
Volume 43 - No. 6a
Founded 1965 - our 43rd Year
February 2008
The Newsletter of the Northern Virginia Photographic Society
Editor: Sam Schaen - Email:


Monthly Program
Next Competition Judge
Competition Results
Improving Projection Images
Field Trips
Members' Gallery
Member News
NVPS Board

Cupid Camera

Happy Valentines Day


Note: You can click on the above links to go directly to the article; or you can scroll through the entire newsletter. You can also print the entire newsletter.

Monthly Program

February 5, 2008
Patience and Problem Solving While Photographing "Real People"
Bruce Dale

"For 30 years, I had the good fortune of working exclusively for National Geographic. My assignments varied from undersea to aerial photography and from people  to complex science subjects", stated Bruce Dale.

With over two thousand photographs published by National Geographic, Bruce Dale's vision and creativity twice earned him the title "Magazine Photographer of the Year." In 1989 he was named "White House Photographer of the Year" and more recently, his innovative work with digital imaging brought him honors from the Smithsonian Institution. In addition to many other awards, one of his photographs now journeys beyond the solar system on board NASA's Voyager Spacecraft, as testimony about planet Earth.

Dale has photographed in over 75 countries throughout the world including 10 trips to China. His work ranges from sensitive people studies such as his books on Gypsies and American Mountain People, to his highly technical work such as working with pulsed laser photography to help produce a hologram of an exploding crystal ball for the Geographic's 100th Anniversary cover.

One of his more memorable photos involved mounting two cameras on the tail of a Lockheed TriStar jumbo jet to make spectacular views of the big jet in flight. One, a 23 second time exposure, led to a three page gatefold in the Geographic—the other a cover on the magazine.

He considers his favorite images are those serendipitous moments totally alien to the well planned picture. "I actually plan on the unplanned picture in an attempt to capture the spontaneity and mood of the moment."

Dale left National Geographic to pursue a blend of editorial and corporate and advertising photography. His book, The American Southwest, was published by National Geographic in January of 1999.

From high tech to board room portraits, Bruce brings his patience, problem solving ability, and experience in working with "real people" to good use in making images come to life. Corporate and advertising clients since leaving the Geographic include: Acura, Allstate, American Airlines, Caterpillar, Epson America, Getty Foundation, Harriet & Henderson, Mack Truck, Nikon, Matsushita Industries, Quintile Corporation, Shell Oil, Southwest Airlines, Southwest Parks, The Tropical Forest Foundation, Trammel Crow  and Willis & Geiger.

Dinner is being planned for Chili's at Tyson's on 5 Feb. at 6:00PM. You are invited. If you plan to attend, please inform me.


Tom Brett
VP for Programs

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Message from the President

Scott Musson

We’re very fortunate at NVPS to have many different quality speakers and judges visit our club several times a month.  Most of them are motivated by little more than their love of photography and the fact that they enjoy sharing their knowledge. They get next to nothing for driving to the club and spending several hours sharing expertise they’ve spent a lifetime accumulating. Where else can you think of that something like this happens?  It’s really amazing when you stop and think about it.  Sure a few of them hope to sell a book or two but it’s almost always at a discount and quite often at cost.  There are very few things in life that are fueled by generosity, I dare say greed motivates much more than generosity does. It’s kind of a “pay it forward” philosophy that many of our guest speakers and judges have.

Please show the guest & member speakers who voluntarily come to our club the respect they deserve and to your fellow club members who are likely interested in the topic being presented by waiting until the meeting is formally closed before getting up and chatting with your friends.  If you have to leave early, and certainly that happens to all of us, kindly leave as quietly as possible and possibly sit close to the door as to not disturb others.  Of course we request that everyone put their cell phones on vibrate during the course of the meeting as well.

At all meetings from now on a board member will get up at the end of the meeting and announce that the meeting is officially concluded and at that time you are welcome to chat and socialize with your fellow members.  Certainly socializing with a group of great folks is another reason that people join NVPS and we invite you to come early at 7:00 PM for a half hour of socialization prior to the meeting as well.

So the next time you are at a meeting and you enjoy the presentation the speaker has provided, I’m sure they would appreciate knowing that you enjoyed it.

I hope to see you all soon at a NVPS meeting and at the Meadowlark Nature Photography Expo February 9th & 10th!


Scott Musson
NVPS President


“The best place to photograph is where ever you are” – Freeman Patterson
“The best camera you can ever have is the one you have with you” – Unknown

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February 19, 2008
Charles Neenan
Themed Competition

The announced theme for the NVPS February competition is Still Life, and only those images that have been captured / created within two years of the 19 February 2008 date will be eligible for entry. The judge is CHARLES NEENAN, a digital imaging artist and professional portrait photographer who, like artists that use more "traditional" art media to tell stories, creates his messages "with the computer screen as canvas and camera lenses as his brushes". He is a member of both the Vienna and Reston Photographic Societies as well as a Board Member of the League of Reston Artists. In May 2007, Neenan formed the Creative Photographers' Society for both artists and photographers living in the Northern Virginia / D.C. metro area. As a certified competition judge for the Northern Virginia Alliance of Camera Clubs (NVACC) , he has judged monthly competitions at various camera clubs in Maryland and Virginia.

Charles conducts individually tailored digital photography and PhotoShop classes in Northern Virginia geared to the serious amateur and hobbyist alike.He has won regional and local awards for his digital imagery, and in October 2006, had a one-man show at the Reston Community Center at Hunters Woods where 30+ works of traditional photography and digital imagery were displayed. Since January 2007, Neenan has presented talks on his thoughts about digital imaging to the Fairfax Art League, Reston Photographic Society, NVPS, and McLean and Loudoun Photography Clubs. His website contains samples of traditional and "way-beyond-traditional" photography.

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February Competition Images

Gallman Zebra

Zebra - Minnie Gallman
Advanced Monochrome

Marts Alcove

Balcony Alcove - Melanie Marts
Novice Color

Feldman Egret

Great Egret - Jorja Feldman
Advanced Color


Naman Jellyfish

Luminescent Jellyfish - John Naman
Novice Digitally Projected

Bernstein Fireworks

Fireworks - Glenn Bernstein
Advanced Digitally Projected

Photog Cartoon

The above images won 1st place in their respective categories in the January Competition. A larger version can be seen by clicking on each image.

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January Competition Results

Award Photographer Title
Novice Monochrome
1st Oleg Volons Dance of Shadows
2nd Lorraine Chickering Bodie Bright
Advanced Monochrome
1st Minnie Gallman Zebra
2nd Bill Prosser White Iris Abstract
3rd Ed Ruggiero Ash
HM Chuck Bress Cadillac Wheel #3
Novice Color
1st Melanie Marts Balcony Alcove
2nd Oleg Volons Red Bird
3rd Bill Vanderpool Maasai Maiden
HM Maricruz Fugon Lotus (IV)
HM Clare Nykolyszyn Slow Dance
Advanced Color
1st Jorja Feldman Great Egret
2nd Tom Brett Tunisia Arches
3rd Sandi Croan Crete Steps
HM Bob Friedman Ferris Wheel
HM Scott Musson Monument to the World War
HM Bill Prosser Dulles Access
HM Seiji Kuniyoshi Lake Anne Waterfront
Advanced Slides
1st Amie Tannenbaum Daisies Displayed
2nd Tom Brett June’s Trees
3rd Judy McGuire Yellowstone Canyon
HM Amie Tannenbaum Fractured Glass
Enhanced Prints
1st John Dexter Capitol Enigma
2nd Timber Gooding Pride
3rd Melanie Marts Columns & Arches
Novice Digitally Projected
1st John Naman Luminescent Jellyfish
2nd Beau A.C. Harbin Crypt Lock
3rd Gayle Dennis Reflected
HM Curtis Gibbens Elk in the Grass
HM Matthew Schmidt Blown Cry
HM Nathaniel Cadwell Antarctic Window
HM Roger Novack Capitol Ceiling
Advanced Digitally Projected
1st Glenn Bernstein Fireworks
2nd Emi Wallace Annaberg Sugar Mill Ruins
3rd Susan Breen Dancing Daisies
HM Gene Cheban BW Portrait 1
HM Judy McGuire Lotus Seed Pod
HM Scott Musson Zion Snow

Amie Tannenbaum VP Competitions

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Improving Your Images For NVPS Digital Competition
William Adams

Some members had recently questioned the quality of the digital display during the nvps competitions.  The most common complaint was its being too bright and blowing highlights.  

Matthew Schmidt has spent considerable time in identifying the root cause of the supposed problems, and in determining solutions.   Thanks to Matthew for his efforts in resolving the problems.

Two main issues are involved:  color fidelity/gamut and white/black points of the dynamic range.  

Below is a summary of the preliminary findings.  An article with details will be submitted for publication in the f stop section of the NVPS web site (

The apparent problem with "blown" highlights was traced to the projector.   We now have a procedure to ensure that the projector is properly set, and stays that way, when we use it.   Blown highlights are not now the fault of the projection equipment.  

The projection equipment (PC/display_card/LCD_projector)  has also  been calibrated and profiled.     You should use the current profile instead of a generic sRGB setting  in order to ensure that your images are within the dynamic range that can be displayed.   

The actual change in the colors is minimal but slightly better.   Any picture that looks good on a calibrated  monitor should look good when projected.   But dynamic range may be problematic if you have low key images.  

Testing shows that we can get about 5 stops of dynamic range, with an estimated dMax of about 1.5.    The darkest tone that can be displayed depends on the darkness of the room.  With the vending machines and hallway lights always on, near pure black will not be achievable.    Brightness is limited by the projector and screen reflectivity.

If your image has more than 4-5 stops of dynamic range you will either lose shadow detail or blow the highlights unless you make appropriate adjustments to compress it.    Converting the image color space to the projection profile using perceptual intent  with Black Point compensation on will map your colors and the dynamic range to that which can be projected.

However, if  you have a low key image you may still need to adjust it further with levels or curves so that you do not lose detail in the shadows.    See  the full article posted under f stop on the website for more info.

For now you need to ask for the profile  to be sent via email.  In the future, the most recent one may be periodically posted on the NVPS website for downloading.  

The posted article also discusses soft proofing, gamut checking, the effect of your monitor's calibration, or lack thereof, and dynamic range, along with providing some sources for tutorials and test images.

© 2008 William Adams
All rights reserved
Reprint rights granted to NVPS to publish in FotoFax

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Digital Projection Competition

Images for Digital Competitions must be uploaded by 6 PM on the Sunday preceding the competition. The upload location is: Help for uploading can be found at: .

Matthew G. Schmidt

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Field Trips

Great Falls

February 23, 2008
7:00 AM

This month the NVPS Field Trip will be a trip to beautiful Great Falls, Virginia, located at 9200 Old Dominion Drive, in McLean.  Great Falls Park is an 800 acre park, with three falls overlooks. The total drop for the falls is seventy-seven feet. The overlooks are a five to ten minute walk from the Visitor Center. Which is open from 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. daily.

Park information
The two predominate rock types are metagreywacke and mica schist. Both of these rocks belong to the metamorpic classification and make up the majority of cliff and rock formations you can see in the park. If you look closely, you can see swirls in the rock, which shows the results of the immense heat and pressure the rocks are subjected to during the metamorphic process. Igneous quartz deposits can be seen in many of the rocks. Sedimentary rock is rare at Great Falls. An exhibit in the Visitor Center showcases the different rock types. The Parks and History bookstore offers several books on local geology.
There is a variety of wildlife that can be found in the park. Chipmunks, raccoons, foxes, squirrels, and many species of reptiles, amphibians, and birds all call Great Falls Park home. The largest mammal at Great Falls Park is the whitetail deer.

Great Falls Park is home to around 163 species of birds. Bird watching is a fascinating opportunity to view some of the resident and migratory bird species in the park. Two types of vulture, the black and the turkey, can often be seen soaring above the river. The park lies along several migration routes as well.
A walk upstream from the Visitor Center will give scenic views of the Potomac above the Great Falls. You will be able to view the Aqueduct Dam and connect with trails leading into the adjoining Riverbend County Park. Below the Visitor Center, a short walk to Overlook 2 will connect you with the River Trail. Right by the Overlook, a gravel path marks the start of the River Trail. This trail is one of our most popular walks, as it offers scenic views of Mather Gorge and the river downstream of the falls. You will walk along cliffs ranging from 30 to 70 feet in height.

There is a $5.00 entrance fee per vehicle. The vehicle and individual passes are good for three consecutive days. Children under the age of 16 are free. These passes are also accepted at C&O Canal National Historical Park, across the river in Maryland.

Listed below are the types of passes that may be purchased at this park. All passes are sold at the park's entrance station.
National Park Pass: $50.00, valid for one year in all National Parks.
Annual pass for Great Falls Park: $20.00 and is valid for one year. This pass is also accepted at C&O Canal National Historical Park, across the river.
Golden Age Passport: $10.00 for visitors who are United States citizens 62 years of age and older. This pass is valid for life in all National Parks. A photo ID showing the date of birth, such as a driver's license or state ID is required.
Golden Access Passport: Free of charge for visitors who are United States citizens and have a disability. This pass is valid for life in all National Parks. Golden Access passes are available at the Visitor Center desk. Please contact the park for more information

We will leave the Dunn Loring Fire Station promptly at 6:30 AM, carpooling as much as possible.  Please remember to park along the street or at the school next door, since there may be other activities scheduled at the fire station.  We can expect to arrive approximately 7:00 AM. 

Depending on temperature, you are welcome to bring a picnic or buy lunch at the visitors center.  Departure time is up to those attending or per carpooling group.

From the Beltway (I-495):
Take exit 44 for Route 193, Georgetown Pike.
At the top of the exit ramp, there is a traffic light. If you are exiting from I-495 South, coming from Maryland and the George Washington Memorial Parkway, take a right at the light onto Route 193 West. If you are coming from I-495 North (the Inner Loop) from points south or I-66, you will take a left at the traffic light onto Route 193 West.

About three miles down the road, you will come to another traffic light at the intersection of Old Dominion Dr. At the traffic light, you will see a sign for the park. Make a right at the light. Old Dominion Drive will dead end at our entrance station, about one mile down the road.

From Tyson's Corner, Vienna, and Falls Church:
Take Route 7 West. At the intersection with Towlston Rd, take a right. Follow Towlston until you reach Old Dominion Dr. Make a left on Old Dominion. Old Dominion will dead end at the park's entrance station.

From Reston and Herndon:
Take Baron Cameron Dr. until you reach Route 7 (Leesburg Pike). At the light, continue straight. Baron Cameron will turn into Springvale after it crosses Route 7. Continue on Springvale until you reach a traffic light. At the light, make a right onto Route 193 (Georgetown Pike). You will follow 193 through a second traffic light at the town of Great Falls. At the next light, you will see a sign for Great Falls Park. Take a left here onto Old Dominion Dr. One mile down, Old Dominion will dead end at the park's entrance station.

Phone Number:

If you have a question about directions, please contact the park at 703-285-2965.

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Sign-up Information

You can sign up at a club meeting, by e-mailing me at or by calling me at (703) 938-6391 most evenings.  Although email is preferred, if urgent call my blackberry (day) or cell (eves) at (571) 201-0497 and (571) 217-1010 respectively.

Teresa Klinkosz
Field Trips Coordinator
703-938-6391 (H)
(571) 201-0497(Day Cell)
(571) 217-1010 (Eve. Cell)

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February 26, 2008
Water, Water Everywhere
Tom (Sully) Sullivan

In this presentation Tom will be focusing on images of water in it’s many forms; some common, some not so common. This will include flowing rivers, waterfalls, windows, park benches, coat hangers and others. Also included will be some creations from the effects of the presence of water.


Born in Brockton MA, Tom spent his early years in various towns in Massachusetts. Tom received a BS in Electrical Engineering from Northeastern University, Boston, and an MS from Brown University, Providence, RI. He subsequently went to work for NASA. In 1988 he and his family moved to Potomac, MD, as part of a career move to the Washington office of the Federal Aviation Administration’s Office of Civil Aviation Security. He retired in 2003. Tom got his interest in photography through his mother in law who worked for Polaroid in the 50’s and 60’s. (She actually took classes from Ansel Adams). Tom’s first images consisted mainly of record shots of vacations he and his new wife went on in their early marriage days (i.e., before kids). He then extended his use of photography in his work, developing systems to interface with air traffic controllers to provide alerts of the dangers of aircraft wake vortices in the airport terminal areas. Then, when his kids appeared, his photography focused, as you might have guessed, on kids and family. During this time Tom was a very active volunteer with the Boy Scouts (15 years, mostly as Scoutmaster). Unfortunately in all these first endeavors, it was all just record shots. Tom became “quasi serious” about photography when he retired from the Scouts and found he had time to do other things.

Approximately five years ago he started to become more serious about the hobby by joining the North Bethesda Camera Club (NBCC). He has taken many of the training opportunities offered by Kent Mason in the NBCC and his photography began to improve and he began to win prizes at the NBCC monthly competitions. Tom’s subjects are varied. He will take “the best shot available” of almost any subject.

After spending many years with a manual focus Canon AE-1 system and subsequently the auto focus Canon A2, Tom now has converted completely to the digital realm with the Canon 20D. Tom really enjoys the “thrill of the hunt”. Finding the right composition, the right exposure, the right lighting, the right background and all the rest of the components of a good image are what Tom finds interesting and challenging. He especially likes it when he can share the experience of his photo shoots with the camaraderie of a camera club buddy or two.

Mary O'Neill
Forums Coordinator

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Members' Gallery

February 26, 2008
Matthew Schmidt - Digital Projection

Matt began photographing in an elementary school science class using a 35mm box camera and creating black and white contact prints using the sun as a light source. He enjoyed taking pictures off and on for the next 25 years, but didn't start to work at improving his skills until he bought his first DSLR in 2004. The instantaneous feedback of the DSLR and the marriage of photography and computers has really spurred his development as a photographer.

Today Matt spends a great deal of time in the digital dark room and reading books, blogs and online articles on photo editing. The vast majority of his photography is done outdoors using natural light to shoot nature and sports. Since joining NVPS in 2006 has even been learning to appreciate abstracts.

Timber Gooding - Prints

Timber Gooding has been working as a professional make up artist for over 20 years.  He is constantly surrounded by photography equipment, A-list celebs, and professional photographers.  He’s always next to… beside… sometimes in front of… but, never behind the camera.  It wasn’t until a Mediterranean cruise that he picked up a point-and- shoot camera and was very pleased with the results.  He thought, if the images turned out that good, imagine how much better they could have been if he actually had a little training. 

Inspired by his co-workers, and the images from his vacation, (and the fact that his new point-and-shoot camera was already obsolete…) Timber walked into Penn  Camera and bought his first DSLR, a Nikon D200, with the 18-200mm lens.

A year later, Timber had collected a handful of new Nikon lenses, a Manfrotto tripod, an Epson 1800 printer and Photoshop CS3! 

Some of Timber’s work has been shown and purchased at the Hendry House in Arlington and will be exhibited at the Arlington Library in March of 2008.  His work has also placed 1st, 2nd, 3rd and Honorable Mention in NVPS monthly competitions in the Monochrome, Color Print and Enhanced Print categories.

“Photography has been an exciting, self-searching, creative hobby for me, and, Id like to keep it that way.  When the fun is gone, it becomes nothing more than work.”

Luella Murri
Members Gallery

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February 12, 2008

Recently several Alliance Camera club members completed Joe Miller’s Seminar on Judging.  Three of them will critique images February 12th, 7:30 PM, at the Dunn Loring Fire Station. Critiques are intended to give you educational feedback and enable you to learn about visual design and other attributes of good photography from observing the critique of images made by you and others.  We encourage you to consider submitting images that were taken on field trips, respond to recent workshop topics, or are eligible for the February “Still Life”- themed competition.

To give the “critquers” adequate time to discuss individual images there will be a limit of three images per person.   (Even with this image-number limit, it may not be possible to critique all submitted images depending on the number of entries.) You are encouraged to bring your pictures as digital or film slides, rather than prints, because they are easier for the audience to view. You should feel free, however, to bring prints, if you wish. Regardless of what media you submit, please designate your priority preferences—one, two, or three—in case we have too many entries. For film slides (and prints) we will have three trays (stacks) designated, 1, 2, and 3 into which you are to sort you pictures. The “critiquers” will critique all the 1-preferences before moving the 2’s. If you bring prints or film slides, please arrive several minutes early to sort your images in the correct stack or tray.

If you plan to submit digital slides, please attach them to an email addressed to Bill Prosser ( and send them to Bill by 6 PM, Sunday, February 10th. Put “Critique Workshop Image(s)” in the Subject box. Images should not exceed 1024 pixels wide or 768 pixels high. Resolution should be 72 pixels per inch. Please name your digital slides by designating the preference first, followed by your name, and title; e.g., 2-Bill Prosser-Seneca Window.

If you have questions you may contact us by email or phone:

Workshop Coordinators:

Minnie Gallman
Bill Prosser
Paul Simmons

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Matting Strategy
Bill Prosser

For 8.5 x 11 printing paper:

I make all my images, both portrait and landscape, longest dimension 10 inches. I then decide what standard sizes I tend to print and order at least two mattes of each size, one for portrait/vertical and one for landscape/horizontal orientations. For me I order for inner openings of 10 x 5, 6, 7, 7.5, and 8; plus 8 x 8; except I usually order 1/8 inch smaller openings—e.g., 9 7/8 x 7 7/8—to make it easier to mat. I usually choose outer dimensions of plus 5 inches (2.5 inches per side) or 6 inches (3 inches per side)—e.g., 7 7/8 x 9 7/8 inner and 13 x 15 outer. I order white mattes with backings from:  They are very inexpensive and have done a good job for me. For competition prints that I do not intend to sell, I order non-archival white. For images that I might want to sell I usually purchase archival, rag mattes. When I mat the print I use an archival “plastic-type” tape for both joining the backing to the over-mat and hanging the picture on the backing mat. (I purchase this, frames, glass, and many other supplies from Framemasters in Merrifield, near Home Depot.) I follow standard matting technique.

For larger prints to meet the 20 inch maximum for NVPS Competition:

I calculate print size by starting with 20 inches as maximum outer mat size. I subtract the total of the matte border (e.g. 5 or 6 inches) and then do just as above but work with, in my case, a maximum of 15 inches longest dimension for portrait and landscape. I then order two or more 15 x 7, 8, 9,  10, 11, and 12—minus the 1/8 each dimension for the inner opening. (You may find that you don’t need all these sizes.) I work with an Epson R1800 printer, which has a 13 inch carriage, and seldom print wider than 12 inch prints.

I recycle/reuse my mattes for competition until they get dirty or banged up enough to not satisfy competition standards.

Bill Prosser

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Member News

Photographers of Northern Virginia

Repeat programs of Photographers of Northern Virginia are now being shown on a regular basis on Fairfax Public Access Channel 30 every Monday at 3:30 p.m. and every Friday at 3 p.m. They will no longer be shown on Channel 10.

The February schedule is as follows:

Jan 28 & Feb 1
Marilyn Gaizband & Sam Schaen
Feb 4 & 8 Carolyn Grosse Gawarecki
Feb 11 & 15 Pat MacVeagh
Feb 18 & 22 Karl Cook
Feb 25 & 29 Valerie Makepeace

The schedule can also be found on the NVPS website (

Luella Murri

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NVPS Executive Board 2007-2008

Can be found at the NVPS Web Site:

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Photographic News

Lithium Batteries

Beginning January 1st, new rules went into effect concerning the lithium batteries that power our cameras, accessories and laptops. Although devices in checked baggage may have batteries installed; spare batteries (i.e., those not in the device) may not be in your checked baggage. Within certain limits, you may have spare batteries with you in carry-on baggage. From

  • Under the new rules, you can bring batteries with up to 8-gram equivalent lithium content. All lithium ion batteries in cell phones are below 8 gram equivalent lithium content. Nearly all laptop computers also are below this quantity threshold.
  • You can also bring up to two spare batteries with an aggregate equivalent lithium content of up to 25 grams, in addition to any batteries that fall below the 8-gram threshold. Examples of two types of lithium ion batteries with equivalent lithium content over 8 grams but below 25 are shown below.
  • For a lithium metal battery, whether installed in a device or carried as a spare, the limit on lithium content is 2 grams of lithium metal per battery. (Almost all consumer-type lithium metal batteries are below 2 grams of lithium metal. But if you are unsure, contact the manufacturer!

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In Memorium

The following was reported on the National Press Photographers Association web site.

Bernard "Bernie" Boston, 74, a two-time Pulitzer Prize finalist and an NPPA Life Member, died today at his home in rural Virginia. Boston is probably best remembered for his iconic photograph of a young Vietnam war protester putting flowers in the barrels of soldiers' guns during an anti-war march at the Pentagon in 1967.

Boston died from Amyloidosis, a rare blood disease that he's had since 2006, his long-time friend Ken Cooke told News Photographer magazine tonight. Boston retired from the Los Angeles Times in 1993 after many years of being their chief photographer in Washington. Before joining the Times, he was chief photographer for The Washington Star. Boston joined NPPA in 1965 and he covered every U.S. president from Harry S. Truman to William Jefferson Clinton. Boston was also a member of the Senate Press Photographers Gallery and a member of the White House Press Corps.

Diane Williams

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Member News

Wayne Wolfersberger

Wayne recently had a photograph of a juvenile Eastern painted turtle published in the national magazine “Reptiles”.  He also had a photograph of Great Falls on the cover of Town Planner Calendar for western Fairfax County with a distribution of 53,000

Bill Prosser



Bill Prosser's image, Tuscany, will be published in the March/April issue of AAA World. He was first runner up in one of the magazine's photo contest and will receive a $100 gift card.

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Photography Exhibit at Fairfax County Government Center

In last month's FotoFax there was an announcement about the exhibit. Originally the exhibit was to be on display for three months. However, the exhibit has been shortened to permit painting of the interior of the center. The exhibit now ends February 23rd.

Meadowlark Photo Expo

Franz Lanting

Tickets for Frans Lanting’s keynote speech on February 8 at the Tysons Corner Marriott will be sold at NVPS meetings and are available on line at the Meadowlark website.  The price is $25.00, cash or check at the meetings or by charge on line.

Meadowlark Expo

Meadowlark Photo Expo is Saturday, February 9 and Sunday, February 10 at Meadowlark Botanic Gardens in Vienna. 

Come and see:

  • Photo Exhibit
  • Lectures by professional photographers
  • Free camera cleaning and check-up
  • Free photograph critiques
  • Photograph owls and hawks
  • Learn about the latest equipment

The hours are Saturday 9:00 to 4:30 and Sunday 10:00 to 4:30.  Admission is $5.00 per day, children 15 and under are free. 

The keynote presentation, Frans Lanting—Life:  A Journey Through Time,   is Friday, February 8th from 7 to 9:00 p.m. at the Marriott Hotel in Tysons Corner.  Tickets are $25.00 on the Meadowlark Website,, or $30.00 at the door.  Visit the website for a complete last of activities.

Special congratulations to the winner of Best In Show and runner ups. NVPS member, Sandi Croan,won Best in Show with Caught.

On a beautiful summer day, Sandi was sitting on her deck and saw this glowing orb at the edge of her property. She walked down there and saw that it was a tent caterpillar web on a tree with leaves caught in it illuminated by the setting sun. She ran to get her camera and tripod and got a few shots in before the light changed.

Sandi also won 2nd Place with Golden Morn. Marty Kendall of the McLean Camera Club won 3rd place with Sleeping Sea Lion.

Croan Caught

Caught - Sandi Croan
Best in Show

(Click on the image to see a larger version.)


If you have any questions, email me at or call me at 703-978-7937.

Willa Friedman
Meadowlark Coordinator

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NVPS Polo Shirts

The club will be making polo shirts with the NVPS logo available for puchase by members. The shirts will be available in red, white, and navy. The white shirts will cost $13 and the other two colors will cost $15. We expect to have samples available at the February meetings and will be taking prepaid orders.

Exhibition Opportunities


The ART OF PHOTOGRAPHY SHOW 2008 is an international exhibition of photographic art which will take place April 25 - May 23, 2008 at the elegant Lyceum Theatre Gallery, located in the historic Gaslamp Quarter of downtown San Diego, California. The opening reception gala will be on Friday, April 25th. See the website for details on submission, entry fees, and prizes:

Steven Churchill:

Wildlife Photographer of the Year

Competition for the Wildlife Photographer of the Year for 2008, sponsored by the Natural History Museum (UK) and BBC Wildlife Magazine, has begun. It costs £20 to enter online and £27 to enter by mail. Deadline is 24 March for postal entries and 31 March for electronic entries. Details can be found at:

Workhouse Arts Center

THE WORKHOUSE ARTS CENTER, a project of the Lorton Arts Foundation is currently accepting submission to jury for Studio and Associate membership in the Workhouse Artist Association.  There are still studios of varying sizes available in the 5 general use studio buildings. For photographers they also are accepting submission to jury for membership in the Workhouse Photographic Society. Information can be found at

Marti Kirkpatrick

National Wildlife Federation Contest

NWF invites you to submit your favorite nature images to their 2008 Photo Contest. Cash prizes totaling $18,000 plus camera equipment and other gifts will be awarded to the winners in three separate divisions: professional, amateur and youth. The grand prize winner will receive $5,000. Plus, a portfolio of award-winning entries will be published in the 2008 December/January issue of the magazine.

The deadline for all submissions: July 1, 2008. For more details about the categories, how to submit your photos and other information, read the official rules at:

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Workshops and Tours       

Fairfax County Adult and Community Education

Wayne Wolfersberger will be teaching the following photography classes among others this spring through the Fairfax County Adult and Community Education Center (ACE).  More information, including how to sign up can be found at

March 12 - April 9 Composition, Creativity, and the Camera
Wednesdays, 7 PM at Chantilly HS
March 24 - April 14 Flower & Garden Photography
Monday Classes plus 1 Saturday field trip
April 10 - May 15

Outdoor Photography - The Natural World
Thursday Classes plus 2 Saturday field trips

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Tours for Photographers Ltd.

March 9-21 Yunnan, China
June 22 - July 6 Northern Vietnam

Nicholas Reuss ARPS
Tours for Photographers Ltd.

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John Shaw - Nature & Digital Photography Seminar

Well known nature photographer, John Shaw, will present two seminars in Baltimore on April 12-13. The first day is devoted to Nature Photography. The second day covers Digital Photography and Digital Workflow. Cost is $225 for the entire weekend or $160 for one day. More information can be found at the Joseph Van Os Photo Safaris website:

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Canon and Nikon Camera Classes

Ace Photo in Ashburn, VA is presenting camera specific classes for all Nikon and Canon models. Learn how to get the best possible images from your camera. The classes will cover menu options and basic camera settings, the input dials and buttons, basic shooting and image settings, image transfer from camera to computer, and sensor cleaning.

The Canon classes are taught by Joshua Taylor, and Nikon classes are taught by Corey Hilz. For complete information and registration contact Ace Photo at (703) 430–3333 or visit Ace’s web site: Also, classes and information are on the web sites of Corey Hilz ( and Joshua Taylor (

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Corey Hilz’s 2008 Location Workshop Schedule

March 10-20 Ireland
April 3-6 Charleston, South Carolina
June 5-8 St. Michael’s, Maryland
September 18-21 Great Smoky Mountains National Park, Tennessee
October 9-12 Fall Foliage in West Virginia

Corey Hilz’s 2008 Local Class and Workshop Schedule

February 3 Photographic Equipment
February 16 Art of Composition
February 16 D300 Functions & Features
February 17 Lighting the Subject
February 23 Introduction to Photoshop Elements
February 24 Macro & Close-Up Photography
March 29 Creative Composition Techniques

Details about each workshop (and photo galleries) can be found at in the “Instruction” section. Feel free to contact Corey with any questions:

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2008 VA Safaris

March 2-4 Florida - Everglades (3 day)
March 6-8 Florida - Rookeries, West Coast (3 day)
April 19 Meadowlark Gardens Spring Safari (1/2 day)
May 2-4 Smoky Mt National Park (3 day)
Jun 21 Shenandoah National Park (1 day)
Jul 19 Lilypons Gardens (1/2 day)
Aug 2 Meadowlark Gardens Summer shoot (1/2 day)
Sep (mid) Outer Banks Lighthouses, NC (3 day)
Oct 24-26 Delaware Water Gap ( 3 day)
Nov 14-16 Chincoteague, Va ( 3 day)
Dec 13 Bombay Hook, DE (1/2 day)

10% discount for repeat participants 10% discount for camera club members To sign up for a Va Photo Safari go to

Jack Nevitt & Alan DeFelice.

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Costa Rica

Costa Rica awaits, come photograph BATS, birds and more with Wildlife Photo Tours in 2008. Costa Rica is home to all three species of Vampire bats and we hope to photograph all three. Additionally, Costa Rica is home to some of the most magnificent birds on the planet! Other tours for 2008 include Bosque del Apache, Aransas, TX for Whooping Cranes, and bats and venomous reptiles in Arizona and New Mexico. Visit our website at for additional tour information.

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Loudoun Photography Club
Contact: Mary Austin-Keller or Joe Ellis at
Yahoo group:

Meetings:  Held on the 2nd & 4th Thursdays at 7:00 pm at theCascades Library (aka Eastern Regional Library).


Manassas Warrenton Camera Club
Contact: Gene Wells (703) 330-5835 or
Website: .
Meetings: Held on the 1st and 3rd Thur. at 7:30 pm, Manassas City Hall, Old Town Manassas.

McLean Photography Club
Contact: Bruce Copping at (703) 725-9331 or
Meetings:  Held on the 2nd Wed. at 7:30 pm (meet & greet at 7:15 pm), at the McLean Community Center, or as indicated.
 February 13 at the McLean Community Center, guest judge will be Ed Knepley.

Reston Photographic Society
Ellis Rosenberg at 703-855-4008 or
:  Held the 3rd Monday of the month, Jan 14th, 7:30-9:30 pm at the Reston Community Center –  Lake Anne or Hunters Woods 

Program:   On Feb 18th at RCC Hunters Woods we will have Chris Butcher and Jim Duley from Penn Camera who will give a presentation on the three catagories used in the process of creating images,  capture, manage, and share.

Vienna Photographic Society
Contact: Mary Jane Fish at (703) 281-9743 or  or Warren Standley at (540) 635-6721 or .
:  Held on the 1st and 3rd Wed. at 7:30 pm in the main lecture hall of the Thoreau Middle School, 2505 Cedar Lane, Vienna, VA.
Program:   February 6, Scott Musson presenting “Digital Image Workflow With Photoshop CS3”.
  February 20, with Ellis Rosenberg as judge.
Field Trip:  Sat/Sun, February 23/24, Rocky Mountain School of Photography in Virginia Beach… discount to VPS members… for more information, contact Terry Goplerud at

Self-Improvement Outing:  Saturday, February 2 (NOTE:  for this month only, SIO is on the FIRST Saturday), the subject this month is “Perspective”… contact Dan Feighery at


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For Sale Items
Mrs Ann Bock wife of Karl Bock an avid photographer and teacher at NOVA and the Smithsonian has his equipment for sale  8 X 10, 4 X 5 Panoramic, 120 and 35 mm cameras with accessories of all kinds. Also a Saunder  enlarger with color head. Karl did a lot of fine art photography and Ansel Adams style work. He also had a very extensive photo library
She is also looking for some one to help mount and frame many of his pictures. She has all the mats and frames as he cut them already so just needs a press and some help.
Richard Owen