above links to go directly to the article; or you can scroll through the entire newsletter. You can also print the entire newsletter.

All meetings for the club year will start at 7:30 PM at the Dunn Loring Fire Station. The doors will open at 6:45 PM for a "meet and greet".

Remember to lock your car and place valuables out of sight.

Please stay home if you're sick!

As the weather becomes colder, there's a chance that a meeting may be cancelled due to snow or freezing rain. NVPS follows the Fairfax County school closing policy. Whenever evening activities in Fairfax County schools are cancelled on a meeting night [the activity cancellations are announced on TV and radio], the NVPS meeting will be cancelled as well. If you're unsure, you can call one of the Board members. We will also send out email to the membership list when a decision has been made.

Please remember to take seats immediately when the meeting starts and to silence cell phones.

Message from the President


There is only one word to describe February – SNOW! I can’t remember a time that NVPS meetings were cancelled two weeks in a row. I hope you took advantage of these historic weather events to get some great images. Tuan collected blizzard images and posted them on the web at the following link: http://nvps.org/gallery/v/fieldtrips/2009_2010/Blizzard+of+2010/. Thanks Tuan.

In other news, on January 31st (with again, the threat of being snowed out), the NVPS Executive board met for over 4 hours to discuss a very long agenda including: proposed competition rules changes; the potential addition of new elected position (Operations VP – explained elsewhere in Fotofax); discussion about potential changes to End Of Year awards, the appointment of a committee to evaluate and make recommendations on the current Executive Board structure; storage space for equipment at the Fire Hall; and other position reports and administration. I sincerely thank each of the board members and special committee members for their incredible hard work, insights, and participation.

Snow Storm
John Wiles II

Over the next few months, the membership will be briefed on proposed changes and will have an opportunity to comment and ask questions. There will also be several meetings where membership votes are required. Please pay close attention to Fotofax and the Web for dates of such meetings and plan on attending.

I am thrilled to report that Andy Klein, our Facilities Coordinator was given permission from the president of Robbie Hall (where we meet) to use a small area in a closet for storage of our equipment. A secure box has been ordered and will be delivered soon. Thank you ANDY! This will make John Naman’s and future equipment managers jobs much, much easier as they will not have to schlep and store all that stuff each week. Thank you John, for almost 2 full years of schlepping without missing a single meeting.

Last month I mentioned that we were getting close to the 250 member mark.  We are now closer to 260!  Ed Groark is the 250th member of NVPS and will receive a gift certificate from Penn Camera. But these numbers don’t mean anything unless you take advantage of your membership by coming to meetings and learning, sharing, contributing, or whatever first inspired you to join.

As I also mentioned last month, we are gearing up for next year. Please email or see me at a meeting if you would like to volunteer for next year. Even something small, like turning lights on and off at meetings.

I hope we have no more weather issues that will affect our meetings for the rest of the winter. I love the snow, just not on Tuesdays!

Stay warm and happy shooting.

Sandi Croan
NVPS President

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Proposed Changes to Constitution and By-Laws

As the size and technical needs of NVPS have increased in recent years, the number of Board members and operating committees have also increased in an effort to accommodate the needs of the membership.  To date, the board has been very flat, with all board members and committees, elected and appointed, reporting directly to the President.  The board is recommending that a new, elected board position be created that would consolidate all of the facilities and technical operations support under a Vice President for Operations.

In order to enact this change, the board is requesting that the following change (in Red) be made to Article V.  Officers, of the Constitution.

"The following officers shall be elected by the members:

  1. President
  2. Vice President for Programs
  3. Vice President for Competition
  4. Vice President for Operations
  5. Treasurer
  6. Secretary/Historian
This change would also require that an update be made to Article III.  Duties of Officers, of the By-Laws.

"Duties of the Vice President for Operations shall be to recruit, develop, coordinate and supervise a team of technical, operational and administrative personnel to provide the equipment, service, and facilities necessary for conducting weekly NVPS meetings and EOY Banquet/Competition and ensuring that member and outside presenters have the equipment and facilities necessary for conducting their presentations."

Assuming that a quorum is present at the meeting on March 2nd, we will vote on the proposed changes so that it will be possible to fill the position for the 2010 - 2011 club year, beginning in September.

If you have any questions, please contact Sandi Croan at Pashli@aol.com or Matthew Schmidt at mgs@loreleistudios.com.

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Monthly Program

The Art of Creating Fine Art Environmental Portraits
James Roy
March 2, 2010

Please join us Tuesday, March 2 at 7:30 PM for award-winning photographer, James Roy, who will speak on "The Art of Creating Fine Art Environmental Portraits". James will join us for dinner at Chili's at 5:45 pm prior to the meeting--if you're interested in participating in dinner, please rsvp to mary.m.o'neill@gsk.com by Sunday, 2/28.

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How can one consistently create powerful photographic images from all types of subject matter? How can one take these skills and then create sellable, one-of-a-kind, environmental portraits? Do these skills require raw talent or can they be learned? James has a unique talent, but he also believes that this creative process is also learned, and ultimately, can be taught. In this course, he will dissect photographs from each of his fine art portfolios, and explain the process he uses to create powerful images from diverse subject matter. He will then explain how, with these skills, he creates sellable, one-of-a-kind, fine art environmental portraits.


James’ photographic work reflects over 25 years of professional and personal experience. His formal training is recognized through membership in the Maryland Professional Photographer’s Association (MDPPA), Professional Photographers of America (PPA) and American Society of Photographers (ASP). He has received numerous MDPPA Best-In-Show prints, PPA loan collection prints and Fuji Masterpiece and Kodak Gallery Awards. He holds the following internationally recognized PPA degrees: Masters, Craftsman. He also holds the prestigious title of PPA International Photographer of the Year in 2008. His wedding images have been published and featured on the covers of various regional wedding journals and in PPA’s “Professional Photograper” magazine. His fine art images are part of many private and public collections in the United States and Europe. James is also a photography instructor, and his workshop series (www.photosafariworkshop.com) is designed to teach his students the skills required to consistently create powerful, artistic images.

Mary O'Neill
VP for Programs
703-548-8669 (H)

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Workshops, Education, and Training

Phototgraphing Monuments
March 9, 2010

On March 9th, at 7:30 pm, the Workshop, Education and Training Co-Chairs will host Photographing Monuments with Josh Taylor, presenter.  This workshop will provide training to better capture images of monuments, which is the subject of the themed competition in May 2010.

Josh Taylor has been photographing the monuments in Washington, DC and architecture on The Mall for a long time. He teaches a yearly class for the Smithsonian Studio Arts Program on Capturing DC Digitally. In this workshop, Josh will share techniques for capturing stunning images of Washington's majestic monuments, such as using white balance settings as filters, software enhancements, panoramas (stitching), focus stacking, and HDR photography. Most of the photographic techniques will be demonstrated live on screen. This presentation is intended to motivate photographers to look and think beyond the postcard image. Check out the Washington, DC Gallery on his web site. http://www.archiphotoworkshops.com

Since last month's workshop on High Dynamic Range (HDR) had to be cancelled due to snow, members may be interested in the following web site:


If there are any questions, please email Ed Ruggiero, eruggiero@cox.net, or Melanie Marts, jasmarts@cox.net.

.Melanie Marts

Ed Ruggiero

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Competition Judge
March 16, 2010

The March competition judge is yet to be determined due to a last minute cancellation. On Tuesday March 16th, 2010, we will hold our seventh competition for the 2009/10 club year. There is no specific theme for the February Competition.

Please join us for our pre-competition dinner at Chili's at 5:45 on Tuesday, March 16th. Please RSVP to Gerry at gerry.abbott@cox.net . Hope to see you there.

Chili's Bar and Grille

8051 Leesburg Pike
Vienna, VA


1: Take the VA-7 W/LEESBURG PIKE exit number 47B-A toward TYSONS CORNER
2: Merge onto LEESBURG PIKE/VA-7 W toward TYSONS CORNER and move to left lane
   You will see Chili's almost immediately on the left.
3: Take a left at the first light "Fashion Square" (Tiffany's will be on the left and Tyson's
   Corner Shopping Center will be on the right) and an immediate left onto service road in
   front of Tiffany's, take your first right into Chili's parking lot.

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February Competition Images

Below are some images that received a first place award in the February competition. Clicking on one of the pictures will display a larger version.


Novice Color
Hymara Woman
Maricruz Fugon

Willa Friedman

Advanced Monochrome
Willa Friedman


Advanced Digital
3 Bottles
Bill Prosser

First place winners in future competitions may be submitted to editor@nvps.org. Submitted photos should have maximum width and height of 1024 pixels and 768 pixels respectively. Images should be sent to editor@nvps.org by the Friday following the competition.

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February Competition Results

Award Photographer Title
Novice Monochrome Prints
1st Drew Kleibrink Ano Nuevo
2nd Beth Morris The Climb
3rd Georgette Grossman Ice Melting
Advanced Monochrome Prints
1st Willa Friedman Homeless
2nd Chuck Bress Snow Fever
Novice Color Prints
1st Maricruz Fugon Aymara Woman
2nd Lorraine Chickering Egret Elan
3rd Georgette Grossman Blizzard 2010
HM Maricruz Fugon Green Door
Advanced Color Prints
1st Bill Prosser 3 Bottles
2nd Melanie Marts National Cathedral Basement Door
3rd Jorja Feldman Sandhill Cranes
HM Susan Breen Willow
HM Davis Balderston Falls RD Trash Can #3
HM Danielle Likvan Illinois Farmhouse
HM William Haubert The Twins
Enhanced Prints
1st Susan Breen Dance & Sing
2nd Susan Breen Yellow & Purple
3rd Roger Lancaster Lighting The Way Home
HM Jan Ponder In Plane View
HM Bob Friedman Flamingo
HM Timber Gooding Winter Wonderland
Advanced Slides
1st Dan Feighery Weed Wacker Wire
2nd Tom Brett Colorado Dune 337
3rd Matthew Schmidt Scott's Run Falls
Novice Digital Images
1st Jim Carlson Saguaro
2nd John Wiles II Hatta Fort Door
3rd Siva Natarajan At the Art Museum
HM Karen Lykke Snowmageddon
HM Kip Holdridge Admiring the View
HM Laura Howell River Bend
Advanced Digital Images
1st Tuan Pham Full Enlightenment
2nd Bill Von Holle Interlocken Storm
3rd Yulan Guo Chasing
HM Vivian Luu Leading
HM Yulan Guo Morning Ride

Gerry Abbott
Co-VP Competition

Brian Payne
Co-VP Competition

Field Trips

Nature's Best International Photography Contest
Location: Smithsonian Museum of Natural History
Date: March 10, 2010
Time: 10:00 AM

The exhibition contains large prints (up to 4 x 6 feet) from the winners in Nature's Best International Photography Contest. There are about 40 images chosen from over 22,000 images from 36 countries. Chuck Veatch will guide us through the exhibition and critique the images and discuss them in the exhibition hall to see why they won and why they are special. Chuck is a former member of NVPS, a respected contest judge and, more importantly, he is involved in all aspects of Nature’s Best Photography Contests, including photo selection and editing for the exhibits at the Smithsonian Museum of Natural History. The tour accommodates only 20 people (NVPS and others) and lasts about 11/2 hours.

Meeting place:  Smithsonian Museum of Natural History (Madison Drive entrance); 10th S Street, NW; Washington, DC 20004

Note:  Cameras are allowed but no tripods in the museum.

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Great Smokey Mountains
Location: Townsend, TN
Date: April 15-18, 2010

April 15-18, 2010 to Great Smokey Mountains. Eight (8) non-smoking doubles have been set-aside for NVPS at the Econo Lodge motel. Please call 865-448-9000 (Ashley) for a reservation. Mention NVPS #89593955 for special rates. Sign up sheets are available at club meetings.

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Location: Gettysburg
Date: April 10, 2010

We are postponing the field trip to Gettysburg Battlefield from March 13th to April 10th, 2010.

Marilyn Gaizband
703-560-8365 (H)
703-402-6214 (C)

Tuan Pham
703-354-3322 (H)

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Field Trip Photos

Bill Chitty

Bill Chitty
Bosque del Apache

Bob Friedman - Bosque

Bob Friedman
Bosque del Apache

Judy McGuire

Judy McGuire
Ginter Arboretum

Will Haubert - Bosque

Will Haubert
Bosque del Apache

Willa Friedman - White Sands

Willa Friedman
White Sands

Bob Friedman

Bob Friedman
Ginter Arboretum

Bob Friedman - White Sands

Bob Friedman
White Sands

Melanie Marts Ginter

Melanie Marts
Ginter Arboretum

Willa Friedman - Ginter

Willa Friedman
Ginter Arboretum

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Creative Interpretations
Nikhil Bahl

Photography is all about interpretation. From subject selection to focal length and deciding where the camera is placed, a photographer makes many decisions that interpret the scene. When we talk about photography as art, we refer to photographs that go beyond the documentary. These photos show the subject in an atypical manner and sometime even challenge our perceptions by delving in the abstract. Nikhil’s presentation will concentrate on these creative interpretations.


Nikhil Bahl likes to capture nature's poetry via the art of photography. While his primary interest remains nature photography, he has photographed corporate events, award functions, weddings, and has even delved in portraiture and studio photography.

Nikhil leads location workshops and photo tours. He teaches photography at the Metropolitan Center for the Visual Arts (VisArts), in Rockville, Maryland, Meadowlark Botanical Gardens in Vienna, Virginia and was recently recruited by Digital Photo Academy as one of their DC area instructors. He believes that trying to impart a fresh perspective is the biggest challenge in photography.  His instruction is focused on in-camera interpretation and developing personal vision rather than simply following "the rules".

Nikhil’s work has been published on post cards, greeting cards, posters, newsletters, magazines and web sites. His fine art prints are part of many private collections and have been in several exhibits in the Washington Metropolitan area. While he does most of his photography in the DC area, his travels have taken him around the country. He is also a volunteer photographer for the National Park Service and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. Please visit www.NikhilBahl.com for more.

Anna Gomez

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Members' Gallery

Ursy Potter
March 23, 2009

Ursy has belonged to NVPS since 2004. She was a potter for 35 years before deciding to dedicate her creative energies to photography. She admits the change in disciplines has been a challenge. Her ceramics were always made with usefulness in mind—they were three-dimensional and sculptural. Her interest in photography is voiced in her concern for her country, her species and her place on our glorious planet.

Ursy’s print presentation will reflect two interests of hers. She plans to show the members of NVPS the Grand Canyon as seen through the eyes of a kayaker, swallowed up by the Colorado River. This is very different from the usual panoramas of the Grand Canyon taken from the South Rim at dawn.

Her other theme involves her recent photographs taken in Mexico showing her reflections about our neighbors to the south.

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Digital Projection
Wayne Wolfersberger
February 23, 2009

Wayne has been a member of NVPS since the late 1980's. He started taking pictures when he was a kid on family vacations. He was fascinated by animals of all sorts and took pictures of wildlife when he traveled to national parks and other places where there were “critters” lurking about.

He considers himself a pro, but not a full-time photographer. Wayne has taught photography classes for 11 years. He has had many images published (on calendars, postcards and in magazines, including four images in Natures Best) and sold hundreds of exhibition prints. He has done wedding photography and a variety of other types of assignments. However, his major passion is nature photography.


This probably results from his professional training and education as a biologist-naturalist. He worked and received training from a commercial photography firm during college and worked for the U.S. Navy in photography during the Viet Nam War. He worked for US Fish & Wildlife Service for awhile and then as a part-time adjunct professor at VA Tech. Before he retired he taught biology full time in Fairfax County. Currently he works for the U.S. National Park Service during the summer and teaches photography classes—basic and advanced—during the spring and fall for Fairfax Adult and Community Education.

Wayne uses Nikon cameras and lenses exclusively. He has not shot film for over two years. His favorite gadget is a bean bag which he uses as a cheap tripod. He says it is helpful to steady his camera and to cut vibrations especially for telephoto shots. He uses it on car windows when the car is a blind and also on the ground for low shots.

His future photography plans include more photo exhibits (he’s had three in the last year and a half) and writing magazine articles and a book.

Wayne has been married for 39 years. He and his wife, Donna, have two daughters. One is an environmental scientist living in Australia and the other is a government professional, living locally.

Georgette Grossman

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Photo Books, Calendars and the Portfolio Project

On March 30th we'll have presentation that will benefit both Portfolio Project Participants and members in general.  Scott Musson will present a discussion and review of options for creating photo books and calendars using commercial online and local vendors. He'll discuss how to get the best results possible when creating a portfolio or collection of images with an online service and some personal experiences. Several other members will also share their experiences and will display their work for you to see.

Also Sherwin Kaplan will be speaking about what makes a good artist statement and comment on how he will critique the portfolio project.  Sherwin has critiqued all of the Portfolio Projects and has provided wonderful comments and insight into everyone's portfolio. We're very pleased that he'll be providing the critique again this year.

Additionally Scott will discuss the logistics of getting ready for submitting portfolios for the portfolio project

If you've always wanted to create a photo book or calendar of your images, this is an opportunity to learn more about it.

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Member News

Laura Howell

Laura Howell received an Honorable Mention award in the League of Reston Artists BIG/tiny Show for her image Sand Detail #2.The show is on exhibit at the University of Phoenix, 11730 Plaza America Drive, Reston, VA and will run from January 30 - March 27, 2010.

Laura Howell

John Wiles II

A number of images of the opening of the Burj Khalifa in Dubai made by NVPS member John Wiles II were selected by CNN’s “Backstory” that aired in January 2010. The CNN backstory can be found at: http://edition.cnn.com/video/#/video/ireports/2010/01/04/bs.irpt.burj.khalifa.tallest.tower.cnn?iref=allsearch

John Wiles II

Mike Whalen

An image submitted by new NVPS member, Mike Whalen, to Washington Gardener Magazine in January for their annual photo contest received the grand prize and will appear in the Spring  issue of the magazine. Here is a link to the winning photo: http://www.capitalareaphoto.com/temp/Exotic_Iris.jpg.

Mike Whalen

Sandi Croan

Sandi Croan will have an exhibit with two other local area photographers at Broadway Gallery from March 6th through April 3rd, 2010. Please join her on March 6th at 6:30PM for a "Gallery Talk" and low key opening reception.

Sandi Croan

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NVPS Executive Board 2009-2010

The elected and appointed board members for the 2009-2010 club year can be found at http://nvps.org/main/about/board-members/.

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Exhibition Opportunities

Glennie Interclub Exhibition

NVPS has been invited by the Merrimack Valley Camera Club of North Andover, MA, to participate in a digital nature photo exhibition. The competition will be held on March 27 and the images must be submitted to Merrimack Valley by March 22. Entries will be submitted at the club level not by the individuals. NVPS may submit up to ten images with no more than two by the same maker. If more than ten images are offered by NVPS members some form of jury selection will be used to determine the club’s entries. General categories are: Amphibians, Birds, Botany, Insects, Land and Seascapes, Mammals, Marine Life and Reptiles. The PSA definition of Nature will apply. Specific details on our internal deadline for submission and procedure for judging the entries are being developed and posted in the very near future. In the mean time information necessary to prepare your submission can be found on the web site www.mvcameraclub.org. Members participating in the Huntley Meadows exhibit may submit up to two of their images as long as they conform to the Glennie guidelines.

National Wildlife Photo Contest

The National Wildlife Federation is now accepting entries for the 2010 National Wildlife Photo Contest. Cash prizes of more than $30,000 plus other gifts will be awarded to the winners in seven categories in three separate divisions. Go to the entry page for more details and the complete rules. ( http://www.nwf.org/photocontest/default.aspx) Submit up to 25 images in 7 categories: Birds, Mammals, Other Wildlife, Landscapes/Plants, Connecting People and Nature, Backyard Habitat and Global Warming. Winning images will be published on the NWF website and a selection will appear in the December 2010 issue of their magazine.

Submitted by Matthew Schmidt

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Adam Lister Gallery

This is an international open call for artwork to be exhibited in the upcoming summer group show in the Adam Lister Gallery.  This exhibition will run from June 4 through July 18, 2010.

This open call will be juried by the gallery board of directors and gallery staff.  All artists that are selected will be featured in a six week show in the gallery.

The Adam Lister Gallery is located in the center of Fairfax City, and offers a high level of  visibility for artists to display their work.  We've been recognized as the premier contemporary art gallery in the Northern Virginia area.  Working closely with collectors and  curators, our goal is to provide an art exhibition space for both established and emerging artists.

For this open call we are looking for art done in any medium.  Drawing, painting, collage, sculpture, photography, installation, and anything else you work with is acceptable.  There are no restrictions regarding subject matter or size (though it must be able to fit through our door 70"x82").  Artists of any age and background are encouraged to submit their work.  We're looking for unique and interesting approaches to the idea of art making. For more information, visit: http://www.adamlistergallery.com/submissions.html

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Maryland Federation of Art—Artful Photography Exhibition

The Maryland Federation of Art (MFA) invites all artists residing in the United States to enter its first annual Artful Photography exhibition, an open-juried competition of images created in any form of photography.
Its objectives are to assemble an extraordinary selection of photographic art and to add another element to the cultural forum already offered by the organization. In addition, they hope to encourage excellence among photographic artists and to provide a rich new forum for the exhibition and saleof their work. The works selected will be on exhibit in the MFA’s Circle Gallery, 18 State Circle, Annapolis, Maryland from May 19 through June 13, 2010.

Images created via any form of photography will be accepted for consideration (i.e. shot on film, shot digitally, unaltered shots, alternative process, mixed media, digital manipulations, montages, photograms, etc.), so long as part of the image is photographically based. The deadline for entries is March 12, 2010.

John Coder, Exhibition Chair

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Huntley Meadows

The NVPS nature exhibit at Huntley Meadows will go up on Monday March 1 and remain in place through the months of March and April. There will be a reception at the Visitor's Center from 2 - 4 pm on Sunday March 7. All members and guest are cordially invited to come and view the work of their fellow club members. Huntley Meadows Visitor Center is located at 3701 Lockheed Blvd., just off Route 1 south of Alexandria in the Hybla Valley area of Fairfax County. Complete directions  and information about the park are available at the park's website, www.fairfaxcounty.gov/parks/huntley/.
John Quigley
Exhibits Coordinator

In the Darkroom: Photographic Processes before the Digital Age 
Exhibition at the National Gallery of Art
Through March 14

The National Gallery has assembled a fascinating exhibition of old methods of photographic reproduction; from Daguerreotypes, tintypes, albumin prints, gum dichromate prints, carbon prints, carbro prints, bromoils and more.  Having "worked in the dark" for more than fifty years, I'd heard of most of these, but had never (knowingly) seen examples of many.  They are a fascinating lesson in the many facets of our craft.  I found examples of the same negative by Alfred Stiglitz, printed in three different media, especially interesting.  Present and former darkroom workers will find the exhibit fascinating, and those who came to photography only in the digital age will learn a great deal about the history of their medium.  The exhibit is in the West Building, ground floor, galleries 30-32.

Tom Hady

Cut Slash Paste

Chris Lawson and Jared Ragland have created a hip southern gothic tribute to horror and pop culture – all in the unlikely medium of collage.Their collaborative show, Cut Slash Paste: Collage Work By Chris Lawson and Jared Ragland, runs through March 14th at Photoworks Gallery.  Photoworks Gallery is located on the first floor of the Arcade Building, at 7300 MacArthur Boulevard, Glen Echo, MD.  For more information, please visit www.glenechophotoworks.org, or check out the artists’ websites, jaredragland.com and www.myspace.com/chrislawson.

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Workshops and Tours

Josh Taylor

3/13 - 4/10 The U.S. Botanic Garden is offering an orchid photography workshop taught by Josh Taylor beginning Saturday, March 13. In this four-session workshop, participants will have the opportunity to capture striking images of orchids with tripods. The workshop emphasizes how to capture the natural beauty of orchids through composition, light and background control, and close-up photography.

Josh Taylor

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Nikhil Bahl Photography

March 6, 2010 1:00pm - 5:00pm

Image Processing in Photoshop (Beyond Camera RAW) Tuition: $100. Description: Learn how to optimize your photographs using Adobe Photoshop. Whether you shoot in RAW or JPG format there is always a need to optimize the image after it has been captured in camera. Demonstrations will help you understand how various adjustments affect the image. Global and local adjustments that will be covered include: contrast, saturation, white balance, sharpening, noise reduction, dodging, burning, levels, curves, masks and more.

March 20, 2010
1:00pm - 3:00pm

Landscape Photography. Tuition: $50. Description: Almost every nature photographer makes Landscapes images. This class will cover all the essentials required to make strong Landscape images. From dramatic wide angle photos to using a long lens to isolate your subject, various ideas will be put forth. How to use light and different conditions to your advantage will also be discussed.

March 27, 2010
1:00pm - 3:00pm

Photographing Water. Tuition: $50. Description: If you are a photographer that likes to interpret the same scene a different way then you will definitely appreciate the creative possibilities when photographing water. This class will cover techniques and ideas from different ways of photographing reflections to how changing the shutter speed affects the rendition of your photograph. Long exposures and the best times of day for the desired effect will be discussed. Depending on the weather there may be an additional field trip after the lecture. This will give you a chance to try out various techniques.

May 1, 2010
11:00am to 1:00pm

Spring Flowers at Meadowlark Botanical Gardens. Tuition: $125 (includes entrance fee to park). You will have plenty of opportunities to create classic flower photographs, ultra close-ups, abstract and photo impressionistic images. Tulips, Trillium, Virginia Blue Bells and a host of other spring flowers are in bloom at this time of the year.
The workshop will start with a presentation to get your creative juices flowing. Feedback on your photographs will be provided during a critique session. Field instruction will include demonstrations, tips on visualization, and the opportunity to receive immediate feedback on your technique and compositions.

May 14-16, 2010
1pm May 14 - 1pm May 16

Chincoteague Island (Virginia). Tuition: $325. You can expect to photograph many different bird species like Willets, Sanderlings, Dunlin, Glossy Ibis, Terns, Osprey, Grackles, Little Blue Herons, Great Blue Herons, Great Egrets, Snowy Egrets, Cormorants and others that return to the island in the spring. There will be opportunities to photograph the fabled Chincoteague Ponies, Sika Deer and other wildlife that inhabits the island. We will also photograph ocean views, beach scenes, patterns and textures in the sand, marshes and plant life.
May 29-31, 2010
12:00pm May 29-
8:00pm May 31

Developing a Creative Vision (Virginia/Maryland). Tuition: $395. This workshop is for photographers who are looking to challenge themselves and take their photography to the next level. While technical aspects of photography will be covered, the emphasis will be on enhancing your creativity and photographic vision.
Topics that will be discussed and illustrated include the art of seeing, personal style, importance of interpretation, the creative process and how to make your images more expressive. Field sessions will give you the opportunity to implement new ideas and receive immediate feedback. The workshop will end with an optional sunset field trip the evening of May 31st.

Nikhil Bahl

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Center for the Arts at the Candy Factory

March 27&28

A weekend with Elizabeth Opalenik, Jill Enfield, Sue Bloom and Theresa Airey

The Center for the Arts at the Candy Factory
Louise Noakes
703 330 2787

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The Art in Photography–Seeing and Creating the Expressive Image
Brenda Tharp

March 6, 2010 The Baltimore Camera Club is bringing Brenda Tharp to the east coast for a 1- day seminar in March 2010. Brenda is a nationally known photographer who specializes in both nature and the outdoors, and travel photography. $80 in Advance (14 days prior), $90 at the Door.
Jim Eichelman
Baltimore Camera Club

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Bill Campbell Digital Photo Workshops

March 6

Make Lightroom work for you- Rob Sheppard - $99

March 8-10

Lightroom hands on- Rob Sheppard & Bill Campbell - $599

All events held in Oak Ridge, TN, just outside of Knoxville, TN; approximately 1 hourr away from Great Smoky Mountains NP

Bill M Campbell

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Frank Van Riper

April 6-27, 2010

Master Class with Dr. Flash   ($300) Four-week hands-on studio class at Glen Echo PhotoWorks helps you master small flash units and studio strobes. Students will learn still life, tabletop and portraiture techniques in step-by-step demonstrations and individual exercises with professional flash gear. Level: Intermediate. 7-10:30pm.

Thurs. eve., April 22-May 20, 2010

Tasting Menu: Photography from A to Z    ($325)  Spend an enjoyable five weeks learning all aspects of photography from an acclaimed photographer/author. Frank will cover a different subject each week, including basics, portraiture, flash, still life and landscape, in a relaxed, welcoming atmosphere. Film or Digital. All levels 7-10:30pm

Thursday, May 27th or Thursday, June 3rd, 2010

Flash Photography Demystified   ($95)

Intimidated by your flash? One-evening short course will help you beat it into submission. Practical tips, creative ideas from lighting master Frank Van Riper. All levels. 7-10pm
Sunday, March 7th or Sunday March 21st, 2010

Field Trip: National Gallery of Art, East Wing   ($150)

Rain or shine, endless opportunities for shooting--people, architecture, abstracts--all in wonderful light. Lunch at gallery cafe for ongoing critique and discussion. A brief organization meeting a week before; final critique during potluck dinner at Frank's home. A very popular event. All levels. 11a-4p

Contact: GVR@GVRphoto.com or www.glenechopark.org

Summer, 2010

Starting Mondays:

July 12th, 26th
Aug 26th

New Summer Photo Workshops in Down East Maine. Nationally acclaimed husband and wife photographers Frank Van Riper and Judith Goodman have inaugurated a series of week-long summer photography workshops in the picturesque town of Lubec, Maine, the easternmost point in the United States, featured prominently in Frank’s Pulitzer-nominated book Down East Maine/ A World Apart. Limited to only six participants a week, will cover all aspects of photography: landscape, portraiture, documentary, product,  flash, etc. Tuition is $550. Program administered through the SummerKeys Music Workshops. www.summerkeys.com


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Photography Workshop in Paris

3/31 - 4/7/2010 Paris. Spend a glorious week in Paris next spring with Chan Chao, an exhibited and published photographer. Participants will take photographs and participate in critiques on a daily basis to gain knowledge and experience. $2,800 w/o airfare.

Angela Iovino

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West Mill Photography Workshop in Southern France
George Munday

9/25 - 10/2 2010 West Mill Photography Workshop in Southern France, Sept 25 – Oct 2, 2010 1,400 Euro (~$2,050) per person for week long photography workshop with professional photographer George Munday of Ireland. Enjoy Provence and Southern France while staying in a converted watermill with a private pool. All inclusive once arrive in Avignon.

Kirsten Apple of
Falls Church, VA at
info@thewestmill.com or

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Awake the Light Photo Tours
Mollie Isaacs & Mary Lindhjem

10 AM - 4PM

Creativity and Photoshop. Creativity and improving your photographic techniques for macro, scenics and landscapes, wildlife, and abstracts.  Learn new ways to use shutter speeds, aperture, panning, cropping, and more to add creative and artistic looks to your work. Use of Photoshop, Lightroom, and HDR (high dynamic range) to enhance your images so that they look natural and not overworked.  $95 per person, payable in advance, includes lunch. Fees collected benefit the Joseph Miller Center for Photography where the course will be held.

4/18 – 4/24 Photo Tour Great Smoky Mountains, Tenn. - Waterfalls and Wildflowers - With one of the greatest varieties of wildflowers in the world, this mountainous park bursts forth in an unrivaled display of blossoming color. Also see some of its most beautiful and accessible waterfalls, and enjoy the many streams that tumble over smooth rocks on their journey down the mountainsides. Fee includes all instruction in the field, lodging in a luxurious private lodge overlooking the Smokies, and all meals $1895
10/9 – 10/17 Photo Tour and Photoshop / Lightroom workshop, Outer Banks of NC - Two separate workshops, take one or both. The photo tour segment is a blend of photographic instruction and a pristine location. The Photoshop segment will improve your knowledge of Adobe Bridge, Camera Raw, Lightroom and Photoshop and increase your workflow efficiency. Fee includes all instruction, lodging at a luxurious beachfront house, and all meals. $1175 per segment

Mollie Isaacs

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Northern Virginia Alliance of Camera Clubs (NVACC)

The NVACC web page can be found at: www.nvacc.org. The combined calendar for the NVACC can be found at: http://www.nvacc.org/Calendar.html.

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