
Judy Guenther

Judy Guenther joined NVPS in the fall of 2015. She has been an avid travel photographer for the past seven years since purchasing her first “serious” camera, a Nikon D7000 and a set of lenses. She has been strongly influenced by her photographer husband, Wayne, and his life-long passion for photography. Actually, Judy got tired of waiting for Wayne to work a scene and decided to start shooting herself. She is an amateur photographer who has been a member of The Art League at The Torpedo Factory in Old Town Alexandria for the past five years. Besides being juried into several monthly shows at The Art League, her work has also been selected for national juried shows at the Hylton Performing Arts Center’s Buchanan Gallery, Black Box Gallery in Portland, OR, and Multiple Exposures Gallery in Alexandria, VA. She has received special training at Maine Media Workshops and with Alison Shaw in Martha’s Vineyard, and has traveled with Jim Zuckerman and National Geographic photographers Jay Dickman, Nevada Weir, and Susan Seubert. Judy shoots most of her photography while traveling domestically and abroad. She enjoys landscapes, abstracts, colors, nature, wildlife and cultural portraits. A former Nikon D7000/7100 user, Judy has switched entirely to Olympus OMD EM-1 mirrorless bodies with a variety of lenses.


She retired in 2009 as a Senior Executive in the Army Budget Office in the Pentagon where she directed the budget functions for the Army’s procurement, research and development, base realignment and closure, military construction and family housing funds. She worked for the Army for 26 years, 17 of them in the Pentagon. Although she was a cello performance major in college, after meeting Wayne (also a music major) when he was an Army officer, she switched her career plans from being a professional musician to being a government employee, although keeping up with musical activities. She is a paid singer at a Catholic church and a member of The Washington Chorus. Since her retirement, she and Wayne have traveled extensively to more than 36 countries and within the US.


Judy and Wayne have three children and six grandchildren and look forward to continued travel and photography.

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