Volume 43 - No. 4
Founded 1965 - our 43rd Year
December 2007
The Newsletter of the Northern Virginia Photographic Society
Editor: Sam Schaen - Email: Editor@NVPS.org


Monthly Program
Next Competition Judge
Competition Results
Field Trips
Members' Gallery
Member News
NVPS Board
Help Wanted

Happy Holidays


Note: You can click on the above links to go directly to the article; or you can scroll through the entire newsletter. You can also print the entire newsletter.

Monthly Program

December 4 , 2007
Building a Commercial Photography Business from the Ground Up
Darryl Barksdale

Darryl has very compelling information and images describing HOW he got into each aspect of his photography, such as magazine covers, law enforcement, travel and architectural, along with what led him to that type photography. To Darryl, the most interesting aspect of this, for prospective professionals or amateurs who want to go "pro," at least part time, is overcoming the hurdle of the common belief that they have to have "a ton of money" to even START down that road... the "I have to have $1M to even THINK about commercial photography" mentality. We think that his experiences can help encourage those people.

Darryl L. Barksdale has been a professional photographer for over 25 years... starting with portraiture and weddings in the late '70's and early '80's. He switched to commercial work in 1998, and has built a widely respected clientele of national clients shooting architectural, food, and editorial themes. Most recently, he has focused a great deal on law enforcement and related industries, which he believes are grossly underserved niches. He currently shoots covers for a variety of national magazines and lives/works in Fredericksburg, VA. A long-time believer in film, he switched to all-digital capture in 2004. He is married, and has 11 children, 4 of which are still at home.

Members are invited to dinner at Chili's (Tyson's Corner area) at 6:00PM with Darryl. If you plan to attend, please inform me.

Tom Brett
VP for Programs

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Message from the President

What a Great Month at NVPS!  I hope you didn’t miss some of the great activities over the last month at NVPS.  We had a very successful Novice Night on Oct 30th.  Bill Prosser, Paul Simmons and Minnie Gallman put together a wonderful evening of learning and interaction that drew more new faces in one night then we’ve ever seen.  Ed Funk gave an excellent lecture on the photography fundamentals which got great reviews and inspired many members new and existing alike.  Then there was the interactive portion of the evening where members had the opportunity to practice shooting the concepts Ed had presented, or ask questions of some of the experience club members about their camera. Thanks to all of you who helped support this evening, you made it a great success.

Next we had an outstanding exhibit at Henry House in Arlington.  A whole group of volunteers helped pull together a wonderful show, that was well attended and well enjoyed.  Jan Ponder worked very hard to coordinate this effort and on behalf of the membership and the board I would like to thank her for a job very well done.  I heard so many people say how much they enjoyed the Henry House exhibit.

Luella Murri has graciously stepped forwarded to volunteer for the position of Members Gallery for the remainder of the NVPS club year.  Luella has served the NVPS board in this capacity previously and has served the local photographic community with her television show Photographers of Northern Virginia which is currently in reruns on Fairfax Cable Access Channel 30.

As the calendar year comes to an end and was we are all celebrating the various holidays, please be safe particularly when you drive.  We want you to come back to NVPS and to your family again and again. 

I hope to see you all soon at a NVPS meeting!

Scott Musson
NVPS President


“The best place to photograph is where ever you are” – Freeman Patterson
“The best camera you can ever have is the one you have with you” – Unknown

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December 18 , 2007
Ed Kirkpatrick
Open Competition

Ed Kirkpatrick will be the judge for the NVPS December 18, 2007 OPEN competition. He started taking pictures in his teens to "meet girls", but photographing soon turned to a life-long love affair with the play of light and shades of gray. His excellence in black & white and pinhole photography lead to a teaching position with the Smithsonian Associates Program 2000-2004. In July 2007, Mr.Kirkpatrick was asked to judge the Annual Photographic Exhibition presented by the League of Reston Artists at the National Center Gallery,U.S.Geological Survey Headquarters, held from July 2-31.

Ed uses a wide assortment of home-made pinhole cameras ranging in size from 20 to 24 inches; his traditional work is done primarily using medium and large format cameras. His recent color work from the Dakotas is all digital.

Ed's studio color work in illustrating "A Passion for the Creative Life; Textiles to Lift the Spirits" has received high praise from across the U.S. and Canada, and his work hangs in the corporate offices of Bell Atlantic and the World Bank, as well as J Gilbert's Restaurant in McLean, VA.

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November Competition Results




Novice Monochrome


Jeff Suhanick

Rush Hour


Bob Friedman

How Many Zebra?

Advanced Monochrome


Wayne Wolfersberger

Frost, Horn & Hair


Chuck Bress

Barn Door


Phillip Moore

Spin Around


Phillip Moore

Hutong Door

Novice Color


Timber Gooding



Davis Balderston

Murky Coffee


Willa Friedman

Motorcycle Closeup


Tom Lonergan

Outer Banks


Debbi Koplen

Mexican Shoemaker


Jeff Suhanick

Spider #3


Debbi Koplen

Taking Stock

Advanced Color


Jenifer Elliott

Camel Train


Bob Friedman

Chain & Rope


Susan Breen

Prague Passage


Frank Mertes

Geary’s Concert Hall,LA


Bob Feldman

The Eyes Have It


Bill Prosser

Yellowstone #1


Wayne Wolfersberger

Red-Eyed Leaf Frog


Susan Breen

Hanging to Dry

Advanced Slides


Amie Tannenbaum



Chuck Bress

Exhaust Pipes #2


Chuck Bress

Fence in Fog #2


Tom Brett

Amazing Ripples

Enhanced Prints


Susan Breen

Playing for Joan


Timber Gooding

Inner Light


Sandi Croan

Golden Morn


Bob Feldman

2007 Lotus


Bill Von Holle

Forest Glow

Novice Digitally Projected


Pat Lonergan

Sibling Rivalry


Vivian Luu



John Naman

Rose in Fog


Beau A.C.Harbin

Swan in the Sunrise


Gayle Dennis

Whirling Grass


Kathleen Stocker

Raindrops on Fountain Grass


Kimberly Tran

Fork and Spoon


Mary Zettl



Tuan Pham
Vivian Luu

Miscanthus Grass

Advanced Digitally Projected


Amie Tannenbaum

Daisy Stretch


Judy McGuire

Water Lily at Lilypons Gardens


Seiji Kuniyoshi

I Did It!


Hal Schnee

Through the Mini Mirror


Susan Breen



Amie Tannenbaum VP Competitions

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Field Trips

Photograph the Washington Cathedral

Saturday, December 8, 2007, 10:00 a.m.

Join us for an amazing day photographing the Washington National Cathedral.  “In 2007, it was voted one of the three most beautiful buildings in the United States in a survey by the American Institute of Architects.”  It is located at the intersection of Massachusetts and Wisconsin Avenues, in NW DC.  It is the sixth-largest cathedral in the world and second-largest in the United States.  Each Christmas, the cathedral holds special services which are broadcast to the world and have been broadcast to the nation on television since 1953.

We will be able to capture this beautiful history on December 8.  We begin at 10:00 a.m. with a short, required, ½ hour, overview tour after which we are free to roam.  Tripods are allowed but we must be considerate of others also visiting the Cathedral.  No photography is allowed during services which will begin at 5:30 – 6:15 p.m. should you still be there at that time.  For more information, please visit www.cathedral.org.

Join us for an amazing day photographing the Washington National Cathedral.  “In 2007, it was voted one of the three most beautiful buildings in the United States in a survey by the American Institute of Architects.”  It is located at the intersection of Massachusetts and Wisconsin Avenues, in NW DC. 

Cathedral Columns
Sam Schaen

It is the sixth-largest cathedral in the world and second-largest in the United States.  Each Christmas, the cathedral holds special services which are broadcast to the world and have been broadcast to the nation on television since 1953.

We will be able to capture this beautiful history on December 8.  We begin at 10:00 a.m. with a short, required, ½ hour, overview tour after which we are free to roam.  Tripods are allowed but we must be considerate of others also visiting the Cathedral.  No photography is allowed during services which will begin at 5:30 – 6:15 p.m. should you still be there at that time.  For more information, please visit www.cathedral.org.

We will car pool to the Cathedral from the Dunn Loring Fire Station, leaving promptly at 9:00 a.m.  Please park along the street or at the school next door, since there may be other activities scheduled at the fire station.

To get to the Cathedral, depart Dunn Loring Fire Station by going left on Gallows Road.  Turn RIGHT onto GALLOWS BRANCH RD, then left on to OLD GALLOWS RD.  Turn RIGHT onto VA-7 E / LEESBURG PIKE.  Merge onto I-495 N / CAPITAL BELTWAY toward ROCKVILLE / BALTIMORE (Crossing into MARYLAND).  Take the MD-190 / RIVER RD exit- EXIT 39- toward WASHINGTON / POTOMAC.  Merge onto RIVER RD NW (Crossing into DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA).  Turn SLIGHT RIGHT onto WISCONSIN AVE NW.  End at Washington National Cathedral: 3101 Wisconsin Ave NW, Washington, DC 20016, US.  Estimated drive is 26 minutes, 14.8 miles.

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Sign-up Information

You can sign up at a club meeting, by e-mailing me at tek7@cox.net or by calling me at (703) 938-6391 most evenings.  Although email is preferred, if urgent call my blackberry (day) or cell (eves) at (571) 201-0497 and (571) 217-1010 respectively.

Teresa Klinkosz
Field Trips Coordinator
703-938-6391 (H)
(571) 201-0497(Day Cell)
(571) 217-1010 (Eve. Cell)
Preferred: tek7@cox.net

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Great Smoky Mountain National Park
April 23 - 27, 2008

This field trip is being coordinated by Bob Friedman. For those of you who have not been to the Smokies, there are old deserted farms, mills and churches, mountain vistas, wild flowers, flowing streams and water falls. Details were published in the November FotoFax.


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Forums & Members' Gallery

Since the 4th Tuesday falls on Christmas Day, there will be no Forum or Member's Gallery in December.

Mary O'Neill
Forums Coordinator

Luella Murri
Members Gallery

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December 11
Still Life Photography Workshop –
Almost everything you want to know
Joe Miller

The December 11th Workshop at the Dunn Loring Fire Station will be on still life in anticipation of the February still life-themed competition. It will start at 7:30 PM. The workshop will be an educational session that will feature both a presentation on still life given by Joe Miller and several opportunities to practice taking still life photography.  Joe’s presentation will include still life images in both natural and artificial light. In addition he will talk about depth of field, where to focus, lighting, and, of course, visual design–the use of the picture space with particular emphasis on placement and separation.

The second half of the evening will feature several “stations” where you can photograph still life.  Some of the stations will feature techniques that use different colored lights and other techniques for creative still life photos.  We will be supplying several types of subjects including vegetables, flowers, glass, and statues etc. You are welcomed to bring some subjects if you want to try photographing them. Remember to bring your cameras and tripods.  If you have a macro lens, bring that also.

If you have questions you may contact us by email or phone:

Workshop Coordinators:

Minnie Gallman
Bill Prosser
Paul Simmons

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Hendry House

Seal on Rocks - Pat Lonergan The Hendry House show was enjoyed by all. 22 artists exhibited 81 pictures. Pat Lonergan won the Peoples Choice award with "Sea Lion". It was taken this past summer in the Galapagos Islands on North Seymour Island.


Jan Ponder
Exhibits Coordinator

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Member News

Photographers of Northern Virginia

Repeat programs of Photographers of Northern Virginia are now being shown on a regular basis on Fairfax Public Access Channel 30 every Monday at 3:30 p.m. and every Friday at 3 p.m. They will no longer be shown on Channel 10.

The December schedule is as follows:

Dec 3 & 7 - Mark DiLallo
Dec 10 & 14 - Joe Harper
Dec 17 & 21 - Loma Mier
Dec 24 & 28 - Cristina Mittermeier
Dec 31 & Jan 4 - Roberto Kamide

The schedule can be found on the NVPS website (http://nvps.org/main/upcoming/tv_program_photographers_of_no/).

Luella Murri

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NVPS Executive Board 2007-2008

Can be found at the NVPS Web Site: http://nvps.org/main//about/board-members/

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Meadowlark Photo Expo Updates


The Meadowlark website is now up to date.  Check it out at www.meadowlarkphotoexpo.org.

Keynote Speech

Tickets for the keynote speaker, Frans Lanting, are available at all NVPS meetings.  The keynote speech will be at the Tysons Corner Marriott Friday, February 8 at 7:00 pm.  Tickets will be $20.00 at club meetings until Jan. 1, then $25.00.  They will be $30.00 at the door.  Tickets are available on line at the Meadowlark website. 

Entering Images

The expo will be February 9 and 10.  Check the Meadowlark website for Exhibitor Guidance.  Images must be mounted, unframed and meet all the guidelines.  Last year we had some problems with entries that could not be judged because they did not meet the standards: 

  • The mats must be white and secure on all four sides.
  • The label on the back must be securely affixed and neatly printed without visible tape.  Visitors will see the reverse side because of the way the images are displayed.
  • The images must be submitted in clear bags that fit.  The images are NOT removed from the bags for judging.  Last year there were some images in “cloudy” plastic kitchen bags.  They may have been downgraded because it was hard for the judges to appreciate their quality.  One source for bags is www.ClearBags.com

This year you may submit up to 6 images.  Images will be collected at meetings in
January—Jan 8 and 15.  Judging will be on January 19.

People’s Choice

Each year at Meadowlark Photo Expo, each club submits one image on a preselected subject.  The attendees at the expo vote for the winner, the People’s Choice.  Check the Meadowlark website at www.meadowlarkphotoexpo.org  for additional information.

This year the subject is Dogwoods.  The photo may have been taken anywhere and at any time.  It may show a close up or a landscape containing Dogwoods.

To determine the entry from NVPS, eligible images will be displayed at a meeting in January and members may vote for their favorite.  The date will be announced shortly.

If you have any questions, please call me at 703-978-7937 or email willa-f@cox.net.

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John Shaw - Nature & Digital Photography Seminar

Well known nature photographer, John Shaw, will present two seminars in Baltimore on April 12-13. The first day is devoted to Nature Photography. The second day covers Digital Photography and Digital Workflow. Cost is $225 for the entire weekend or $160 for one day. More information can be found at the Joseph Van Os Photo Safaris website: http://www.photosafaris.com.

Manassas Center for the Arts Classes

Jan 12-13

Theresa Airey, Collage/Bookmaking
(Member: $145; Non-Member: $165)
Feb 9 Exploration: the Digital Atelier; presentation by artist Dorothy Simpson Krause at 5 PM;
Exhibit of Krause, Bonny Lhotka & Karin Schminke digital image making Feb 1 - Mar 14
Feb 9-10 Mary Taylor, Mixed Media Digital Print Making(Member: $325; Non-Member: $350 plus $50 supply fee)
Mar 9 Craft..Vision..Inspiration: Photographers Sam Abell, Joyce Tenneson, Eddie Soloway, Keith Carter, Elizabeth Opalenik and John Paul Caponigro. (Free Film)

May 10

Colleen Henderson, Using Your SLR Digital
(Member: $145; Non-Member: $165)
June 7,14 Juilie Bradley, Pinhole Photo Magic
(Member: $126; Non-Member: $140 plus $35 supply fee)

Louise Noakes
Education Director
The Center for the Arts

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Corey Hilz’s 2008 Location Workshop Schedule

March 10-20 Ireland
April 3-6 Charleston, South Carolina
June 5-8 St. Michael’s, Maryland
September 18-21 Great Smoky Mountains National Park, Tennessee
October 9-12 Fall Foliage in West Virginia

Details about each workshop (and photo galleries) can be found at www.CoreyHilz.com in the “Instruction” section. Feel free to contact Corey with any questions: corey@coreyhilz.com or 703.473.4618

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Va Digital Photo Safaris Calendar

Dec 1 Blackwater NWR – Bald Eagles
Mar 2008 Florida - Everglades, Sanibel Island, Venice Rookery - Two 3 day safaris
Apr 2008 Smoky Mt National Park - 3 day safari (Late April)
Jun 2008 Shenandoah National Park - 2 day safari (Mid June)
Jul 2008 Lilypons Gardens
Aug 2008 Calvert County, Md
Sep 2008 Outer Banks Lighthouses, NC - 3 day safari (Mid Sep)
Oct 2008 Delaware Water Gap - 3 day safari - (Late Oct)
Nov 2008 Chincoteague, Va - 3 day safari - (Early Nov)
Dec 2008 Bombay Hook, DE

10% discount for repeat participants 10% discount for camera club members To sign up for a Va Photo Safari go to www.vasafaris.com. Jack Nevitt & Alan DeFelice

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Ansel Adams and Annie Leibovitz Exhibits at the Corcoran Gallery

There will be an exhibit of Ansel Adams works including some famous and some rarely-exhibited prints at the Corcoran Gallery from September 15, 2007 to January 27, 2008. Her professional work along with some of Annie Leibovitz's personal photographs will be on display from October 13, 2007 to January 13, 2008. Tickets are required. Visit the Corcoran website ( http://www.corcoran.org/index.asp) for further information.

Costa Rica

Costa Rica awaits, come photograph BATS, birds and more with Wildlife Photo Tours in 2008. Costa Rica is home to all three species of Vampire bats and we hope to photograph all three. Additionally, Costa Rica is home to some of the most magnificent birds on the planet! Other tours for 2008 include Bosque del Apache, Aransas, TX for Whooping Cranes, and bats and venomous reptiles in Arizona and New Mexico. Visit our website at www.wildlifephototour.com for additional tour information.

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Loudoun Photography Club
Contact: Mary Austin-Keller or Joe Ellis at loudounphotoclub@cox.net
Website: www.loudounphotoclub.com
Yahoo group:  LoudounPhotographyClub-subscribe@yahoogroups.com
MeetingsHeld on the 2nd & 4th Thursdays at 7:00 pm at theCascades Library (aka Eastern Regional Library) or as indicated.

Manassas Warrenton Camera Club
Contact: Gene Wells (703) 330-5835 or ewellsjr@verizon.net
Website: www.mwcc-photo.org .
Meetings: Held on the 1st and 3rd Thur. at 7:30 pm, Manassas City Hall, Old Town Manassas, or as indicated.

McLean Photography Club
Contact: Bruce Copping at (703) 725-9331 or bcopping@gmail.com
Website: www.mcleanphoto.org
Meetings:  Held on the 2nd Wed. at 7:30 pm (meet & greet at 7:15 pm), at the McLean Community Center, or as indicated.
Program:  Holiday Party Dec. 9th, 7 p.m. at Ursy Potter's home (call Bruce Copping for details or visit the Web site)
Competition: February

Reston Photographic Society
Ellis Rosenberg at 703-855-4008 or erosenberg@cox.net
:  Held the 3rd Monday of the month 7:30-9:30 pm at the Reston Community Center – Lake Anna
Program:   No activities for December.  Happy Holidays to all!

Vienna Photographic Society
Contact: Mary Jane Fish at (703) 281-9743 or fishsfotos@aol.com  or Warren Standley at (540) 635-6721 or editor@vps-va.org .
Website: www.vps-va.org
:  Held on the 1st and 3rd Wed. at 7:30 pm in the main lecture hall of the Thoreau Middle School, 2505 Cedar Lane, Vienna, VA.
Program:    Wednesday, Dec 5 @ 7:30 pm… Tony Sweet will be making a presentation titled “The Art of Interpretation and the Digital Edge”
No competition this month… Holiday Party instead… Saturday, Dec 15 at 7:30 pm… for more information, see the VPS web site at www.vps-vs.org
Field Trip:  Saturday, Dec 29 @ 8:30 am… National Gallery of art to view the exhibit “The Art of the American Snapshot, 1888–1978: From the Collection of Robert E. Jackson”… for additional information contact Martin Fish at fishmp@aol.com.
Self-Improvement Outing:   Sat, Dec 8 @ 8:00 a.m. (Green Spring Gardens Park, 4603 Green Spring Rd., Alexandria) … This is a small, fixed group of photographers … the December assignment is “Circles” … for more information, contact Dan Feighery at VPS_Dan@cox.net

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Help Wanted

Equipment assistant – someone to control the lights at meetings, move prints on competition nights, transport the print display box and to learn and/or help with the presentation equipment. Contact Scott Musson, smusson@mindspring.com

Feature Editor - one or more people to write articles of interest to the membership for the monthly newsletter. Digital photography, film photography, specialty photography, articles about members, etc. Contact Sam Schaen, editor@nvps.org

Other volunteers - needed for a number of temporary and permanent positions, are always needed at NVPS.  You are encouraged to enhance your experience at NVPS by volunteering; there are always a number of people needed.  If you have any special interests or care to help out, please contact Scott Musson at smusson@mindspring.com or speak to him at one of the weekly meetings.

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